Have you Ever wondered

Have you ever wondered how a

child that dreams

of being a virtuous superhero

transitions into

an adult that

performs the evil that they

would have valiantly

fought against as child?


Have you ever wondered how

children of

all colors play together


somehow grow-up

to become

hateful racists?

Have you ever wondered

if there is a reasonable

explanation for the

world’s seemingly


chaotic events?

If your answers are ‘Yes’,

there is a good chance

that this was

written to


I have a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, M.S. Aerospace Engineering, and a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering.  I am a Christian.  My occupation has enabled me to work in many technical disciplines; about half of this time was committed to the realm of research.  Over the decades I have found that developing an integrated understanding of a problem is one of the most challenging exercises scientists (and mankind) face.

For example, consider a tree:  A biologist may know the details of a tree’s chemistry and its organic processes; a meteorologist may know the details of the atmosphere’s movement and its associated weather patterns that deliver water to the earth; a physicists may know the details of the sun’s composition, energy structure, and energy release mechanisms that supply the earth with energy; a geologist and hydrologist may know the details of underground water delivery mechanisms, clay structures, and inorganic chemistry that infuse and transport rain water; a microbiologist may know the micro-organisms and processes that break-down organic matter into fertilizer that supplies the soil with nutrients.  Although each discipline comfortably stands as a complex technical world unto itself, the integration of these seemingly disparate technical silos fuels the understanding of life.

The dynamic realm of humanity is a complex system of many seemingly independent activities, events, and processes.  Is there an integrated understanding that connects the dots in a reasonable fashion?  Seeking an answer to this question in an evidence-based manner is the objective of this intellectual journey.

We’ve learned from the domain of science that the key to unlocking understanding is to build it upon our unchanging physical laws (i.e., truths).  If we don’t have the correct laws, or we unknowingly omit laws, the resulting understanding will be incomplete or incorrect.  This can cause great harm.  For example, if I omit compressible fluid physics and viscous fluid physics when designing a vehicle to commute to and from orbit, the design will fail cataclysmically and result in a significant loss of life.

Our physical laws were not derived.  They were guesses by mankind that we tested over and over again to convince ourselves that they were unchanging.  Our physical laws are not visible, yet they govern everything we see and experience.  Although they are unseen, we believe them and trust them because of the physical evidence we see and experience that speaks to their reality and truth.

The content of this document extends the same intellectual liberty that we have applied to the sciences to understanding the reality of the world we experience in our day-to-day lives, i.e., world-governing truths are revealed and confirmed through evidence.  The question becomes, which truth is true.  If we find a correct truth, it should be able to stand the evidence test and also build a robust understanding of the highly complex day-to-day reality we observe in the news, on the internet, and via our life experiences.  As the astute observer may have noticed when looking at a petal on the flower in the figure above…even chaos has a governing equation.

A true ‘seeker of truth’ is drawn to seek-out, study, and test various competing concepts.  They are not afraid to challenge their existing paradigm to test if it holds-up under the weight of evidence.  This is the charge I give to all that consume this content…test it, challenge it, think freely and rigorously.  There were those in the past that rejected the concept of an unseen world of atoms and molecules due to embedded biases and self-limiting thought.  Now atoms and molecules are an accepted reality that we’ve used for great benefit; including the prevention and healing of disease.  Denying life-governing truths because of intellectual biases or prejudice can be very damaging in the identical way that denying physical laws can be very damaging.

My hope is that the understanding conveyed will provide clarity and material benefit to you.  I have written this under a pseudonym since I am irrelevant.  The content should stand on its own.

Have you ever wondered ‘why’ and ‘how’ the transition takes place from a child that dreams of being a valiant superhero committed to fighting evil, to an adult that intentionally performs and perpetuates the same evil they would have tenaciously fought against as a child?

You never hear a child say that when they grow-up they want to be a thief, self-centered manipulator, adulterer, murderer, rapist, back-stabber, lying politician, porn-addict, drunkard, hate-monster, drug dealer, child molester, or racist.  Yet the ranks of mankind are filled with people like this.  There is a reason ‘why’, and a mechanism ‘how’, this systematic transition occurs.  As you will see, this transition takes place unbeknownst to the superhero and it ultimately paves the way for an organic global unification that fuels the heart-wrenching chaos of our world.

This letter is written to whomever God selects to receive it.  If it goes nowhere, apparently God meant it only for me.  If you are reading this, it appears it is meant for you too.  This may be directly for you, or it may be for someone you know or will know in the future.  God knows the plans He has for you and the plans He has for those in your circle of relationships, I don’t.

I ask you to test what you read and challenge it.  Look for anything that’s in opposition to the Truth (1Jo 4:1).  This is your job!  In fact, this is your job regarding everything that has bearing on the belief-system that creates your ‘truth’.  This examination is critical, because the ‘truth’ you elect to believe cements your decision-driven pathway through life.  As you may or may not know, life and death are set before you, and you have been given the freedom to choose.  The ‘truth’ you elect to believe solely governs this decision; your life rides in the balance.  Your enemy knows this!

By analogy, consider yourself the captain of your own ship.  The ‘truth’ is analogous to the compass and the map.  Only a compass and map that are correct will guide your ship safely to the desired destination.  In this letter, we will be talking about the compass and the map as well as the destination.  There are defective compasses and maps being peddled everywhere, as a result, there are shipwrecks everywhere.  In addition, the destinations people pursue end-up being nothing like the paradise the enchanting sales brochure promised.

This letter is not for the faint-of-heart.  It may carry an ‘edge’ to it.  This is driven by my frustration with the destruction satan instigates in people’s lives (Eph 4:26).  I intentionally do not use politically-correct verbiage.  This may be unsettling, but hiding satan’s work behind flowery word camouflage is exactly what he desires.  If there is an ‘edge’, it is not directed at any person or people-group.  I know that I am made of the same fabric as all humanity and I definitely do not hold myself in higher regard than anyone else.  In fact, God has enabled me to see my true condition, and I am woefully unimpressed.  Only by His grace I stand.

This letter tends to be ‘bullet-point’ driven and a bit ‘sciency’.  This is a result of the decades I’ve spent communicating in the corporate world overlaid with my physics based educational history (B.S. and M.S. in Aerospace Engineering, and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering).

ALSO, I know the grammar in this letter is not “correct” (← I know this isn’t a quote).  I’m endeavoring to use it as a means to verbalize wording so it reflects how a conversation would sound if we had the opportunity to chat face-to-face.  Bold, underline, CAPITALIZATION, italics, and ‘single quotes’ are used to visually interact with you in a similar way that voice inflection, emphasis, eye-contact, and volume would if we talked face-to-face.

The existence of God is an axiom (i.e., a self-evident truth).  For example, if I point to a large office building and ask somebody on the street how it got there, they would likely say people working for a construction firm built it.  We can only see the office building now, but its visible presence is the evidence of the builder’s existence.  If I then point to a car and ask the same question, I would get a similar answer.  The highly complex design work, machining, electrical system, computer algorithms, systems integration, component fabrication, assembly, etc. highlights the existence of the builders as well as their great competence and understanding.  If I said to them that I think the office building and the car simply appeared from nothing, they would say, “I must be some sort or quack, only an idiot would deny the obvious existence of the builders.   They’d say, “Matter doesn’t appear from nothing and then self-design and then self-manufacture and then self-assemble into a large highly complex integrated functional object!

If I then direct their attention to the earth and all that is in it, and above it, and highlight that its complexity is so unfathomably great that millennia of focused study by mankind has only scratched the surface of understanding, and then ask them where it came from, many will say, I don’t know.”  Yes, the same folks that said I was an idiot for not acknowledging the “builders” of the office building and car will say in the same breath that other visible physical objects far more complex than our minds can comprehend suddenly appeared with no builder.  The existence of God is an axiom, i.e., a self-evident truth.  Looking in the mirror, or out the window, is all the evidence needed to comprehend the truth. 

  • For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” (Rom 1:20)

This is a sobering verse.  No person on the planet can claim to be ignorant of God because His existence as the Creator is self-evident (i.e., like the “builders” of the car and office building are self-evident).  Consequently, each person is directly accountable for what they do with this understanding in their life. 

We will start our journey with the premise that the Bible is the literal word of God.  If you’re not sure about this premise, or you disagree with this premise, don’t worry, we will address this topic in detail.  For the sake of argument, I ask that you temporarily assume this ‘mental position’ is correct.  Later in the letter we’ll demonstrate why your assumed ‘mental position’ is intellectually solid and academically irrefutable.  You’ll be surprised by the amount of factual evidence that exists on this topic.  I was shocked when I first learned what God did over the millennia to tangibly demonstrate His authorship of the Bible.  Unfortunately, very few people know about it for reasons you will soon understand.  Go ahead and don a Sherlock Holmes critical thinking persona.  Then do your best to release any self-constraining intellectual biases that you may be aware of so that evidence and reason can freely direct your path.

If you are skeptical about the existence of the spiritual realm described in the Bible because you can’t see it, thus it seems extraordinary; then ponder one of many analogies to the physical world to temper your skepticism.  You have never seen electromagnetic waves, but yet the physical world around you operates by them, e.g., iPhones, microwaves, radio signals, solenoids, electricity generation.  You believe electromagnetic waves exist because you can physically see the evidence of their invisible action in your day-to-day reality.  It is the same for gravity, air, magnetism, atoms, etc.  We haven’t seen any of these, however we know they are very real because of the tangible ‘evidence’ we see and experience every day.

This is identical to the spiritual realm.  We can’t see it, but we see the physical evidence of it everywhere in our day-to-day reality.  With that said, I need to put a minor caveat on the previous statement.  Unlike the unseen realm of our physical laws, many people have seen, experienced, and independently testify to the reality of the spiritual realm.  Another analogous principle between the spiritual realm and the physical realm is the existence of unbreakable laws that govern each domain.  We’ll discuss this in much greater detail – this is a tremendously powerful reality.

The historic builders of our scientific foundation were driven by the simple question ‘why?’, e.g., “why does a rock speed-up as it falls”, “why does light create a rainbow when passing through a crystal”.  Seeking answers to questions like these precipitated the discovery of our physical laws as our forefathers diligently sought the fundamental drivers and mechanisms underpinning the cause and effect relationships they observed.  Our scientific understanding of the physical world has been built upon the “truths” of these physical laws (i.e., laws of the unseen world).  Since these “truths” never change, and they govern the relationship between cause and effect, they have enabled us to systematically build a robust understanding of our physical world. 

We apply the same mental construct to an unseen spiritual world.  As we look at the evil atrocities that saturate all aspects of our world, we think to ourselves, “how can such counterintuitive heartless evil take place?”  We ask the same honest question, “what is the fundamental driver behind such evil?”…’why?’.  Then we seek a reasonable understanding built upon ‘truths’ to harmonize the cause and effect relationships we observe.  The first part of our discussion will present a robust mechanistic model.  As mentioned previously, our presumption is that the Bible contains spiritual “truths” (or laws) of the unseen spiritual world that enables us to build understanding.  If our truths are true, alignment with our day-to-day reality will be evident and it will provide a robust explanation; if they are not true, the inconsistencies will render the presumed truths incorrect.  We’ll discuss additional measures of the veracity of the Bible later.

With this mental framework established, we’ll unravel specifically what the Bible says about evil spiritual forces.  We’ll look at what they do and what is driving many people at their core.  We’ll progress from there to show how the head of these evil forces (satan) has brought many people unknowingly to his side to do his bidding.  You will see how he indoctrinates them, unifies them, and globally orchestrates their actions such that they operate like a single-minded entity of destruction impacting all facets of life. 

Our journey will piece together many seemingly disparate topics into a unified understanding.  Some of these topics are:  Evolution, war, physics, archeology, the Bible, politics, statistics, geology, history, culture, chemistry, various religions.  To keep this letter from becoming an overweight tome, I will briefly highlight a piece of evidence or a fact, and then connect you to a useful source so you can research the topic in greater detail if you are compelled.

The flow of topics shown below provides the conversational framework for our ‘adventure’.  You can click any subject below if you want to skip directly to the topic.  However, this may be confusing since each topic leverages understanding and definitions built in the previous sections.

The Bible reveals that there is a battle taking place in the realm of the unseen.  There are only two sides in this battle.  This battle is against a demonic agency bent on inflicting  pain and destruction on humanity.  The media relentlessly proclaims the evidence of this truth as unbridled evil actions and their gut-wrenching collateral damage endlessly fill the airwaves and webpages. 

  • For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” (Eph 6:12)

This battle that is being strategically fought ‘behind the scenes’ in the spiritual realm profoundly impacts the day-to-day reality of mankind.  Satan is battling against God by working to turn God’s beloved children (mankind) against Him and then destroying them.  God’s goal is to save His children from the consequences of their actions and bring them to Him forever.  Every parent will attest, nothing is more painful than seeing their children hurt in front of their eyes.  Satan knows this.

The wildcard in this battle is ‘free will’.  All mankind can freely choose whatever they want, good or evil

  • “…I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life…” (Deu 30:19)

As a result, each person’s mind becomes a battleground for spiritual hosts.  Once a person’s mind has decided upon a particular direction, the associated good or evil physical actions ensue.  This is how the spiritual realm physically engages mankind to instigate the atrocities we see in our day-to-day reality.

To maximize satan’s destructive impact in this battle he diligently focuses on convincing people that he and his demons don’t exist.  He is masterful at this.  Satan gains no benefit or strategic advantage by scaring the daylights out of people with the knowledge of his existence.  If he made his existence known, it would confirm to mankind that there is a hell and they may end-up there if they pursue evil. 

  • “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” (1Pe 5:8)

Even lions know they need to keep themselves fully hidden when they stalk their prey.  Their prey must be blissfully unaware of the hidden danger for the lion to successfully kill.  The non-existence’ cloak he wears enables him to move unencumbered and work behind the scenes to destroy people and hurt God.  His non-existence cloak is critical to his success, so he vigilantly protects it.

The evil carnage we see every day in the news is the product of satan transparently planting and engaging sinful inclinations in the hearts of mankind so he can manipulate them into doing his bidding.  Remarkably, satan does his work unbeknownst to his targets.

