
I am a Christian.  I have a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, M.S. Aerospace Engineering, and a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering.  My occupation has enabled me to work in many technical disciplines; about half of this time has been committed to the realm of research.  Over the years I have found that developing an integrated understanding of a problem is one of the most challenging exercises that scientists (and mankind) face.


For example, consider a tree:  a biologist may know the details of a tree’s chemistry and organic processes; a meteorologist may know the details of the atmosphere’s movement and associated weather patterns that deliver water to the earth; a physicists may know the details of the sun’s composition, energy structure, and energy release mechanisms that supplies the earth with energy; a geologist and hydrologist may know the details of the underground water delivery mechanisms, clay structures, and inorganic chemistry that infuse and transport the rain water; the microbiologist may know the micro-organisms and processes that break-down organic matter into fertilizer that supplies the soil with nutrients.  Although each discipline comfortably stands as a complex technical world unto itself, the integration of these seemingly disparate technical silos fuels the understanding of life.


The dynamic realm of humanity is a complex system of many seemingly independent activities, events, and processes.  Is there an integrated understanding that connects the dots in a reasonable fashion?


We’ve learned from the domain of science that the key to unlocking understanding is to build it upon our unchanging physical laws (truths).  If we don’t have the correct laws, or we unknowingly omit laws, the resulting understanding will be incomplete or incorrect.  This can cause great harm.  For example, if I omit compressible fluid physics and viscous fluid physics when designing a vehicle to commute to and from orbit, the design will fail cataclysmically and result in a significant loss of life.


Our physical laws (truths) were not derived.  They were guesses by mankind that we tested over and over again to convince ourselves that they were unchanging.  Our physical laws are not visible, yet they govern everything we see and experience.  Although they are unseen, we believe them and trust them because of the physical evidence we see and experience that speaks to their reality and truth.


The content of this website extends the same intellectual liberty that we have applied to the sciences to understanding the reality of the world we experience in our day-to-day lives, i.e., world-governing truths are revealed and confirmed through evidence.  The question becomes, which truth is true.  If we find a correct truth, it should be able to stand the evidence test and also build a robust understanding of the highly complex day-to-day reality we observe in the news, on the internet, and via our life experiences.


A true “seeker of truth” is drawn to seek-out, study, and test various competing concepts.  They are not afraid to challenge their existing paradigm to test if it holds-up under the weight of evidence.  This is the charge I give to all that consume the content of this site…test it, challenge it, think freely and rigorously.  There were those in the past that rejected the concept of an unseen world of atoms and molecules due to embedded biases and self-limiting thought.  Now it is an accepted reality that we’ve used for great benefit; including the prevention and healing of disease.  Denying life-governing truths because of intellectual biases or prejudice can be very damaging in the identical way that denying physical laws can be very damaging.


My hope is that the understanding conveyed will provide clarity and material benefit to you.


I have written this under a pseudonym since I am irrelevant.  The content should stand on its own.


– I don’t want your money –

(No Donate Button, No advertisements)


 – I don’t want a following –

(this is anonymous)


 – There is no ulterior motive –

(No connection to any agency, company, etc)

This site is solely for those who wonder “WHY” as they ponder the chaos of our world