The Answer
God deeply loves you. He knows everything about you and your past – EVERY thought, word, action, and motive. Despite all that you and I have done wrong, He loves us far beyond what we can understand. He understands that we are in terrible position because of our misuse of the free-will that we possess. We have used our free-will to sin, and that has eternal consequences because there is a Spiritual Law that says the judgment for sin is Death (Rom 8:2). You and I and everyone else personally owe one “Death” for our sin. It is the formal legal penalty for sin.
God’s love is so great that He elected to leave Heaven, put on the human flesh He created, die, and then return to Heaven. He then offers people the option to use their free-will to come to Him and receive the Death He paid for each person (i.e., a holy “paid-in-full” Death-credit to be used on judgment day) so that each person is legally released from their death-penalty (Hell); or they can intentionally choose to reject God’s offer and choose to pay the death themselves with their own eternal lives. God interacts with each person in a myriad of ways, including direct visitations in Muslim countries where the God of the Bible is banned from being preached. We don’t need to worry about how He engages each person (that’s His job), we only need to focus on what He is doing to speak to us personally. If you have read this far He is reaching out to you. You will be able to tell because there will likely be a stirring and compulsion inside of your heart now. That’s the Holy Spirit calling you. We were each specifically and uniquely created by Him to be with Him. Sin caused a division.
For those that feel an inner beckoning/desire to have a relationship with the Maker of all that is seen and unseen (including you), and to be saved from the eternal consequences of your sin so that your eternal residence is irrevocably established in Heaven, the process is simple:
- ADMIT to God that you are a sinner [This is where godly sorrow leads to genuine repentance for sinning against the righteous God and there is a change of heart, we change our mind and God changes our hearts and regenerates us from the inside out.]
- BELIEVE that Jesus is the Son of God. He died to pay the penalty of death that you owe for your sin, and then He rose and returned to Heaven.
- CALL upon the name of the Lord [This is trusting with all of your heart that Jesus Christ is who He said He was. Every single person who ever lived since Adam will bend their knee and confess with their mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings, because it is true]
This is a formal legal oral contract between you and God when you’re finished. Payment covers the Death-penalty for all your past, current, and future sin. The payment is made, it is a finished work. Jesus’ last words on the cross were “it is finished”. There is some helpful advice as you start your walk with Jesus in the short section “A Call” starting on page 103 that speaks to how to be saved and what to do next.
It is important to understand, that Christianity is an ongoing continuously interactive close RELATIONSHIP with the living God who loves His children. All other religions of the world focus on what mankind must do for god to “earn” entrance into heaven. Christianity is about what God DID for mankind to enable entrance into heaven as well as walking and talking with Him throughout our lives. You can’t earn your way into heaven with good works…they will not pay the “death-penalty” we each owe.
For those that are genuinely seeking the truth, but have hesitancies because you struggle to believe that a God exists, or see Evolution as an alternative answer, or struggle with the belief that the Bible has been divinely authored and/or that it has not changed over the millennia, then the brief discussion below should help you.
The existence of God is an Axiom (a self-evident truth). If I point to a large office building and ask somebody on the street how it got there, they would likely say people working for a construction firm built it. We can only see the office building now, but its visible presence is the evidence the builder’s existence. If I then point to a car and ask the same question, I would get a similar answer. The highly complex design work, machining, electrical system, computer algorithms, systems integration, component fabrication, assembly, etc. highlights the existence of the builders as well as their great competence and understanding. If I said to them that I think the office building and the car simply appeared from nothing, they would say, “I must be some sort or quack, only an idiot would deny the obvious existence of the builders.” They’d say, “Matter doesn’t appear from nothing and then self-design and then self-manufacture and then self-assemble into a large highly complex integrated functional object!”
If I then direct their attention to the earth and all that is in it, and above it, and highlight that its complexity is so unfathomably great that millennia of focused study by mankind has only scratched the surface of understanding, and then ask them where it came from, many will say, “I don’t know.” Yes, the same folks that said I was an idiot for not acknowledging the “builders” of the office building and car will say in the same breath that other visible physical objects far more complex than our minds can comprehend suddenly appeared with no builder. The existence of God is an axiom, i.e., a self-evident truth. Looking in the mirror, or out the window, is all the evidence needed to comprehend the truth.