  • “But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed.” (Jas 1:14) [Satan and his demons invisibly entice their prey in the direction they want]
  • “Then Satan entered Judas,…and Judas went to the chief priests …and discussed with them how he might betray Jesus.” (Luk 22:4)

These unseen evil spiritual forces are invisibly orchestrating the transition of children that dream of being virtuous Superheroes into adults that are the Arch-Nemesis’ of their own younger persona.  Satan and his spiritual hosts of wickedness are playing people like a fiddle to bring-about this surprising and disturbing transition. 

The question then arises, can we tell which side of the battle a person sits on?  The answer is ‘yes’.  It is straight-forward to figure out whether a person belongs to God’s side of the battle or belongs to satan’s side of the battle by examining their ‘truth-system’.  Whether folks know it or not, they are actively or passively residing on one side or the other.  The Bible is clear, everyone is either working for God or they are working for satan, there is nothing in the middle.  It is black or white (no gray). 

  • He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad.” (Mat 12:30)
  • In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil” (1 John 3:10)
  • Whoever belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.” (Jhn 8:47)
  • You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires…. there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” (Jhn 8:44)

The side a person sits on is a free choice made by each individual.  When a person belongs to God their ‘truth-system’ plus their DESIRED actions are the evidence of their ownership by God.  The same is true for those following satan.  Their ‘truth-system’ plus their actions are the evidence of the master they serve. 

For the sake of clarity, when I say ‘truth-system’ I’m referring to the compilation of all statements, “I believe this…” and “I believe that…” that a person says and thinks.  The compilation of these beliefs defines the ‘truth’ they directly apply to make EVERY decision in their lives

  • If they say, “I believe that bridge is safe”, they will walk over it
  • If they say “I believe abortion is good”, they will use it as they desire
  • If they say “I believe lying is wrong”, they will endeavor to tell the truth

As you can see, beliefs and actions are inseparably coupled.  When we compile all the “I believes…” from a person, THIS DEFINES the person’struth-system’.  In essence, each person’s truth-system is their compass through life.  Every decision they make is a direct product of their truth-system.  Consequently, their truth-system crafts their life’s path.  We’ll talk more about this later since it is a critical element associated with the battlefield of the mind.

Now that we have defined the players and established the lay-of-the-land, the questions are:

  • What is his strategy and his practical/tangible/real-life process to make it happen?
  • Once he ‘transitions’ someone, what does he do with them? What is his game-plan for them?
  • How do you and I fit into all this?

The disconcerting ‘transition’ from superhero to evil-warlord takes place with the action of  A SINGLE WEAPON that satan wields.  We’ll look at what the weapon is, and how he uses it, so you can see it in action when we describe the ‘transition’ process.

I have come to believe that the most powerful weapon on earth is a LIE.  For example, if I say, “when I snap my fingers everyone will start on fire and suffer an agonizing flaming death”, and everyone believes me, I WOULD CONTROL THE WORLD.  This example highlights that FEAR is an incredibly powerful mankind-ruling agent of control, however, you will soon see it is only one of the many destructive arrows in a lie’s full quiver of carnage.

  • A lie costs nothing to create. It does not incur manufacturing cost, storage cost, maintenance cost. 
  • A lie costs nothing to use and can be used over and over again (i.e., unlimited free ammunition).
  • There is no ‘weapons training’ needed for it to be deployed to an army.
  • A lie can be deployed to the masses without them knowing – making them unknowing soldiers in a war they don’t know they are fighting (on a side they don’t know they are on).
  • A lie is portable and can be easily transported any number of ways to every corner of the earth (person-to-person, internet, media, etc.).
      • Within seconds it can move from one side of the earth to the other.
  • A lie can be carried by anyone without the knowledge of the world around them.
      • A lie passes through security at the airport with no problems, and there is no way to detect it.
  • A lie can be multiplied easily, and due to its nature it can grow exponentially at no cost (1→2, 2→4, 4→8, etc.).
  • A lie does not grow old or rust.
  • A lie transcends time and moves easily through cultures and across borders.
  • A lie can be used to change the past (or at least what people believe about the past) and it can be used to craft the future.
  • A lie’s radius of damage is unlimited, i.e.,
    • It can destroy single lives, families, countries, or the earth.

Just think about the destruction that could be done if a people-group became convinced it was their god-mandated moral obligation to kill everyone around them that disagreed with them; or a lie that convinced a person to press the launch button on an arsenal of nuclear missiles to save the earth from some sort of ‘evil’.  The potential is endless, and satan knows this!

  • You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.” (Jhn 8:44)

Satan is masterful at lies and he has practiced for eons.  He’s been using them to wreak havoc throughout history. 

For example, convincing a leader in Germany (Hitler) into believing that there is a superior Arian race resulted in millions of Jews and Christians (satan’s key targets) being mercilessly slaughtered…and that’s just one lie (← Link).

The key to unleashing the unlimited power of a lie is to get people to believe it.  Once that happens the world becomes the oyster to the liarThe more believable and attractive a lie is, the greater the chance of capturing control and executing destruction through it.

Satan knows exactly how to entice and incentivize his prospective minions into believing his lies.  Some of his common tactics are:

  • Make the lie look very similar to the truth so it is easily believable (99% truth, 1% lie). Satan ensures the 1% lie carries his lethal toxin and he works diligently to hide the 1% lie by focusing everyone’s attention on the 99% truth.
  • Draw people into believing his lies by appealing to their carnal desires, and then facilitate satiation of their desires if they choose to believe and promote his lie.
  • Make the lie seem beautiful and then lavish rewards and praise on his prospective minions for believing it and promoting it.
  • Make it appear like the truth is ‘bad’ and the lie is ‘good’. Then alienate, attack, ridicule, and mock those that reject the lie by insisting they are haters and enemies of all that is ‘good’.

Mankind was designed to be with God.  Once sin entered the world, mankind was separated from God. 

  • But your iniquities have separated you from your God; And your sins have hidden His face from you” (Isa 59:2)

This separation left a void in mankind’s inner-being that only God can fill.  Due to mankind’s rebellious nature, mankind has been endlessly searching for ‘something’ or ‘somebody’ to fill the void besides God.  This is where satan steps in.  Satan proactively offers countless well-designed, tailored, attractive, compelling, seductive, and tantalizing lies that promise to fill the void.  The compelling and attractive nature of his lies naturally draws people to them and makes people want to believe them.

Satan offers both momentary pleasures and momentary escapes from reality as his demonic bondage-building elixir to ‘remedy’ the pain, emptiness, and futility of life.  Unfortunately, when people follow satan and his lies, they end-up living lives perpetually focused on satiating sin-based desires and urges that he plants in his victims. 

It is worth highlighting at this point that sins are not ‘bad’ because God picked various topics and said, “this is sin – thus it is now considered bad”.  No, God identified things that have the propensity to hurt or destroy the person who does them, or folks around them.  He labeled them ‘sin’ to prevent harm from happening to His beloved children.  The “do this” and “don’t do that” directives in the Bible are protective for His children.  This is why satan works so hard to drive people into doing the opposite of what the Bible directs.  The “anti-Bible” is satan’s action-plan to bring about immense human suffering and destruction.

Another tactic used by satan is to divert people’s minds away from their internal void by over-saturating their minds with extreme busyness pursuing a life goal (e.g., VP, CEO).  These folks will generally sip from satan’s cup of bondage-building elixir along their activity frenzied journey to achieve their life goal.

His elixir takes many forms, e.g., riches / fame / power / alcohol & drugs / deviant-sex / prestige / control / etc.  Some of his elixir items are not sinful by themselves, e.g., money, fame, power.  However, he knows these items can be effectively used to lead people away from God, into various entangling sins, and then along his path to destruction.

  • “Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction.” (e.g., 1Ti 6:9)
  • His own iniquities entrap the wicked man, and he is caught in the cords of his sin.”(Pro 5:22)

His victims relentlessly try to fill the void in their heart by chasing his lies.  Unfortunately they don’t know that satan’s elixir can’t ever fill the spiritual void in their heart.  Only God can fill it (by design).  

In desperation, people chase their sin laden elixir with ever increasing fervor.  They are always enchanted with, and focused on, their next sin opportunity or ‘the next’ step toward their life dream.  Their eyes and hearts are focused on the next drunken party, the next promotion, the next sex partner, the next million dollars, the next praise-filled award, the next weekend to get stoned with friends, etc.   

Much like dangling a carrot in front of a donkey to keep it moving forward, satan keeps folks focused on ‘the next’ pleasure/goal/thing/desire/aspiration to motivate them forward each day.  This carrot keeps their mind mentally enamored with the hope that someday they will attain the inner peace and meaning they are missing.  When they happen acquire ‘the next’, they find-out that it didn’t provide the meaning, or purpose, or life-fulfillment they desired.  Folks typically receive some temporary satisfaction or pleasure after acquiring a ‘the next’.  This provides partial credence to satan’s lie.  However, the moment soon fades and the void in their inner-being becomes evident again. 

Satan then sets ‘the next’ thing/desire/goal/aspiration/carnal craving/etc. in front of them to keep them moving in the direction he wants.  The life-path he forges by systematically dropping ‘the nexts’ in front of them (one after another) leads them deeper and deeper into entangling self-focus based sin.  It also leads them farther and farther away from God, and more and more committed to satan’s path of destruction.

The more they sin, the more hardened their hearts become to sin, and the more resistant they become to God and His Truth. 

  • …due to their hardness of heart. They have become callous and have given themselves up to sensuality, greedy to practice every kind of impurity.” (Eph 4:18-19)

Their sin-hardened hearts make it easier to sin more, and ultimately it becomes their embedded lifestyle they love, depend on, and vehemently defend.  If they didn’t vehemently defend it, they’d have no hope of ever escaping the pain, emptiness, and futility of life.  They’d have nothing to look forward to, and nothing to hope for.

To justify the sin-filled actions they’ve grown to love and need, they selectively indoctrinate themselves with a satanically scripted ‘truth-system’ that becomes the anchor for their lifestyle and their life.  This ‘truth-system’ tells them their sin-filled actions are actually good, right, and normal.  They use this truth-system to mentally combat the protective Truth delivered by the Holy Spirit as He toils-away in their heart/conscience/mind endeavoring to protect them from their destructive path.

  • The foolishness of man perverteth his way: and his heart fretteth against the LORD.” (Pro 19:3)

Unfortunately, they battle against God while He is trying to bring them healing, peace, meaning, and salvation.  As you can see, mankind’s freewill to choose good or evil is the enabling reality fueling the battle in each person’s inner-being.

In essence, they endeavor to justify their ‘sin position to themselves in hopes that they will be released from their inner-conflict thus freeing them to establish the ‘truth-system’ they crave.

They build their personalized ‘truth-system’ by basing it on WHAT THEY HAVE HEARD FROM OTHER PEOPLE (choosing to hear what supports what they want to believe) and then combining it with their FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS.  Satan puts convincing pious emotion-tugging words in their minds, and in the mouths of others, to justify the truth-system they’ve decided to believe.

This enables each person to easily create their own ‘truth-system’ that supports their sin preference, for example:

  • When satan tempts a man with adultery, he will give the sin pursuer various carnal urges plus these words to believe and to say, “I love women, all women, I am simply following my natural desire to love and care for others…evolution has meticulously crafted us this way. This is beautiful, natural, and should be praised instead of attacked…how can you hate me and persecute me for loving others…I thought the Bible taught us to love one another, not hate one another.


  • When satan tempts a ‘religious’ man with adultery he will give the sin pursuer various carnal urges plus these words to believe and to say, “when I was younger I couldn’t hear the voice of God because of sin in my life, so I married the wrong person.  Now I have met the person I’m sure God actually meant me to be with.  I need to correct the mistake from my former sin by divorcing my wife, and pursuing my true soul mate so I can finally be right with God.  This is a sacrificial act of corrective obedience aimed at pleasing God.  The Bible says you should ‘not judge’.  Don’t be a finger-pointing hypocrite and taint my act of reverence by spewing legalistic rhetoric at me…you are a hate-filled bigot that needs to repent of your evil ways.  When you become more like me you will understand what loving God, and loving others really means.”
  • When satan tempts a man to sexually molest children and babies, he will give the sin pursuer various carnal urges plus these words to believe and to say, “I have been richly gifted with a deep love for children and it is natural and beautiful to express my love physically; it is time to remove the shackles placed on love by the dark, dank, religious constructs of the past and release the beauty of love so it can be lavished on everyone; only closed-minded haters would starve the world of love.
  • When satan tempts with homosexual sin, he will give the sin pursuer various carnal urges plus these words to believe and to say, “I’ve been this way my whole life, I was born this way, stop hating me because of who I am, I can’t help it. Do you think I chose to be who I am?  Did you choose the color of your skin?  All I want to do is love the way I was born to love, how can that be wrong?
  • When satan tempts a man to steal someone’s iPhone, he will give the sin pursuer selfish urges plus these words to believe and to say, “I am a justice warrior, taking from the greedy wealthy people of this world that have swindled and stolen from everyone to get rich…don’t judge me as I take back what rightfully belongs to me. You know nothing of justice, or the oppression I’m fighting against…I am the victim here!
  • When satan tempts a woman to kill her unborn child he will give the woman fears and selfish urges plus these words to believe and to say, “If I choose to have this baby it will have a miserable life. Why should my selfish choice hurt another life. Right now it is just a speck of tissue that is similar to a wart or tumor, so there is no loss in joining the millions of women before me who chose love instead of choosing to be selfish.  The most selfless, kind, and loving thing I can do is to end this pregnancy…I’m going to do what’s right!

Satan is really good at putting pearls on a pig.  But at the end of the day, a pig is a pig, no matter how pretty you try to dress it up.  Filling his prospective minions/targets minds and mouths with pious self-seeking lies is one of the first steps in his ‘transition’ plan.

  • A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire; He rages against all wise judgment.” (Pro 18:1)

[Note:  This self-seeking self-focused ‘isolation’ enables satan to sell a personalized lust ingratiating self-pleasing ‘truth-system’ to his prospective minion.]

They justify to themselves the ‘truth-system’ they’ve decided to believe while ‘raging’ against anyone that does not agree.  To craft their ‘truth-system’ they will use:

  • Claims of oppression & victimization
  • Information and quotes from their favorite sin lobbyists/activists
  • Social justice
  • Twisted analogies
  • Diversion tactics

There is no limit to the unthinkable sin, destruction, and depravity this ‘Unholy truth Machine’ generates.  In essence, whatever a person feels and desires, organically grows into their truth-system.

  • Because the sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.” (Ecc 8:11)

EVENTUALLY the Holy Spirit gives them what they unyieldingly insist upon and they become fully given over to their sin.   This principle is exemplified by the sins these scriptures address.

  • They exchanged the truth about God for a lie…”; “Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts…” (Rom 1:25; Rom 1:26)
  • Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.”; “They have become filled with every kind of wickedness” (Rom 1:28; Rom 1:29)

They use the ‘free will’ God has given them to battle against the Truth and to create their own truth paradigm.  This act carries enormous significance because the Truth rigidly defines the operation of all that is seen and unseen in the universe.  Since the God of the Bible does not align with their truth paradigm, their act is effectively equivalent to them creating and erecting their own ‘god’ they will believe in.

Since their ‘god’ is based on their own truth-system, it exists in harmony with their personal desires, feelings, perspectives, experiences, reasoning, and intellectual capacity.  Many of these desires, feelings, and perspectives were unknowingly delivered to them by satan via his Unholy Machine.  They have actually created their god in their own image.

Since they created this god in their own image, this god makes complete sense to them. Their god acts and thinks the same way they would act and think if they were God.  In essence, they have raised themselves up as their own god that has the innate authority to define the laws of good and evil.

  • There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.” (Pro 14:12)
  • “A wise man fears and departs from evil, But a fool rages and is self-confident.” (Pro 14:16)

At this point the bellicose Truth-rebel has been fully given-over to their sin and released to follow their truth-system as their own god.  They no longer have any internal moral conflict preventing them from believing their desired truth-system is ‘good’ and ‘correct’.  Uneventfully, the Arch Nemesis of their younger Superhero persona has been born.  Since their god reflects their own truth-system, and satan delivered many aspects of their truth-system, unbeknownst to the Truth-rebel their ‘god’ has a satanic backbone.   This is a key reality that satan leverages.  Satan now has one unknowing ‘agent’ or ‘minion’ working for him.  One minion can do some damage…but millions of unified minions can do far more.

Satan then leverages their morally blind hearts, and sin-seared psyches, to band them together with other people of similar sin preference. They all share a common truth and all believe it is correct.  As a ‘special interest’ group they trumpet unendingly for society to endorse, accept, and educate the masses on their sin-justifying truth-system and demand that it be characterized as normal, acceptable, beautiful, and praiseworthy.

Satan’s minions relentlessly trumpet for society to approve of their ‘truth-system’ because: 

  • Before they are given over to their sin, they believe the moral battle within them will go away if they can convince mankind to define a new ‘right and wrong’
  • Before and after they are given over to their sin, they want to remove society’s condemnation of their sin and any associated embarrassment and shame inherent to their sin’s gross or unsightly nature
  • They desire unencumbered and celebrated access to their sin.  

They are whole-heartedly confident that once their personal ‘truth-system’ is loved and encouraged by society, and they have free unfettered access to their sin, that all their problems (and the problems of society) will go away and everyone will finally have peace, joy, and meaning.  Consequently, they fight with ruthless desperation and rage against anyone or anything they believe stands in the way of their sin-based truth-system (i.e., their hope).

  • A wise man fears and departs from evil, But a fool rages and is self-confident.” (Pro 14:16)
  • …it is an abomination to fools to depart from evil.” (Pro 13:19)

However, what they don’t know is that the emptiness, futility of life, lack of meaningful life-purpose, and overall void in their inner-being will still remain after the lie they’ve believed is fully delivered to them. 

  • The righteous eats to the satisfying of his soul, But the stomach of the wicked shall be in want.” (Pro 13:25)

This is exemplified by successful Hollywood stars and Rock stars.  They get everything satan says they need to be happy – fame, prestige, wealth, sex, power, drugs, adoration, praise, etc.  As the media endlessly reports, they readily and famously self-destroy as the consequences of their sin fall upon them (i.e., the consequences that God’s Word was trying to protect them from).  Drug overdose, suicide, and near-misses are not uncommon as they realize their hope for happiness was empty and they have nothing left to hope for.  For them there is no ‘the next’ to put their hope in…they have it all.  Their utter hopelessness drives them to continuously escape reality through increasingly reckless drug/alcohol consumption; this ultimately spells the demise for many. 

  • The prospect of the righteous is joy, but the hopes of the wicked come to nothing.”(Pro 10:28)

[Note:  Their ‘hope’ was in something that could not fulfill them, could not save them, and could not last…i.e., they hoped in satan’s lies, not God and His power]

Satan does not want his diligently acquired minions to become disenfranchised and check-out too early.  He can do far more damage with them if he focuses their energy on growing his army of Truth-rebels and using them to unknowingly execute his plans. 

To prevent the premature demise of his minions, he redirects and re-invigorates them using a POWERFUL FUELThe fuel of a ‘righteous’ cause they can ‘selflessly’ fight for on behalf of mankind

  • “…for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.” (2Co 11:14)

Satan appeals to the inspiring nature of the virtuous purpose-driven ‘inner superhero’ of days gone-by.  But this time with a twist – satan directs his minions to use their own personalized satan scripted truth-system to define RIGHT and WRONG

At this point in their ‘transition’ they have no moral compass because they’ve been fully given over to their sin by God.  They have a pre-disposition to love the sin they need and they wholeheartedly believe their personally concocted truth-system is ‘the answer’ to mankind’s woes.  Satan leverages this mindset to convince them that they have a pious ‘superhero’ duty to mankind to make the world a better place by enlightening it with THEIR TRUTH-SYSTEM.  This becomes the virtuous life-purpose they’ve been yearning for.  Unbeknownst to them, their life-purpose has been ‘transitioned’ from fighting for good to fighting for evil.

  • …For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness”( 2Co 11:14-15)

They diligently work to enlighten mankind on the piety and correctness of their satan inspired truth-system.  While they work they carefully avoid making critical comments about other people’s personal sin-justifying ‘truth-systems’ because it exposes them to potential rebuttal and attack of their own sin-justifying truth-system.  Consequently, they elect to embrace and celebrate all sin-justifying truth-systems under the pious umbrella of ‘loving their fellow-man’ and ‘not judging others’.   

Since their hearts have been given over to every kind of wickedness (Rom 1:29) their aperture for evil advocacy and promotion expands dramatically.  It expands far beyond the specific desires and cravings of their personal sin domain.  For example, they may crave and aggressively pursue random casual heterosexual sex within their personal sin domain and are not interested in the idea of homosexuality.  However, they will never throw a stone at the homosexual lifestyle.  In fact, they will praise their fellow sin-lover’s truth-system and exalt it as beautiful. 

  • Those who forsake the law praise the wicked…” (Pro 28:4)

They praise it in the same way they want their sin-anchored truth-system celebrated and lifted-up.  The members of this satanically crafted single-minded entity are protective of each other out of self-preservation, i.e., an attack on someone else’s sin-preference is deemed an attack on theirs

This effectively opens the door for satan to nucleate, grow, perpetuate, and culturally embed every man-destroying sin imaginable at a global scale using a unified, harmonized, and orchestrated common voice across all of his minions.  This organically assembled self-pleasure rooted body of mankind is networked together by an intrinsic self-preservation governance that results in a powerful cohesion that unifies his minions countless different sin-justifying ‘truth-systems’ and unites all of satan’s army into one single-minded entity.  Satan knows full-well that a house divided against itself cannot stand, and he will not tolerate this in his army.  He has orchestrated it so his army will speak with one voice, and that voice will be his

  • …Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand” (Mat 12:25)

In essence, the uncountable number of assorted sin-based truth-systems (from all his minions) combine together into a unified ALL-SIN’ encompassing ‘truth-system so that each person can ensure their personal sin-interest desires are embraced and advanced.  This unified ‘ALL-SIN’ truth-system embraces all that is evil and attacks all that opposes it.  It inherently excludes and stands in frenzied opposition to every person, every organization, and every principle that is good and promotes the actual Truth.  

  • Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members?” (Jas 4:1)

The end-result is a single-minded, powerfully unified, core-belief driven evil entity that tirelessly works to advance their cause while ruthlessly attacking any opposition to their beloved ‘All-Sin’ truth-system.  This entity is globally distributed and resides within all ranks, positions, and domains of society. 

Good is deemed evil, and evil is deemed good in their paradigm.  The members of this entity don’t necessarily know each other.  They are TV news anchors, lawyers, politicians, doctors, school teachers, professors, stay-at-home moms, salespersons, janitors, CEOs, etc.  However, they are all of ‘one voice’ and powerfully bonded through the invisible unifying spirit that satan covertly crafted in his unknowing minion army.

Satan marauds as an angel of light.  True to his modus operandi, he selected a ‘noble cause’ for his minions that sounds beautiful and wonderful.  The ‘noble cause’ he crafted is acceptance of everyone, love, tolerance, diversity, inclusion, unity, peace, freedom.  This has become his minions unifying battle-cry.  All of these principles have virtuous roots.  However, satan mixes 99% truth with 1% lie to make his poisoned entrees attractive and palatable to his formerly ‘purposeless’ minions (and attractive to society as a whole).  In addition to the good aspects of these principles, satan’s indoctrinated minions are directed to incorporate their/his ‘ALL-SIN’ truth-system into the meaning of each precept.  The ‘satan-expanded’ meanings include:

  • Acceptance of Everyone – Humanity must ‘accept’ and ‘endorse’ the morally deviant preferences/desires of everyone.

His minions insist that the truth-system each person crafted is an ingrained unchangeable intrinsic component of their personhood.  Consequently, if someone doesn’t accept and endorse the moral depravity of another person, they are attacked as an ‘unaccepting’, narrow-minded, bigoted, hater of their fellow man.

  • Tolerance – Mankind must exhibit endless tolerance for everyone’s myriad of differing sin-preferences (abortion, homosexuality, drunkenness, transgender, pornography, marrying animals, etc.) and their associated ‘truth-system’ they use to govern their lives.

Ironically, and hypocritically, any truth-system not aligned with their ‘All-Sin’ truth-system is NOT tolerated and it is ruthlessly attacked.  Attacked with an overflowing ‘pious hatred’ that satan lavishes on his minions in the name of ‘hating evil’ and battling for ‘good’.

  • Love – Unconditional gushing support, endorsement, appreciation, celebration, and reinforcement of each person’s sin and their associated truth-system. In their ‘battle for love’, it also means a bitter, hostile, hate-filled attack of anyone that does not celebrate the sin of others.  Yes, the hypocrisy eludes the mind ruled by satan.
  • Freedom – Freedom from any form of morality that would impose restrictions on sin access, sin education, and sin propagation (especially morality as defined in the Bible).

It also means freedom from being ‘offended’.  If a person says anything that offends another person’s sin-based truth-system, it is deemed an insensitive hate-laden act of emotional violence and regarded as an intentional assault on the personhood of the ‘offendee’.

Satan’s minions fight venomously against anything, or anyone, they ‘deem’ offensive.  They use the label ‘offensive’ as a tool to silence the masses.  It is used as a pre-emptive ‘behavioral training’ strike to forge social fear and embarrassment within anyone that considers uttering a word in opposition to their cause.

To satan’s minions, everything in opposition to their cause is ‘offensive.  As such, they use it to verbally bully, bludgeon, and ‘shame’ those that say anything they don’t agree with.   Satan gives his most aggressive and extreme deviant sin ring-leaders the public microphone to materially move society’s moral compass quickly, while he works in parallel to silence the moral masses via accusations of ‘hate’ and claims of ‘offending’ some ‘innocent, victimized, and oppressed’ people-group’s feelings.

  • Diversity and inclusion – Always accept and support the ever-increasing diverse forms of deviant sinful behavior and ‘lovingly’ include them in society by accepting, approving, endorsing, praising, and educating others on their ‘beautiful’ ways. If you don’t celebrate their way, you are labeled as a narrow-minded, xenophobic, bigoted hater.
  • UnityUnify around satan’s universalized ‘All-Sin’ encompassing truth-system of accepting and celebrating all people’s unique sin-justifying truth-systems.

NOTE:  Those that do not endorse the ‘all-sin’ mantra are blatantly and harshly rejected as ‘divisive’ and/or evil ‘purveyors of hatred’.

  • Peace – peace from all moral battles that could hinder the advancement of satan’s sin-ravaging, minion destroying, agenda.

Satan created the concept and ideology of ‘social justice’ for his minions to use as their ‘righteous’ platform to attack anyone that does not advocate the principles and terms of their master’s battle-cry.

As you can see from the list above, for essentially every argument against their ‘All-Sin’ belief-system they claim the same pious emotion-evoking response by saying their opposition are ‘unloving, hate-filled, bigoted, xenophobic, offensive, and intolerant people’.  His minions are not interested in talking about the facts because satan knows they are exposed to considerable hypocrisy, conflicts with science, and conflicts with social studies.  Instead they focus on ‘testimonials’ and ‘emotion’ to justify and establish their ‘truth’.  They also endeavor to establish themselves as the owners of ‘higher moral ground’ in the public discourse by piously hurling personal insults and slander intended to make their opposition appear to be evil and unloving (e.g., bigot, racist, sexist, etc).

  • For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness” (2Co 11:14 and 15)
  • “…he who is upright in the way is an abomination to the wicked.” (Pro 29:27)

They attack the Bible and Christians saying, ‘Christians are hypocrites because they don’t love people for who they are.  Instead, they hate people and heartlessly reject them’.  As you’ll see, none of this is true (in fact, it is the EXACT OPPOSITE of a true Christian), but satan is not in the business of telling the truth.  Nor are his minions interested in hearing it.

True Christians are commanded and inspired to love everyone (including those that hate them (Mat 5:44)).  This requires that they do not approve of sin because it is so damaging.  To do anything less would be unloving.  For example, it would be a hateful act if a person knew a train bridge was out, and then they silently and stoically watched as families filled the train and unknowingly rode off to a painful flaming death.  Endorsing sin is approving someone’s destruction.  True Christians are focused on loving God and everyone He created (all mankind); in that love, they cannot endorse sin (including their own sin).  In satan’s twisted truth-system, it is ‘sin approval’ that satan uses as his criteria for ‘love.  In essence, satan wants to ‘love’ everyone to their destruction.

It is interesting to note that Christians are also unified by one spirit, similar to how Satan’s children are unified by him.  This is only applicable to true Christians…we’ll talk about non-Christian Christians later.  For Christians, it is the Holy Spirit that is the unifying ‘one SpiritGod gives each person when they choose to follow Him.