“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” (Rom 1:20)
In life we have grown comfortable living in a world where the “unseen” governs the “seen”. Our physics laws (truths) are not visible, yet they govern every aspect of our lives. Once we discovered these truths humanity has become enlightened and empowered with great understanding and clarity.
As we observe and experience our human reality, it is clearly evident that more than the “unseen” physics truths govern our world. There is awe-inspiring good and gut-wrenching evil, there are insidious lies and refreshing truths, there are innocent victims of great pain and there are perpetrators of great pain, there are oppressors and those oppressed, etc. The Bible says that there is an “unseen” spiritual world interacting with humanity. This is a spiritual battle in which humanity is both an unwitting soldier and the military target.
In the same way that viewing the physical world through the “lens” of our physics truths has resulted in great clarity and understanding; likewise, viewing our human reality through the “lens” of the truths in the Bible also results in great clarity and understanding. The Bible’s perfect record of fulfilling 1800+ prophecies visibly announces to all mankind, throughout the ages, that the Bible is a source of truth that demands attention. In our discussion on the Home page we learned that the Bible’s truths have not only stood unwavering under the tests of evidence, it has also demonstrated that it was impossible for the Bible to be written by man (as shown in the section “THE AUTHOR”). The evidence includes physics, archeology, geology, statistics, etc.
Anyone that takes the time to look at the Bible and the associated voluminous evidence of it’s divine authorship resigns themselves to one of two realms: 1) a believer in its truths; or 2) an intellectually conflicted soul subject to the endless anxiety of cognitive dissonance. Most folks avoid taking an honest deep-dive into the Bible’s evidence and avoid the topic by adopting a belief of their preference. No other belief-system can stand in comparison to the Bible because the Bible is true, and all history is overflowing with voluminous tangible irrefutable evidence. Beliefs such as Evolution would fall in that category. In the section “NOTHING BUT MEAT“, it was proven beyond a shadow of doubt that Evolution is impossible; the massive volume of physical evidence, combined with analysis across scientific disciplines, combined with the requirements of our physics laws, firmly establishes that Evolution is impossible (physics, statistics, geology, etc). A person would need to agree to break the physical laws that we’ve build our industrialized world upon to believe Evolution.
Our chaotic world makes sense to true Christians since the lens of the Bible allows them to see the world through paradigm defining truths. The Bible also prophecies what will happen next, e.g., a one world government will be established, the world leader will come to power through peace, a mark on a person’s hand or head will be needed in order to buy or sell, a one-world religion will arise, Israel will be attacked from the north by Russia + Iran + Turkey + several other nations while Saudi Arabia and the US watch from the sideline (God will miraculously fight the battle for Israel resulting in great devastation to the invading army), a peace agreement will be signed with Israel and the surrounding Muslim nations which will start a 7 year tribulation period, 3.5 years into the 7 year tribulation the world leader will break the agreement, during the tribulation period 2 Christian witnesses will be killed and it will be broadcast globally for everyone to see real-time, people around the world will exchange gifts in celebration of the death of the Witnesses, the witnesses will rise 3 days later to the awe of the global citizenship, there will be a meteoric event that causes massive global chaos and death, etc. There are many more prophesies. Unfortunately we are entering a terrible time in the prophetic timeline.
This series of these prophetic events was initiated when a landmark Biblical prophecy was fulfilled. This milestone prophecy was that Israel would become a nation again in a day, after being gone for almost 2000 years. This happened in 1948. Can you image the Incas in South America becoming a nation again, with their land, cities, language, government, culture, etc.? The Bible says the generation that sees Israel become a nation again will not pass away before the end comes – in 2018 they were 70 years old. All that is described above, plus much more, will happen before this generation passes away. Although it seems unbelievable, so did all the other prophesies before they happened, the fall of Babylon, the fall of Israel, the assignation of kings, the destruction of the temple, etc. The Bible’s prophetic track record is perfect; all that the Bible says will happen, will happen. A key prophecy relevant to true Christians is their Rapture (removal) to Heaven before the 7 year tribulation starts.
The world has changed dramatically in the last 5-10 years; many of the prophesies above are relatively easy to see on their way…one world government, buying and selling contingent mark, real-time global viewing of 2 men dying, attack of Israel from the North by the listed nations, etc.
To be honest, now is not the time to sit on the fence. Use your free-will to seek the truth with an honest heart and mind and you will soon be sitting in the arms of your Maker and Savior.