  • For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free—and have all been made to drink into one Spirit.” (1Co 12:13)
  • But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all” (1Co 12:7)

At this point in our discussion it is pretty easy to see why the world looks like a battlefield between two opposite opposing forces.

For the sake of clarity I’d like to highlight that people reside in various stages between Superhero and Evil-Warlord.  As we discussed, everything revolves around the ‘truth-system’ that each person elects to believe and follow.  Where a person’s truth-system ‘is’, their actions will also be.

A picture is worth a 1000 words, as such, I drew-up a summary illustration.Up until this point we have been talking about the right two segments of mankind in the illustration above, i.e., satan’s unknowing worker-bee minions.  There are also a large number of people in the ‘truth-system limbo’ domain illustrated by the green section above.   They tend to believe in some sort of spirituality (a god or a supernatural force) and are looking to integrate this concept into their lives because they believe they will find soul-satisfaction and/or eternal paradise through this vehicle.

These folks will tend take a bit of Truth and mix it with some lies in a truth-system concoction that suits their liking.  They generally try to do ‘good’ things and be ‘good people’ while still preserving access to, and pursuing, some things they understand ‘aren’t good’ but can be excused away relatively easily (e.g., drunkenness, pornography).  The majority of mankind sits in this domain.  This group of folks are the targets for political persuasion by Satan’s minions.  Satan needs their voices and votes to grow his power-base.

Satan has implemented a lie-based plan for these folks too.  His ultimate goal is to keep them away from the God who made them and loves them.  We’ll talk more about what satan has done to handle this population later in the section called “THE WANDERING MASSES”.  For now we’ll continue discussing the Arch-Nemesis group which has been our theme to this point since they are the primary agents driving the chaos in our world (i.e., the right half of the illustration).

Movies, public schools, universities, legislation, news media, special interest groups, activists, internet, television, radio, churches, and worst of all, seminaries, are the ‘vehicles-of-change’ that satan uses to broadcast, educate, and culturally embed the destructive products of his ‘Unholy Machine’.  His indoctrinated masses/minions are his loud, overbearing, and relentless mouthpieces for him across the assorted ‘vehicles-of-change’.  Satan’s minions that are militantly advancing his anti-Biblical indoctrination war are both his pawns and his targets for destruction.

This is a link that you will find very interesting → Here.  It is from a radio mogul named Paul Harvey back in the 1960’s (24 million listeners on 1300 stations).  He did a 3 minute summary on one of his broadcasts in 1965 outlining his strategy ‘if he was the devil’. 

To be honest, even the totally blind should be able see at this point in time.  In the past satan’s work was less obvious, but now he is utterly brazen because mankind’s heart has become so hard, numb to sin, and blind to the Truth.  In the same way that the visible evidence of unseen electromagnetic waves firmly establishes their reality; the visible evidence of this two-sided battle surrounds us in every direction and firmly confirms the reality of satan’s anti-Bible/anti-God activities.  A few visible examples (of countless) are listed below:

  • People can’t figure out if they are a man or women (remember ‘FEELINGS’ define ‘truth’ to satan’s minions). Birth certificates now have, Male, Female, or Other.  Even the visibly obvious truth of a person’s physical body structure has been twisted into a lie.  Anyone that states the obvious fact that a man is a man is reprimanded by a chorus of satan’s minions as being ‘offensive’ and ‘unloving’.
  • Women kill babies in their womb and are praised for it! Killing innocent helpless babies could only come from the hands of satan.  The minds trained to praise and defend this cold and painful genocide could also only be crafted by the pure evil hands of satan.  If you had any questions about who is behind abortion the following links will make it clear.
  • This is a 1 minute video clip of an impromptu interview of an abortion doctor (→ Click Here)…yes, this doctor is actually hissing at the interviewer! Oddly, you’ll see this same thing from an unabashed political sign vandal coming-up. 
  • This is an article from a former satanist sharing how they are involved in abortion clinics (→ Click Here). Note, this article is not for the faint-of-heart.
  • Men ejaculate in the anus’ of other men and it is called normal, beautiful, and praiseworthy. I apologize if the reality of the description is unsettling, but satan would like us to use word camouflage and call it something like ‘gender-honoring love’.

I will expand on this topic because it is proselytized so strongly by satan’s minions.  First of all, the sin of homosexuality is no worse than any other sin (lying, stealing, etc.).  The solution to all sin is the same; we’ll get to that later.  But for various reasons, satan is making a broad and aggressive global campaign to indoctrinate on this particular sin.

First, homosexuality is not about ‘love’.  Men love men all the time.  Fathers love their sons, brothers love brothers, Jesus loves His male children, male friends love male friends (love so strong they will sacrifice their lives for each other).  Men love men all the time, every day, all over the world, without anal invasion.  Sexual interaction is not a love qualifier nor is it a relationship qualifier.

Even if you removed the Truth of the Bible from the equation, homosexuality does not have a reasonable leg to stand on.  From a ‘non-religious’ perspective:  Evolution does not support homosexuality (i.e., people can’t reproduce); the major religions of the world do not support it so it can’t be cultural; genetics does not support it so it can’t be in-born; the medical field shows how terribly destructive and dangerous it is (voluminous medical studies → HERE); yet society vehemently defends it, praises it, and tenaciously indoctrinates on it.  Shockingly, satan’s All-Sin truth system is hailed supreme over the immense volumes of controverting data and science.  This is largely because “feelings” define truth in satan’s system; and he can influence feelings.  He demands that his minions turn off their minds, and turn a blind eye to reality, if they want their personal sin desires perpetuated into the norms of society.

Satan knows this subset of his minions can’t procreate.  The only way he can grow their numbers and avoid the extinction of this powerful sin is through persuasion and education.  He and his minions are relentless in this area.  At this point, it is a global campaign, e.g., → UK.  Schools are actually teaching that boys can menstruate too → Here.  Sadly, but expectedly, this includes the indoctrination of small impressionable children starting in kindergarten. 

My wife shared a story from one of her Facebook connections…the lady’s young daughter came home from school sobbing because her teacher told the girls in class that they may actually be boys deep down inside, and she told the boys they may actually be girls deep down inside.  The little girl was horrified and deeply upset (truly ‘offended’).  Another Facebook connection shared that her 5 year old child informed her that boys marry boys and girls marry girls.  Satan is attacking as soon as he can get children into the school systems.

The Bible is clear that homosexuality is sin: 

  • In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.” (Rom 1:27)
  • Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones.” (Rom 1:26).

Satan pushes hard for this sin against all logical, scientific, medical, religious, and Biblical reason.  We will not discuss it here, but one of the reasons he pushes so hard for the uptake of this sin is that it’s part of his plan to destroy the God-created nuclear family and the associated power and protection that exists in this God ordained structure.

  • A failed scientific theory that eliminates the concept of sin and the existence of God (i.e., evolution) is hailed as the ‘truth’ despite the fact that math, physics, and scientific evidence are OVERWHELMINGLY against it across the scientific disciplines. This particular lie is similar to homosexuality in that it stands against all technical reason and evidence, yet people voraciously believe it and defend it.  We’ll talk much more about all the data, science, physics, and facts that support this statement in the “NOTHING BUT MEAT” section.  I will summarize a great deal of scientific material for you with links to all the supporting materials.  As you may have suspected, based on my academic history I have a lot of energy for this topic.
  • The Bible has been exclusively removed and prohibited in public venues / forums / organizations (e.g., schools). Note: NOT other religions, only the Bible and Christianity.  This should be a ‘sirens and red flashing light’ clue as to which religion satan hates (Christianity) and which religions he approves (i.e., all the others).
  • Premarital sex is deemed normal and cool and taught in schools. Education on the normalcy of premarital sex and ‘how to’ fornicate is taught starting in kindergarten – in the latter years anal sex ‘best practices’ are taught.  Yes, it starts in Kindergarten.
  • Drunkenness is an accepted and normal practice (Here); So much so that choosing a life of sobriety can be a lonely and isolating decision.
  • Women marry inanimate objects and all kinds of things (e.g., Golden Gate Bridge, Rock, Train Station, Dog, Wall, Themselves).
  • A 52 year old man dresses-up, and acts, like a 6 year old girl because that’s what he “identifies as”, and he is praised by the media and liberal masses as courageous (you will notice in the video, this person was actually ‘adopted’ by a family…yes, a 52 year old man that acts and dresses like a 6 year girl was actually adopted → Here)
  • Men use women’s rest rooms and society and businesses defend it.
  • Many iPhone apps are available to help folks ‘hook-up’ with random strangers for sex (homosexual, hetero, multiple partners)
  • The Occult with its spiritual summoning, channeling, etc. (i.e., seeking and engaging demons) and its associated remarkable signs has been growing out of control. People are amazed at what the ‘spirits’ they are tapping into teach them, as well as the powers the ‘spirits’ show them and entice them with.  This is a great summary from a former leader in the New Age movement (Steven Bancarz)…

Interview with Steven Bancarz listen →→ HERE ←← Definitely listen to this – it is really worth your time…I learned a great deal

[Note:  Satan has been training his minions do these same things since Biblical times to connect his demons to foolish Truth-rebels → Deu 18:10Deu 18:11.]

  • Pornography is accepted, protected, and available to everyone (including children). Porn sites receive more regular traffic than Netflix, Amazon, & Twitter combined each month. 35% of all internet downloads are porn-related.  Porn is a global, estimated $97 billion industry, with about $12 billion of that coming from the US. (Porn Info)
  • Parents are giving young children puberty halting drugs so they have time to decide if they are a boy or a girl. If the children choose the opposite sex, they start the associated hormone campaign which irreversibly destroys the children’s brains and bodies as they grow.
  • Apostasy is running rampant in the Christian Church and seminaries, e.g., replacement theology, post-modernism, social gospel, new apostolic reformation, homosexuality, mysticism, grave soaking, tarot/destiny cards.
  • Christian teachers saying that satan and his demons don’t exist, or aren’t active in the modern-day. Note:  One of the many ways Satan weaves his cloak of ‘non-existence’ is by teaching mankind that everything defined as ‘evil’ is actually ‘ok’ or ‘good’, as such, there is no need for mankind to presume an evil entity exists.
  • (I could go on and on)

There is one common non-coincidental thread woven through all the disparate examples listed above.  They are all 100% in opposition to the Bible (the Truth) and they are 100% in support of satan’s God-hating and people-destroying plans.

If there wasn’t a global intelligence and unifying plan in place, there is no way a massive number of 100% anti-Bible harmonious voices could emanated so loudly with one unified voice from all ranks of society all around the world. 

To make the point, let’s assume that each person made-up their own mind regarding right or wrong on a given topic based solely on their own perspectives and interests.  Some would be for abortion and some against, some would be for homosexuality some against, some would say they know their gender and some would say they don’t, etc.  What are the odds that they would all choose the exact same position for all topics (e.g., all anti-Bible).  As the number of topics increases, the likelihood becomes smaller and smaller that they’d all choose the same position for every single topic. 

For example, let’s assume that there are 2 choices for each topic, ‘for’ or ‘against’ (e.g., ‘for’ abortion, or ‘against’ abortion) and we select 16 topics (like the list above) and then poll a large random pool of people with unbiased positions across the array of topics.  If we picked 2 people then there would be (0.5)16 chance that 2 people would align on all topics (i.e., all ‘for’ and all ‘against’ responses being the same on all topics).  Based on statistics, this means there is a 1 in 65,000 chance that 2 free-thinking people would fully agree.  If we let satan pick his answers for each topic (i.e., selecting the answers that are each 100% in opposition to the Bible), then we’d need to run through 65,000 unbiased people before we found one ‘free thinking’ person that agreed with him on every topic.  That would be one person in the Miami Dolphin’s football stadium that agreed with satan.  The powerfully unified resonating ‘All Sin’ voice across the industrialized world is far greater than 1 person in a sports stadium of folks.   And this is for only 16 topics, there are many more (20 topics would yield 1 in 1 million chance!).

Just look at political elections.  People vote based on what they believe.  Approximately ½ of the votes in America go to the platform that stands clearly in opposition to the Bible on essentially every topic (that’s far more than 1 in 65,000 people).  Not everyone that votes for the platform may agree with everything, but the fact remains that nobody would start a political party/platform if they thought it would only have 1 in 65,000 people aligned with it.  Satan has built an anti-Bible political platform in the US and many places around the world for his minions to effect legislative change such that he can institute laws requiring obedience to his ALL-SIN system.  His minions deem any means or agency that oppose forced obedience to his plans as ‘evil’.

Apparently his indoctrination and ‘transition’ efforts are quite effective considering the numbers of votes he gets.  This simple analysis demonstrates that satan (the unifying intelligence) has a powerful machine operating to indoctrinate and build his army of minions in a unified anti-Bible truth-system (anti-Truth).   Although satan carefully hides behind his cloak of non-existence, the physical evidence and products of his actions clearly identify him.  They demonstrate his existence and reveal his mankind destroying strategy and plans.

It is relatively easy to identify the members of satan’s unified ‘All-Sin’ entity and hear their ‘one-voice’ battle-cry when political elections arise.  This is because power and influence is at stake, and this is something satan cares deeply about.  As such, he raises-up his minion army in full unbridled force and drives them with a satan inspired rage against his opposition. 

This iPhone video shows a glimpse into ‘who’ is behind this man’s actions as he brazenly and unapologetically vandalizes.  In his satan-crafted angry morality-free truth-system he believes he is ‘doing good’ as he breaks the law by vandalizing property and trespassing (in front of the owner) → Here (Note: this video clip is a bit disturbing).

Satan knows that if he can gain control of:

  • The education systems then he owns the construction of humanity’s ‘truth-system’ (public school curriculums, teachers, colleges, etc.). The genocidal German leader Adolf Hilter said, “Let me control the textbooks, and I will control the state” (Here);
  • The information delivery systems to the masses (television news, radio, Facebook, Google, Twitter, YouTube, etc.) then he can construct the ‘reality’ the world sees as well as the instruction he wants mankind to gather from his tailor-made lie-fueled reality; and
  • The policy and rule making entities of a society (federal/state/local government/ corporate/schools, etc.) then he owns the physical enforcement of his agenda.

If he gains control of these 3, then he can fully indoctrinate an entire generation with his ‘All-Sin’ truth-system in a single movement and then enforce his agenda through the policies/rules he seeks to imbed in every dimension of society.  This means he would be only one generation away from full global control and mass destruction of God’s children.

He strives to get his minions in leadership positions (corporations, schools, universities, government, seminaries, etc.), so he can use them to rapidly populate their organizations with like-minded ‘All-Sin’ leaders and use them to implement his agenda.  Here is a sinister example shared by a highly respected Harvard PhD psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology showing how satan uses his pawns that he places in corporate leadership to implement his plans for power acquisition → Here.

At this point in time, the vast majority of the media (90%+), many politicians, most in public school leadership, most in college leadership, most of the financial elite, many in industry leadership (Google, Facebook, Twitter, Apple, Disney, Target, etc.) all harmonize with a loud and endless chorus of satan’s ‘Battle-cry’ on essentially every sin-related topic.

When satan’s minions were children they would have seen lying, violence, killing, cheating, libel, maligning others, defamation, harassing, evil-scheming, and stealing as wrong/evil; but now, with their ‘morality free’ sin-based truth-system, they see them as acceptable and effective means to achieve the objectives of their pious satan-inspired duty to mankind.  In their minds, these actions allow them to single-handedly apply justice and retribution to the opposition they hate while simultaneously advancing their pious cause.

If elections, supreme court rulings, government decisions, or a product from any rule-creating entity doesn’t go as they desire, they are ‘morally free’ to create and perpetuate lies to damage the character of their opposition (or misrepresent their principles), riot, attack, hurt others, stalk and harass their opposition (and their families), kill, vandalize, block roads, damage/burn buildings, endlessly lie, etc.  With satan as their active (but unknown) master, they attack with a self-righteous hate-fueled anger proclaiming that they are loving justice warriors fighting for good.  The daily motivator and fuel for satan’s minions is a pious pride-laden hate for their opposition combined with a committed love for their ‘All-Sin’ truth-system.  This stands in stark contrast to the daily motivator for Christians, which is ‘love for God’ and ‘love for others’.

The group of people in our figure above that are living in ‘truth limbo’ (green font) don’t know what to do with these loud, angry, brazen, outspoken, attacking, self-proclaimed pious people.  They know if they disagree, it will fuel a greater response from the angry minions.  They also know if they respond in a like manner they will be acting reprehensibly and evil.  As such ‘the silent massessimply watch.  They may try to reason with them if they build-up enough courage or get frustrated enough.  But satan’s children have little interest in reason, if they did, the hypocrisy of their lives and the failings associated with their battle-cry precepts would be self-evident.  Satan muddies and confuses the minds of his children.

  • For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there.” (Jas 3:16)

[Note:  The “self-seeking” is what fuels the creation of each person’s lust ingratiating personalized “truth-system” – and the same thing that blinds them to reason]

If you dig down to the fundamental root of the evil that is done in the world today, it is satan planting, and leveraging, the sinful desires residing in the hearts of each person.  If a person ardently chooses to embrace and pursue what they know is wrong (but what they desire); they will walk the well-traveled path of sin-hardening, battle against God, personal-truth creation (i.e., creating an ‘idol god’ which happens to be themselves), being released by God to pursue their sin, and then completing the transition from virtuous ‘hero’ to an unknowing evil-warlord servant of their master satan.

  • But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.” (Jas 1:14-15)
  • …so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.” (Heb 3:13)
  • They are darkened in their understanding…because of the ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart.” (Eph 4:18)
  • They have become callous and have given themselves up to sensuality, greedy to practice every kind of impurity” (Eph 4:19)
  • “They close up their callous hearts, and their mouths speak with arrogance.” (Psa 17:10)
  • the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth;…” (Gen 8:21)
  • Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren.”(Jas 1:16)

All of this happens through the use of an intelligently designed lie narrative that satan uses to recruit, craft, and direct his unknowing minion army into a unified obedient entity.  Since lies are the backbone of his empire this means the Truth is a significant exposure he needs to aggressively attack.

I believe satan’s number one attack point is the Bible.  This is because the Bible is the Truth and he knows it.  He knows the Truth can:  1) completely destroy his earthly empire; 2) save people from their sin-induced eternal death sentence; and 3) keep people from earthly self-destruction and bring them peace and happiness.

THIS IS HUGE, YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH IS EVERYTHING (if I was reading this letter to you in person I would be yelling this at the top of my lungs!).  It is the anchor for everything and it defines everything. 

The TRUTH is NOT subject to feelings, seasons, people’s opinion, science, cultures, past/present/future, man’s reasoning, history, knowledge, etc.  It stands unswayable and unchangeable regardless of the world around it.  In fact, the world operates by Truth.

Consider Newton’s law.  It doesn’t matter what people believe, or how people feel, or what science says, or what people believed in the past; when I drop a ball it will fall down, not up.  The 1st law of thermodynamics says mass-energy is conserved, the 2nd law of thermodynamics says everything moves from ‘order’ to ‘disorder’. 

Mankind has engineered and built the industrialized world based on these physical ‘truths’ being flawless and never being broken.  If one of these physical truths was broken for only a moment then bridges and buildings would collapse all over the world.  Man did not make these physical ‘truths’, they discovered them.  They convinced themselves they were ‘truths’ by relentlessly testing them over and over to confirm they never changed and they never failed.  When they found they never changed, and never failed, they labeled them as physical ‘laws’.  These laws were established based on visible evidence demonstrating the existence of these unseen and unbreakable realities.  There are physical laws and moral/spiritual laws that govern the relationship between actions and the associated result of those actions.

A person can decide that they disagree with these truths and choose to walk off a cliff saying that Newton’s Law is a right-wing conservative conspiracy designed to oppress all people who identify as birds and were really born to fly.  But it doesn’t matter what they believe, or what they ‘feel’ about themselves, or what people tell them.  They will fall to their death as the unchangeable truth is revealed

As you can see, a lie is revealed by the Truth and it is crushed by the truth (every time).  This is why satan and his minions hate the Bible.  It destroys his most powerful weapon to hurt God and destroy man.  Satan has built both his earthly empire and destructive plans for mankind on lies.  He has a great deal to lose if the Truth were to get out about him, his demons, and his plans.

The Bible says the Word of God (the Truth) is the sword of the Spirit (Eph 6:17).  The Truth is powerful and unstoppable and it leaves a wake of destroyed lies as it moves forward.  In fact, when satan tried to make Jesus sin in the wilderness the only thing Jesus used to combat satan was Scripture from various parts of the Bible.  Satan’s bondage building elixir has entangled people with a myriad of lies that govern their lives.  The Truth can permanently cut the countless lie based cords that bind them and enslave them.

  • The LORD is righteous; He has cut in pieces the cords of the wicked.” (Psa 129:4)

Since the Truth is so powerful the question arises, ‘who wrote the Bible and how do we know it is actually the Truth?’

We’ll address these questions next.

The Bible tells us that God has crafted the Bible Himself for us

  • All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,” (2Ti 3:16)

God directed the minds and hands of His children to write it.  God created human thought when he created man.  As such, God directing the minds and hands of His followers should not be deemed a significant feat.  For completeness sake, God physically wrote the ten commandments Himself (Exo 24:12) and the communication to Belshazzar was divinely etched into a wall (Dan 5:24-25), but these were ultimately transcribed into the Bible by His children.

I have come to the conclusion that Bible itself is a miracle.  You will see that it is truly impossible for any person, or group of people, or computer algorithm to write it.  It is from God to His beloved children.  He crafted it, preserved it, and delivered it to His children.  Then He gave us the Holy Spirit to help us understand it and apply it.  Without the Holy Spirit, the Bible reads like an extremely detailed history book.  With the Holy Spirit, it explodes into a mesmerizing, life transforming, never-ending stream of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom.  It becomes an interactive connection with the living God.

Some people believe the ‘Bible of the past’ is not the same Bible we have now.  They believe the original manuscript became riddled with errors, embellishments, and imaginative stories as it was communicated from person-to-person over the millennia.  They use the analogy of the grade school game where a message is whispered to one child in a circle of children and they are instructed to whisper the message to their adjacent neighbor in a repeating fashion until the message comes back to the first person in the circle.  Then they highlight that the content of the final message emerging from the last child typically bears little resemblance to the initial message.  They argue that the same thing happened to the Bible over the millennia.

Their faulty reasoning neglects the fact that God is Omnipotent and the Bible is a communication from Him to His beloved children.  If God exists, and He has sufficient power to create all that is seen and unseen, then God’s power is more than sufficient to craft precisely what He wants, without error, and preserve it throughout time.  No power of man could, or can, stop Him.

I just can’t see the Omnipotent Maker of the universe saying…

don’t write that Peter!  Oh crap, now all mankind will be messed-up forever…I wish I could do something to stop this.  Oh well, I hope a bunch of super-smart academics can fix this mess…I sure am glad I created these smart people from nothing so they can cover-up for my inadequacies.  I’m really embarrassed to give this ‘Bible thing’ to my beloved children because it is so riddled with errors.  I wish I had more power so I could have prevented this”. 

The absurdness of this thought is what people unknowingly endorse if they believe in the God of the Bible, but don’t accept the Bible as the inerrant Word of God.  I would go so far as to say that if they believe that, then their god is certainly not the God of the Bible and their god is definitely not competent enough to create all that we see around us…including us.  Their god is bumbling and powerless.

If somebody says they believe in God, and then they look at the uncountable number of stars in the sky, the marvel of atomic structure, the unimaginable intricacy of our intertwined physical world, the mind-numbing complexity of life, the sheer magnitude of all that ‘is’, and then they say God is not powerful enough to say EXACTLY what He wants to say to His beloved children, then I’m afraid there is no intellectual hope for that person.  Time would be better spent talking to a rock.

I believe the real reason people claim the Bible is unreliable is because they love the ‘truth-system’ they’ve created and it significantly conflicts with the Bible, or they think some other ‘religious book’ may be the actual word of god and they have no idea which one is right.  We’ll discuss the latter lie in the section called “THE WANDERING MASSES”.  We’ll address the credibility of the Bible now.

God publicly broadcast to mankind a means to confirm the credibility of the Bible so that mankind would know that He “is” and that the Bible is His Word (i.e., the Truth).  Unlike other religions’ sacred writings, the Bible clearly states that it tells what will happen in the future so that when people see these things happen they will know that the God of the Bible is the only True God (among satan’s plethora of invented deities and plethora of religious books). 

  • “…For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things that are not yet done” (Isa 46:9-10)
  • However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.” (Jhn 16:13)
  • “And now I have told you before it comes, that when it does come to pass, you may believe.” (Jhn 14:29)
  • Behold, the former things have come to pass, And new things I declare; Before they spring forth I tell you of them.” (Isa 42:9)

The Bible is full of prophesy.  In fact there are far too many prophecies to cover in this letter.  The Encyclopedia of Biblical Prophecy (by J. Barton Payne) lists 1,239 prophecies in the Old Testament and 578 prophecies in the New Testament, which yields a total of 1,817 prophecies.   

Note, some of these prophesies are being fulfilled today in front of our eyes.  For example here are a few prophesies about the “Last Days”:  1) the Bible says that in the “Last Days” Israel would become a nation again after being wiped from the map.  Israel became a nation again in 1948 after being gone for almost 2000 years; 2) Damascus would become a completely uninhabitable ruinous heap (note:  Damascus is the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world and it is in the process of being destroyed now); and 3) a one world government will form (the rumblings are underfoot, Link 1 & Link 2).  There are a countless other “Last Days” prophecies that have been fulfilled or are getting close to being fulfilled that we could talk about, however, to efficiently make the point that prophecy demonstrates that the Bible has been crafted by God we will restrict our discussion to ONLY prophesies about Jesus.

  • There are 100+ prophecies about Jesus in the Bible, e.g.,
      • He would be born in the town of Bethlehem,
      • He would be betrayed by a friend for 30 pieces of silver,
      • He would be killed,
      • Both His hands and feet would be pierced (however no bones would be broken),
      • He would be proceeded by a forerunner whose life’s sole mission was to prepare the way for Him,
      • He would be of the lineage of Abraham and then from the lineage of David,
      • His ministry would start in Galilee,
      • He would brought out of Egypt,
      • He would be buried in a rich man’s tomb,
      • Those who killed Him would cast lots for his clothes,
      • etc
  • The prophecies were written by different authors over millennia. Interestingly, some were fulfilled by His enemies.  His enemies unknowingly fulfilled them – had they known what they were doing, they definitely wouldn’t have done it because they hated Jesus and they didn’t want anything to support the claims that He was the Christ.

As you can see, these prophecies are not vague ambiguous generalities that could be satisfied by any event / person.  They are very specific so that people could clearly see and understand.  In fact, they are so specific that they enable the application of statistics. 

The question is obvious…”What are the odds one man could fulfill all of them?”  In the 1950’s Peter Stoner did the calculations on a fraction of the prophesies to help illustrate how difficult it would be for one man to achieve only a portion of these prophecies.  As background, Peter Stoner was the Chairman of the Departments of Mathematics and Astronomy at Pasadena City College until 1953; Chairman of the science division, Westmont College, 1953-57; Professor Emeritus of Science, Westmont College; Professor Emeritus of Mathematics and Astronomy, Pasadena City College.  A summary of his work is → Here.  The results are:

  • The odds one man could fulfill ONLY 48 of the 100+ prophesies is 1 in 10157. Just to help you understand the absolute impossibility of these odds, if a person believed in evolution, they would believe the earth was about ~6 billion years old.  In 6 billion years there are 1018 seconds.  The earth is made of approximately 1050 atoms.  The number atoms in the universe is about 1080

That means the odds of one man fulfilling only these 48 prophecies is similar to me marking one atom in the universe and you finding it with one attempt.  If you found that one atom with one attempt, then I’d get to pick another atom in the universe and you’d need to find that one with your next guess.  In essence, you’d need to pick one galaxy out of the 100,000,000,000 galaxies in the universe and fly to it, then pick one star from among the 100,000,000,000 stars in that galaxy and fly to it, select where to land your rocket ship on the star, then burrow down into the star and select the atom you wanted out of the 1057 atoms available.  If you found my atom on your first attempt, then I’d get to pick another atom in the universe and you’d need to get into your rocket ship, repeat the process, and find my other atom successfully on your next guess.

This highlights the amazing unlikeliness that one man could fulfill all these prophecies.  God made it so impossibly difficult that ONLY HE COULD DO IT.  And that is exactly what God did to demonstrate His power, the credibility of the Bible, and to undeniably identify Jesus out of countless imposters satan delivered to mankind, and continues to deliver to mankind.

  • Keep in mind the person of Jesus Christ satisfied all 100+ prophecies! (not just 48). Even more remarkable is that the Bible actually has ~1800 prophesies.

The confirmation of prophecy fulfillment was recorded by enemies of the Bible, ancient NON-CHRISTIAN historians, archeological finds, and/or supporters of the Bible.  This obviates arguments by skeptics of internal self-verification.  Additionally, the Dead Sea scrolls provide physical manuscript dating evidence that confirms the prophecies were written before the events took place.  As you can see, the Bible carries within itself the intrinsic proof that it is the Word of God and the Truth.  God has made this evident to all mankind by permeating the pages of Holy writ with the reality that it would be TOTALLY IMPOSSIBLE for anyone else to write it but Him.

It is important to highlight that since satan marauds as an angel of light, he has been trying to use “prophesy” to convince mankind to follow his minions.  He can’t create life / stipulate where folks will be born / determine who will win a war / etc., so the prophecy-stream that we talked about above is NOT something he can produce.   They are impossible for mankind and impossible for ANY power other than God

With that said, satan does his best using the power he has available to him to craft signs and wonders to draw people to him and away from God.  If satan or a demon is behind a person’s prediction then it is possible that they may get some things correct.  This is because satan can attempt to make the predicted future event happen through his existing minion army.  He may or may not be successful at this task because there are things outside his control, namely, God is sovereign and people have free choice.  He may also hijack prophecies in the Bible and claim them as his own. 

For example, the Bible says that the Church will be raptured prior to a global tribulation.  This will result in an unexplainable disappearance of a large number of people in a fraction of a second.  Satan has told his occult leaders to preach that there will be a great cleansing from the Earth in which people will disappear.  He is trying to twist a Biblical prophetic event that God will make happen into something that increases his credibility with all his minions when it does.

There are “soothsayers, fortune-tellers, psychics, etc.” identified in the Bible and there have been many more scattered through-out history (Deu 13:1-5).  In fact, the Bible shares an example where a demonic spirit empowered a slave-girl to do fortune-telling.  She was making quite a bit of money for her owner until Paul cast out the spirit by Jesus’ power.  This made her owner very angry.

  • Now it happened, as we went to prayer, that a certain slave girl possessed with a spirit of divination met us, who brought her masters much profit by fortune-telling…..But Paul, greatly annoyed, turned and said to the spirit, ‘I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her’. And he came out that very hour…..But when her masters saw that their hope of profit was gone, they seized Paul and Silas and dragged them into the marketplace to the ” (Act 16:16-19). 

A very popular so-called prophet from the 1500’s named Nostradamus is all over the internet, 1503-1566 (His life).  He wrote in mysterious quatrains (4 line poems).  If you read them, you will see they are ambiguous prose that read like riddles.  Here is an example I pulled at random (quatrain 1-15):

“Mars threatens us with the force of war

 and will cause blood to be spilt seventy times.

 The clergy will be both exalted and reviled moreover,

 by those who wish to learn nothing of them.”

He wrote 942 quatrains, so there is enough material to mentally mold almost any current event into one or two of them.  His followers have been working to fit world events into the cryptic writings so they can say…”look Nostradamus predicted that 500 years ago”.  If you want to read them, here is a site that lists a number of his “top interest” quatrains and their associated interpretation (here).  Let’s test Nostradamus’ prophetic skills by looking at his predictions which include a date so we can focus on facts (not imagination), Nostradamus predicted:

  • In 1609 a monk from Campania (in Italy) would be elected Pope (quatrain 10-91) …WRONG
  • In 1700 Turkey would conquer vast areas of Europe (quatrain 1-49)… WRONG
  • In 1727 the Turks would capture the King of Persia (quatrain 3-77)… WRONG
  • In 1607 the Arabs would capture the King of Morocco (quatrain 6-54)… WRONG
  • In 1607 the Catholic Church would conduct widespread persecution of astrologers (quatrain 8-71)… WRONG
  • There would be a catastrophic California earthquake due to a specified planetary alignment which happened May 28, 2015 (quatrain 10-67)… WRONG. Then his followers moved it to 2016… WRONG.
  • There would be a calamitous war in 2002 that would see the crowning of a new king that would bring peace and prosperity for many years (quatrain 6-24)… WRONG
  • He predicted that Albanians would conquer Rome (quatrain 5-46)… WRONG

Here is a 3 min video of Nostradamus predictions for the year 2015 from a “believer” (Here)…you can judge the accuracy yourself.  Nostradamus’ failed prophesies condemn him as a false prophet and tool of satan. 

Remarkably, this doesn’t stop the internet from lighting-up with endless positive praise and excitement for him and his vague cryptic drivel.  It would seem these internet prophecy enthusiasts should be even more excited to see the awe-inspiring 100% correct track record in the Bible and look at the end times prophecies that are being fulfilled in front of our eyes (e.g., Israel becoming a nation after being gone for almost 2000 years, Damascus will become ruinous heap, cashless society, etc.).  As we know…this ridiculous state of affairs is NOT a coincidence.   Sadly, Satan has placed false prophets like “Nostradamus” everywhere in our day and age, and people can’t get enough of them.

Now is a good time to highlight the “criteria” in the Bible for a Prophet.  If a prophet said they were speaking from God, and were EVER wrong, they were to be PUT TO DEATH (Deu 18:20-22).  God will not be mocked by satan and His minions. 

Before we leave the topic, for those interested in pondering what the Bible says about the future plus an interesting related vision → Here.  (Note: Tom Horn does not claim to be a prophet, but his track-record makes his voice interesting).  We’ve sufficiently covered Biblical prophecy, as well as satan’s pathetic counterfeiting attempts at this point so we will move on.

Since the Bible is true, and it describes countless historical events spanning mankind’s history; it would stand to reason that physical historical artifacts would exist that would corroborate the historical information shared in the Bible.  We’ll briefly look at this next.

The Bible is saturated with the names of cities, countries, people groups (Hittites, Philistines, etc.), battles, kings names, events (e.g., censuses), officials names and their positions, dates, etc.  For example look at Luke chapter 3 verse 1 in the Bible; I’ve underlined the historic facts contained in this one passage:

“Now in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate being governor of Judaea, and Herod being tetrarch of Galilee, and his brother Philip tetrarch of Ituraea and of the region of Trachonitis, and Lysanias the tetrarch of Abilene,” (Luk 3:1)

The Bible’s very detailed historical description begs the question…have there been historical artifacts unearthed by archaeologists bearing information consistent with the Bible’s extraordinarily detailed historical account?

As you will see, there is an overwhelming number of archaeological finds that corroborate the specifics of the Bible’s detailed historical account; and equally important, there are none that contradict it.  We will only cover a small sampling of the large volume of archaeological finds related to the Bible’s content.  Much to the chagrin of Bible skeptics, the tidal wave of archaeological artifacts continues to demonstrate the Bible’s unassailable accuracy

As archaeologists continue to dig, more and more physical evidence is found that populates the Biblical timeline with ancient artifacts that exactly echo the details recorded in the Bible.  Various archaeologists have endeavored to belie the credibility of the Bible by citing a “lack of physical archaeological evidence” of a particular people-group/historical event/etc. described in the Bible.  Time and again, the anti-Bible history experts are silenced as the “digging continues” and the Biblical events/people-groups/cities/positions/etc. are unearthed.

Below is a summary of some interesting discoveries compiled from the following sources Discoveries I, Discoveries II, Discoveries III.  This is a very small sampling.

Biblical “Names and Positions” (reference):

  • Luke 3:1 – In Luke’s announcement of Jesus’ public ministry, he mentions, “Lysanius tetrarch of Abilene.”
    • Scholars questioned the Bible’s credibility since the only Lysanius known for centuries was a ruler of Chalcis who ruled from 40-36 B.C.
    • However, an inscription dating to be in the time of Tiberius, who ruled from 14-37 A.D., was found recording a temple dedication which names Lysanius as the “tetrarch of Abila” near Damascus. Confirming the Bible’s account (again).
  • Acts 18:12-17 – The Bible says Paul was brought before Gallio, the proconsul of Achaea.
    • At Delphi an inscription of a letter from Emperor Claudius was discovered. In it  he states, “Lucius Junios Gallio, my friend, and the proconsul of Achaia…”  Historians date the inscription to 52 A.D., which corresponds to the time of the apostle’s stay in 51.
  • In Acts 19:22 and Romans 16:23Erastus, a coworker of Paul, is named the Corinthian city treasurer.
    • Archaeologists excavating a Corinthian theatre in 1928 discovered an inscription. It reads, “Erastus in return for his aedilship laid the pavement at his own expense.” The pavement was laid in 50 A.D.  The designation of treasurer describes the work of a Corinthian aedile.
  • In Acts 28:7Luke gives Plubius, the chief man on the island of Malta, the title, “first man of the island.
    • Scholars questioned this strange title and deemed it unhistorical.
    • Inscriptions have recently been discovered on the island that indeed gives Plubius the title of “first man.”

A very small sampling of the 100’s of “Cities” named in the Bible that were eventually found and excavated (reference):

  • Arad – Num. 21:1 and Num. 33:40 – “Arad 30 kilometers NE of Beersheba, excavated from 1962 to 1974 by Y. Aharoni and R. B. K. Amiran.”
  • BethelAmos 7:12-13“W. F. Albright made a trial excavation at Bethel in 1927. Albright then mounted a full excavation in 1934. His assistant that year, J. L. Kelso, continued the excavation in 1954, 1957, and 1960.”
  • DanJudges 18:29“The excavation of Dan began in 1966 under the direction of Avraham Biran.”
  • EphesusEphesians 1:1“Austrian archaeologists in this century [20th] have excavated the 24,000-seat theater and the commercial agora, as well as many other public buildings and streets of the first and second centuries A.D., so that the modern visitor can gain some impression of the city as known by Paul.”
  • GazaActs 8:26“Gaza was excavated by W. J. Phythian-Adams in 1922.”
  • GezerJoshua 16:10A.S. MacAlister “directed the Palestine Exploration Fund for many years and conducted extensive excavations at Gezer (1902-1909).”
  • HazorJoshua 11:1 and Jeremiah 49:28“This large Canaanite and Israelite city in upper Galilee was excavated under Yigael Yadin’s direction from 1955 to 1958 and from 1968 to 1970.”
  • HeshbonJoshua 12:2“Excavations were undertaken by Andrews University from 1968 to 1976.”
  • JerichoNumbers 22:1 “Jericho was the oldest inhabited and fortified city ever excavated.” (Horn, Siegfried H., Biblical Archaeology: A Generation of Discovery, Berrien Springs, Michigan: Andrews University, 1985, p. 37.)
  • JoppaActs 9:38“During excavations of the site of ancient Joppa a thirteenth century B.C. citadel gate was uncovered…” (Achtemeier, Paul J., Th.D., Harper’s Bible Dictionary, San Francisco: Harper and Row, Publishers, Inc., 1985.)
  • Nineveh2 Kings 19:36 and Jonah 1:1-2“Excavated in from 1845 to 1857 by Austen H. Layard.”
  • Shechem and Joshua’s Altar Gen. 12:6 and Gen. 33:18-20“Excavations were carried out at Shechem, first by Austrian-German expeditions in 1913 and 1914, and again from 1926 to 1934, and then by an American expedition from 1956 to 1972…”

The Bible’s books of Luke and Acts alone name thirty-two countries, fifty-four cities, and nine islands without error.

Here is a list of ancient artifacts/inscriptions/records that corroborate various “Events” described in the Bible (reference)

  • They have found ancient granite pillars on each side of the Red sea that mark the crossing point that Israel used during the exodus from Egypt. The pillar’s inscriptions are in Hebrew with the words “Mizram (Egypt), death, water, pharaoh, Edom, Yahweh, and Solomon” (Reference, pg 179).  Some suggest that these pillars are mentioned in Isaiah, “In that day there will be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar to the LORD at its border.” (Isa 19:19).

Along the path between these pillars underwater expeditions have found chariot wheels, human bones, and horse remains from the ancient Egyptian army that drowned as they pursued the Israelites, “Then the waters returned and covered the chariots, the horsemen, and all the army of Pharaoh that came into the sea after them. Not so much as one of them remained.” (Exo 14:28) (Reference, pg 184).

  • (Gen 37:28) Joseph’s price was 20 shekels when he was sold as a slave, which, according to trade tablets from that period is the correct price for 1,700 B.C. An earlier account would have been cheaper, while a later account would have been more expensive.
  • Campaign into Israel by Pharaoh Shishak (1 Kings 14:25-26), recorded on the walls of the Temple of Amun in Thebes, Egypt.
  • Revolt of Moab against Israel (2 Kings 1:1; 3:4-27), recorded on the Mesha Inscription.
  • Fall of Samaria (2 Kings 17:3-6, 24; 18:9-11) to Sargon II, king of Assyria, as recorded on his palace walls.
  • Defeat of Ashdod by Sargon II (Isaiah 20:1), as recorded on his palace walls.
  • Campaign of the Assyrian king Sennacherib against Judah (2 Kings 18:13-16), as recorded on the Taylor Prism.
  • Siege of Lachish by Sennacherib (2 Kings 18:14, 17), as recorded on the Lachish reliefs.
  • Assassination of Sennacherib by his own sons (2 Kings 19:37), as recorded in the annals of his son Esarhaddon.
  • Fall of Nineveh as predicted by the prophets Nahum and Zephaniah (Zephaniah 2:13-15), recorded on the Tablet of Nabopolasar.
  • Fall of Jerusalem to Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon (2 Kings 24:10-14), as recorded in the Babylonian Chronicles.
  • Captivity of Jehoiachin, king of Judah, in Babylon (2 Kings 24:15-16), as recorded on the Babylonian Ration Records.
  • Fall of Babylon to the Medes and Persians (Daniel 5:30-31), as recorded on the Cyrus Cylinder.
  • Freeing of captives in Babylon by Cyrus the Great (Ezra 1:1-4; 6:3-4), as recorded on the Cyrus Cylinder.
  • (2Sa 5:8) David’s capture of Jerusalem recounted in II Samuel 5:6-8 and I Chronicles 11:6 speak of Joab using water shafts built by the Jebusites to surprise them and defeat them. Historians had assumed these were simply legendary, until archaeological excavations by R.A.S. Macalister, J.G.Duncan, and Kathleen Kenyon on Ophel now have found these water shafts.
  • Forcing Jews to leave Rome during the reign of Claudius (A.D. 41-54) (Acts 18:2), as recorded by Suetonius.
  • This is a link to external sources recording the darkness that occurred when Jesus was being crucified on the cross (Mat 27:45) as well as geologic evidence of the earthquake that the Bible said occurred during the time of Jesus’ crucifixion (Reference).
    • Phlegon – Greek historian (2nd century AD), “Olympiad”

In the 4th year of the 202nd Olympiad, there was a great eclipse of the sun, greater than had ever been known before, for at the 6th hour the day was changed into night and the stars were seen in the heavens. An earthquake occurred in Bythinia and overthrew a great part of the city of Nicaea.” The 202nd Olympiad is dated between July 29 AD to June 33 AD.

  • Thallus – historian (52 AD), (as quoted in Julius Africanus)

Africanus states: “Thallus, in his third book of histories, explains away the three hours of darkness as an eclipse of the sun – unreasonably as it seems to me. For the Hebrews celebrate the Passover on the 14th day according to the moon, and the passion of our Savior falls on the day before the Passover, but an eclipse of the sun takes place only when the moon comes under the sun. And it cannot happen at any other time but in the interval between the first day of the new moon and the last day of the old, that is, at their junction: how then should an eclipse occur when the moon is almost diametrically opposed the sun?

  • Kagan and colleagues (2011) analyzed seismites in the Holocene Dead Sea basin by constructing two age-depth chronological models based on atmospheric radiocarbon ages of short-lived organic debris with a Bayesian model…The scholars analyzed seismites in different areas of the basin, finding that several synchronous seismites appeared in all sections during particular years, including 33 AD (+/- 2 sigma; 95% confidence interval).

After analyzing laminated sedimentary cores recovered at the shores of the Dead Sea, Migowski, Agnon, Bookman, Negendank, and Stein (2004) also confirmed an earthquake in 33 AD with a magnitude of 5.5.

There are anti-Bible pundits that say Jesus was only mentioned in the Bible.  This is not true.  The following are external non-Christian documentary writings confirming:  1) The existence of Jesus Christ; 2) His virtuous life; 3) He was a wonder-worker; 4) He was claimed to be the Messiah; 5) He was crucified under Pontus Pilate; 6) They cast lots for His clothes when He was on the cross; 7) He was crucified on the eve of Passover; 8) darkness and an earthquake occurred during His crucifixion; 9) He rose from the dead; 10) His disciples were willing to die for Him; 11) the spread of Christianity; and 12) Christians denied Roman gods and worshipped Jesus as God:

  • Flavius Josephus (AD 93)
  • The Babylonian Talmud (70-200 AD)
  • Cornelius Tacitus – Annals of Imperial Rome (56-117 AD)
  • Pliny the Younger’s letter to the Emperor Trajan in about 112 AD
  • Mara Bar-Serapion (sometime after 73 AD)
  • Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus (117-138 AD)
  • Thallus, Histories, Bk. 3
  • Lucian, The Death of Peregrinus (100 – 200AD)
  • Toledoth Jesu
  • Justin Martyr – The Acts of Pontius Pilate (150 AD)

It is important to highlight that none of these ancient authors were Christians and many were critical or oppositional to Christians.  They simply reported the news as they observed it.

Bible Manuscripts throughout history:

  • Jesus was crucified around 30 AD. The Bible’s New Testament was written between 48-95 AD.
      • All serious arguments for dating any of our N.T. books after the eighties of the first century A.D. have been swept away.” Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 76, No. 4 (Oct.-Dec., 1956), p. 238.
  • From the early centuries, there are some 5300 Greek manuscripts of the New Testament. Altogether, including Syriac, Latin, Coptic and Aramaic, there is a whopping total of 24,633 texts of the ancient New Testament to confirm the wording of the New Testament scriptures throughout the millennia.
  • The discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls in 1947 definitively demonstrated that the Bible has not changed over the millennia. The Dead Sea scrolls were stored in caves as a community fled an encroaching Roman army which was in Judea to put-down the Jewish Revolt of AD 66-70.  Over six hundred scrolls and thousands of fragments were recently discovered in 11 caves in the Qumran area.  Fragments of every Biblical book except Esther have been found, as well as many other non-Biblical texts.  The scrolls were found to vary in age.  Some were written as early as the 3rd century B.C. and others as late as the 1st century A.D.  The scrolls have confirmed that the content of the Bible today is the same as it was 1000s’ of years ago. 

A list of “Man-made structures” described in the Bible that have been discovered and excavated by archaeologists (reference).

  • The palace at Jericho where Ehud assassinated Eglon, the king of Moab (Jdg 3:15-30)
  • The east gate of Shechem where Gaal and Zebul watched the forces of Abimelech approach the city (Jdg 9:34-38).
  • The Temple of Baal/El-Berith in Shechem, where funds were obtained to finance Abimelech’s kingship, and where the citizens of Shechem took refuge when Abimelech attacked the city (Jdg 9:4, 46-49).
  • The pool of Gibeon where the forces of David and Ishbosheth fought during the struggle for the kingship of Israel (2Sa 2:12-32).
  • The Pool of Heshbon, likened to the eyes of the Shulammite woman (Sng 7:4).
  • The royal palace at Samaria where the kings of Israel lived (2Ki 15:25, 1Ki 21:1, 2Ki 1:2).
  • The Pool of Samaria where King Ahab’s chariot was washed after his death (1Ki 22:38).
  • The water tunnel beneath Jerusalem dug by King Hezekiah to provide water during the Assyrian siege (2Ki 20:20, 2Ch 32:30).
  • The royal palace in Babylon where King Belshazzar held the feast and Daniel interpreted the handwriting on the wall (Daniel 5).
  • The royal palace in Susa where Esther was queen of the Persian king Xerxes (Est 1:2, Est 2:3).
  • The royal gate at Susa where Mordecai, Esther’s cousin, sat (Est 3:2).
  • The Square in front of the royal gate at Susa where Mordecai met with Halthach, Xerxes’ eunuch (Est 4:6).
  • The foundation of the synagogue at Capernaum where Jesus cured a man with an unclean spirit (Mar 1:21-28).
  • The house of Peter at Capernaum where Jesus healed Peter’s mother-in-law and others (Mat 8:14).
  • Jacob’s well where Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman (Jhn 4:5-6).
  • The Pool of Bethesda in Jerusalem, where Jesus healed a crippled man (Jhn 5:2).
  • The Pool of Siloam in Jerusalem, where Jesus healed a blind man (Jhn 9:7).
  • The tribunal at Corinth where Paul was tried (Act 18:12).
  • The theater at Ephesus where the riot of silversmiths occurred (Act 19:29).
  • Herod’s palace at Caesarea where Paul was kept under guard (Act 23:33-35).

This section is getting way too long so we’ll stop this “archaeology evidence” discussion in the spirit of brevity.  Our brief synopsis has made the point that physical archaeological evidence does exist, and it is consistent and supportive of the detailed historical narrative across the entire Biblical timeline.

  • Archeologist Nelson Glueck, “It may be stated categorically that no archaeological discovery has ever controverted a Biblical reference.
  • Archaeologist Joseph Free, “Archeology has confirmed countless passages which have been rejected by critics as unhistorical or contradictory to known facts.”

It should be noted that the “physical evidence test” we applied to the Bible can also be applied to other religion’s sacred books that happen to contain a historical narrative.  For example, the Mormon religion describes a great history in the Americas.  While the minute details in the Bible have been corroborated by voluminous archaeological artifacts, the Mormon religion has been devastated.  In a book dedicated to the topic, authors John Ankerberg and John Weldon are quoted saying:

  • In other words, no Book of Mormon cities have ever been located, no Book of Mormon person, place, nation, or name has ever been found, no Book of Mormon artifacts, no Book of Mormon scriptures, no Book of Mormon inscriptions…nothing which demonstrates the Book of Mormon is anything other than myth or invention has ever been found.” (A Case for Christ, pg 144)

Lee Stroebel wrote to the Smithsonian asking about archaeological evidence supporting the history of the Americas as recorded in the Book of Mormon.  He received the following emphatic response:

  • “Archaeologists see no direct connection between the archaeology of the New World and the subject matter of the book” (A Case for Christ, pg 143)

The same problem exists for Islam’s Quran (see here → Archaeology Issues with Islam).

Satan is not interested in the truth.  He knows “difficult to verify” lies such as a contrived history is a very effective tool to establish a false reality that he uses to historically anchor his plans for the future.  We’ll talk more about other religions in THE WANDERING MASSES section.

The “miraculous and unexplainable” historical accuracy the of the Bible has driven some world-renowned archaeologists that were opposed to the Bible to convert to Christianity.  A couple high-profile examples are:

Sir William Ramsay – Ramsay was an atheist from the University of Oxford that devoted his life to archaeology.  Ramsay’s career was so illustrious that he was honored with doctorates from nine universities, awarded the Gold Medal of Pope Leo XIII, awarded the Victoria Medal of the Royal Geographical Society, and eventually knighted for his contributions to modern scholarship.  He was truly a world-renowned scholar and intellectual that received the highest levels of recognition. 

Ramsay’s wealthy family enabled him to receive the finest education available.  During his time in school he received a bias against the historical accuracy of the Bible resulting from instruction that he received under well-known German scholars that also happened to be anti-Semites.  In fact, Ramsay was taught that the Bible was written more than a century after Jesus died and contained an imagination-laden story that was crafted by the author for political/social influence during the late second century. 

However, after 25 years of sifting through the archaeological evidence and plethora of minute historical details contained in the Bible, he came to the following conclusion:

  • When we objectively examine the evidence for the Bible’s accuracy and veracity, the only conclusion we can reach is that the Bible is true.

William Ramsay shook the intellectual world when he converted to Christianity.  Despite his atheist upbringing and his prestigious anti-Bible education; the archeological evidence was so significant and compelling that it was able to expose and destroy the anti-Bible lies engrained in him from his youth. 

William Foxwell Albright (1891 – 1971)

William Foxwell Albright was born in Chile to missionary parents.  He was a scholar of the highest international caliber and was considered the dean of 20th century archaeology.  He earned the nickname “the great authenticator” because of his ability to quickly date archaeological artifacts.  Albright produced over 1,100 books and articles, was awarded 30 honorary doctorate degrees, and institutions were named after him (e.g., Albright Institute of Archaeological Research located in Jerusalem).  Albright received his Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University in 1916.  Similar to Sir William Ramsay, Albright’s university education instilled a strong anti-Bible bias due to the influence of the German anti-Semitic School of Higher Criticism.

Albright mentions in his writings the changes in his perspective on the Bible resulting from his archeological work in Palestine.  Referring to the first fifteen years after arriving in Jerusalem in 1919 he said:

  • During these fifteen years my initially rather skeptical attitude toward the accuracy of Israelite historical tradition has suffered repeated jolts as discovery after discovery confirmed the historicity of details which might reasonably have been considered legendary.

Additionally he shared,

  • The excessive skepticism shown toward the Bible by important historical schools of the 18th and 19th centuries…has been progressively discredited. Discovery after discovery has established the accuracy of innumerable details, and has brought increased recognition to the value of the Bible as a source of history.

It takes admirable strength-of-character for a person to swallow their academic pride and publically reverse their position in front of the masses that epitomize them and extol their intellectual kingship.  A person will not do this unless there is a rock-solid compelling reason. 

A very important “principle” can be gleaned from the lives of both Sir William Ramsay and William Foxwell Albright.  It only takes a MOMENT to create a lie using a relatively small amount of effort.  For example, a paradigm changing lie could be imputed to the minds of the masses by an authoritative sentence shared at a conference or in a journal.  Those that believe it will embed it in their “truth-system”, and then it fundamentally changes their reality for the rest of their lives. 

On the contrary, it may take a Ph.D. plus a life-time of rigorous study to unearth the evidence that exposes a “one sentence” lie (~25 years in the case of Ramsay).  This is a luxury that people do not have because everyone is limited in time, resources, and skills/capabilities.  Satan knows this full-well, so he uses this principle to drown mankind in a never ceasing ocean of lies.  He knows some lies will “stick” and others may not, but assuredly, nobody can check them all. All he needs is a few lies to “stick” to destroy a person and then use them to destroy others.

The histories of these two elite scholars demonstrates that using a country’s education system as an indoctrination machine is a highly effective way to plant “one-sentence” lies in the minds of the masses under the noble banner of the “betterment of humanity” through education.  Those at the top of the academic pyramid define what everyone else will digest as “fact” and “truth”.  Satan works endlessly to ensure that his minions occupy these seats of societal influence across the leadership ranks of all mankind’s education systems.

This is why finding a document that contains a compilation of Truth is more valuable than gold.  It enables a person to successfully navigate through a world that is overflowing with alluring, captivating, highly-tailored, seductive, and compelling lies.  

Claimed Inconsistencies

Since satan and his minions hate the Bible they endlessly attack it with “claimed inconsistencies” focused on discrediting the Bible.  Their argument is, “if one inconsistency exists then it surely discredits the entire Bible as the inerrant Word of God”.  As such, satan has his minions endeavor to seek fault in any/every line of the Bible.  However, since the Bible is true and the Truth, there are NO inconsistencies.

This is a useful site that lists every scripture verse that satan’s minions claim that an inconsistency exists.  It provides the claim from satan’s minions, as well as the response that refutes their claim.

  • Apologetics Press → Here

There are aspects of the Bible that may appear to be inconsistent.  However, archaeology has helped to demonstrate that the Bible is correct once our understanding is complete (or corrected).  For example, we have learned that Jericho existed in no less than four different locations that were all very near to each other.  As such, it is possible for a person to be leaving Jericho at the same time as they are entering Jericho.  If two people were watching a person going to an event in Jericho.  One could rightfully report that the person was leaving Jericho to go to the event, and the other could rightfully report that the person was entering Jericho to go to the event.

God created immense order in our Universe and it seamlessly operates through an intrinsic mathematical backbone.   As science has progressed over the centuries we’ve been discovering God’s mathematical relationships that govern our day-to-day lives.  It shouldn’t be surprising that God also created great order in His Word and He also wrote it with a mathematical backbone.   It wasn’t until somewhat recently that some of these mathematical mysteries have been discovered.  Remarkably, this backbone runs across the myriad of authors and throughout the ~1500 years the Bible was written – demonstrating ONE author.

I will not go into great depth on this topic since it is an active area of study.  Folks are trying to reconcile what is miraculous, anomalous, or within expectation.  To introduce the topic we’ll start with the indisputable fact that the entirety of the Bible is replete with the number seven.  God used it over 300 times on purpose.  This should be the first visible sign to the reader that numbers and God’s Word have an intimate coupling.  Here are some examples from the 300+ uses:

Solomon built the Temple in 7 years, 7 years of plenty and 7 years of famine in Egypt, Naaman’s washing in the river 7 times, the 7 churches, 7 lamp stands, 7 loaves to feed thousands, 7 seals, 7 spirits, 7 trumpets, 7 bowls, 7 stars, 7 heads, 7 mountains, 7 kings, etc., etc., etc.  Then there are the multiples of 7…7 times 7 years and then the year of Jubilee, forgive 70 times 7, Daniel’s 70 weeks (i.e., 70 weeks of years, or 70*7=490 years).

We’ll discuss the controversial Equidistant Letter Sequence (ELS) encoding contained in the Bible and the work of Ivan Panin.   The former CEO of Western Digital, Dr. Chuck Missler, introduces both topics in this compelling video → HERE.  The premise of the ELS methodology is that God embedded an additional dimension of communication within the Bible.  This is not a new concept, in fact, it has been in the Jewish tradition since at least the 13th century.  At that time the Jews extracted information from an ELS in Genesis that they used to calculate the time period of one lunar cycle.  The time they calculated ~900 years ago was 29.530594 days, NASA’s 1996 calculation was 29.530588 days (Here).  To pique your curiosity, several remarkable ELS examples are located HERE.

The ELS method involves conjoining letters that are spaced an equal number of letters apart from each other.  For example a 5 letter ELS in the previous sentence, starting at the “S” in the word ELS, with a skip distance of 3, would spell STDVV.  As you will see, God used this additional dimension to miraculously share information across the full timeline of humanity (e.g., names, dates, events, etc).  A brief summary of the ELS encoding method is HERE.  To say the least, the ELS thesis caused considerable controversy in academic circles because their existence would mathematically substantiate divine authorship of the Bible.

The landmark 1994 publication by Doron Witztum, Eliyahu Rips, and Voav Rosenberg (WRR) in the highly-respected journal Statistical Science propelled the ELS discovery onto a highly visible academic stage.  The mathematical credibility ascribed to the work via its publication in such a prominent refereed journal combined with the profound ideological significance of the ELS thesis triggered a global craze and a fierce global debate.

The spiritual battle actually started well before the 1994 publication.  The enormous ideological implications of the ELS thesis drove an unprecedented degree of mathematical scrutiny and testing over ~6 years to satisfy advisors, critics, and referees before the publication in Statistical Science was permitted.  When the rigorous scholarly work was complete, the skeptics publically acknowledged the technical integrity of the work with the simple statement at the end of the 1994 paper, “We conclude that the proximity of the ELS’s (Equidistant Letter Sequence) with related meanings in the Book of Genesis is not due to chance.”  Ultimately the skeptical refereeing scholars became believers in the codes.

The landmark 1994 WRR paper discussed the ELS encoding of the names and birth or death dates of renowned Jewish rabbis over the past 1000 years within the book of Genesis.  Genesis was written about 1450 B.C., thousands of years earlier than the Rabbis lived.  The initial research findings became available in 1986 with a list of 34 Rabbis.  This list was dubbed “List 1”.  It was calculated that List 1 had a 1 in 775 million chance of being random.  Over the subsequent ~6 years of mathematical scrutiny, concerns about methodology “tuning” were addressed by locking the ELS methodology used on List 1 and then applying it to another list of 32 different Rabbis.   Assorted books of suitable length were used as experimental controls for comparison, e.g., Tolstoy’s War and Peace translated into Hebrew, a version of Genesis with the letters randomized, a version of Genesis with words randomized, etc.  Remarkably, the expanded study with 66 famous rabbis also generated a statistically significant result.  Scientist and mathematician Dr. Jeffrey Santinover reported in Bible Review (1995) that the probability was 1 in 2.5 billion.  For those with a proclivity for mathematics the original landmark WRR journal article is HERE.

A prominent challenge was spearheaded by the brilliant “truth-seeker” mathematician Dr. Harold Gans.  Dr. Gans was able to investigate the topic with a unique set of expert skills garnered from his past as the former head the NSA’s (National Security Administration) teams of top mathematicians, cryptanalysts, programmers, and engineers.  He decided to resolve the controversy personally.  His conclusion was, “After exhaustive analysis, I have reached the conclusion that the codes discovered in Genesis…exist, and the probability that they are mere coincidence is vanishingly small.”  Dr. Gans became a believer in the codes and teaches how they demonstrate divine Authorship.

Satan stepped in quickly after the codes were discovered.  This phenomenon was a powerful mathematical revelation that could destroy his lie based kingdom by substantiating the Bible as the literal word of God.  In retrospect it is evident that he used two tactics in parallel:

1) Create immense confusion; and

2) Discredit the discovery.

 To achieve 1) he used an atheist journalist (Michael Drosnin) to adopt the ELS theory.  Drosnin wrote the highly popular book The Bible Code.  The global media exploded with coverage of the amazing phenomenon described in the book.  This established Michael Drosnin as the public face and voice of the ELS thesis.  Unfortunately, Drosnin was a journalist, he was not skilled in the art of mathematics.  Consequently he published incorrect content that the WRR authors and experts categorically and publically rejected (links to formal public rejections → Witzum, Rips, Gans).  Drosnin also made incorrect public claims that materially damaged the credibility of the real ELS phenomenon.

Drosnin’s use of the ELS approach with no mathematical verification to substantiate his claims opened Pandora’s box.  In order for an ELS finding to be deemed legitimate, it must pass through a rigorous mathematical protocol (HERE) that demonstrates that it is statistically significant, and not something that would be expected by random chance in books of similar length.  It is well known that many ELSs are expected to exist in any large volume of text (e.g., Moby Dick, War and Peace).  In fact, those skilled in mathematics leverage this understanding to comparatively test their ELS findings to confirm that the encrypted words in the Bible are statistically significant.

A key aspect of the ELS method is related to a measurement of the closeness of related words, e.g., the name of a person and their birth year.  This “compactness” forms the backbone of the statistical method.  This ELS assessment criteria makes logical sense; if God encoded something to demonstrate His authorship and power, it should be readable by the user and it should be mathematically unexplainable by man.  This would be the mathematical signature of God.  The Bible is obviously finite in length, as such, God only encoded certain subject matter.  The modern-day challenge is to discover this “subject matter” through creative exploration under the governance of mathematical methods that enable the confident extraction of the subject matter from the baseline ELS background noise common to any text.

Without this rigorous mathematical testing, ELS claims can be easily conjured that are not statistically significant, i.e., they are useless word chatter.  Further complicating the matter is that visually compelling word tables can be easily generated by anyone and then purveyed to the masses with the implied understanding that they are prophetically meaningful messages from God.  Examples of Drosnin’s sensational, mathematically unsubstantiated, and false predictions are illustrated → Here.  In response to one of Drosnin’s sensational claims in his book (pg 26) regarding an ELS connecting the words ‘Nazi’ and ‘Hitler’, Physicist David Thomas wrote an article in the Nov/Dec 1997 Skeptical Inquirer saying:

“I found “Hitler” linked to “Nazi” dozens of times in several books. When I set out to engineer a “hidden code” link of “code” and “bogus” in KJV Genesis, I was able to produce sixty closely linked pairs. And every single one of these pairs could fit inside a reasonably sized puzzle. The source of the mysterious “Bible code” has been revealed — it’s homo sapiens.”

Professor Robert Haralick used the proper application of mathematical testing to demonstrate that Drosnin’s ELS was NOT statistically significant, thus NOT a true ELS (Haralick).  In fact, it would be expected to be found in random texts such as Tolstoy’s War and Peace, consistent with Thomas’ findings.  However, the credibility damage to the real ELS thesis was embedded across the full breadth of the Skeptical Inquirer’s readership.  In response to another one of Drosnin’s bold and naïve public assertions, Professor Brendan McKay finds well-known assassination ELSs within Moby Dick.   Similar to the erroneous work by Thomas, each of McKay’s findings were determined to be invalid ELSsHERE.  But again, the credibility damage to the true ELS thesis was further entrenched in the public domain via McKay’s communications.

As these examples illustrate, the broad-based confusion fostered by Drosnin opened the door for militant skeptics to fan the confusion flames with the aim of globally discrediting the ELS premise, and by association, the original solid work.  It should be noted, the original work by WSS, and the many subsequent works, remain technically valid to this day.  Because the work by WRR was mathematically solid, the oppositional forces that satan enlisted for the “discrediting task” were forced to use other means.

This oppositional effort was largely spearheaded by Brendan McKay, Dror Bar-Natan, Maya Bar-Hillel, and Gil Kalai (MBBK).  Maya Bar-Hillel was quoted by Prof. Aumann as saying, “Bob, I won’t believe this no matter whatever evidence you bring me” (Here).   The ideological implications were so great that she was willing to intentionally blind her eyes to any legitimate factual evidence, i.e., “truth”, that could potentially challenge her personal Truth-System.  Unfortunately, as you will see later in our discussion, this is not uncommon in the sciences.  It is distressing commentary on the nature of “man”; especially since scientists have been implicitly entrusted by society to execute the honorable offices of “truth-seeker” and “truth purveyor”.  For too many scientists, “truth pearls” are a commodity to be leveraged or ignored based on its impact on their personal truth-system.  Constructing an integrated paradigm that attempts to honor all observed truth evidence is of no interest to these “scientists”; in fact, these “infringing” pearls can be highly offensive to them such that it elicits shockingly ferocious responses when solid oppositional evidence or facts are conveyed.

MBBK insinuated that there was some sort of integrated conspiracy of intelligent people that massaged the “experiments” to produce the results they obtained.  When the adversarial academics (MBBK) were rebutted on their claim of conspiratorial collaboration, and evidence was presented demonstrating how it couldn’t have happened, nothing changed.  Additionally, WRR took the time to address the technical criticisms levied against their work by MBBK.  Much to the chagrin of MBBK, incorporating their criticisms never changed the results of the original findings, in fact, in most cases I’ve encountered it actually increased the statistical significance.

For example,

In 1995 WRR published, as a preprint, an article entitled: Equidistant Letter Sequences in the Book of Genesis: II. The Relationship to the Text (Reference 2)

One of the samples discussed in the article was the Nations Sample. Measurements conducted on this sample indicated a particularly high level of statistical significance: the p-level for one of the two statistics used, was better then 4/1,000,000,000. In light of criticisms leveled against the composition of this sample and its measurement, by Professor Bar Natan, Professor McKay, and Professor Sternberg, a new and refined study was conducted which led to p-value of 5/100,000,000,000. Thus, a careful analysis of the critics’ data and suggestions led to new results supporting WRR research hypothesis with high significance

Due to the voracious technical interactions, a small committee of proponents and opponents was formed in 1996 that was chartered to repeat the detailed and robust work performed by Dr. Harold Gans.  Remarkably the committee abandoned the original objective soon after their first meeting and decided to create their own tests.  As Dr. Witzum and Isaak Lapides report, the study violated academic principles to such an egregious extent that the study results were useless, thus rendering the conclusion from the opponents clearly incorrect and clearly misleading.  But this didn’t stop the findings from being reported publicly via the heavy influence of Maya Bar-Hillel as the presiding head of the Center for the Study of Rationality (note, Maya is one of the B’s in MBBK).  The portion of the report disclosing the errors was secretly deleted from the report without informing the committee membership (HERE – bottom of the page “Dishonest Trick”).

By analogy, let’s assume you wrote a “word matching” computer code to find names listed in the Bible.  You type Adam and Eve into your computer, press enter, and voilà, your code highlights the names Adam and Eve throughout the Bible.  Your opponents then say, “I don’t believe it!  Let’s work together to test your code”.  They take your code, type in words Addaam and Evve, press enter and then say, “Look, nothing was highlighted, I told you that your code didn’t work, I’m going to publish a paper sharing what you and I found”.  You say, “you spelled it wrong, that’s why it didn’t work! Your conclusion is wrong”.   They reply back, “I don’t want to talk about this anymore, it doesn’t work, I’ve published our report sharing the failure of your code, goodbye”.  Remember, satan and his minions are not interested in the truth.  The farce that was the “examining committee” and its ultimate result is summarized HERE.

The overall debate between two sides was intense to say the least:

  • Those seeking to preserve their personal ideology at any cost by delivering unending criticisms in parallel with the use of counterfeit means to create misleading results, and then publishing them with façade of mathematical credibility (a façade that most could not penetrate unless they were skilled in the art, had spare time, and possessed the requisite tools); and
  • Those seeking to communicate the mathematical integrity of the discovery while simultaneously working to expose the errors, incorrect analysis, incorrect assumptions, and misleading/wrong conclusions flowing from the opposition.

In the spirit of communication clarity and brevity, I’ve built a high-level summary table from various sources to help lay-out the facts and evidence on the topic if you are interested in learning more on a topic or two.

ELS Opponents – Several Broad Criticism CategoriesRebuttals that overturn or invalidate criticisms
Today’s Torah is surely corrupt.  Any encoding would have been destroyed by copying errors that crept in over centuries (if it did exist).·  Gans (page 11)
·  Rabbi Dovid Lichtman – only 12 letters (pg 47)
·  Biblical Experts Perspective
·  Torah Scholars Perspective
·  Doron Witztum
The ELSs patterns found in the Torah text can be found in any sufficiently long text.·  Similar patterns in Texts of great length
·  Did the “same thing” in War and Peace
The technical methodology employed in Torah code experiments is flawed.·   Probability calculations – Independence
·   Probability calculations (pg 23)
·   Hidden failures (pg 13)
·   Proximity formula (pg 22)
·   Measuring Methods (Section D)
Any apparent success in a Torah code experiment is due to a behind-the-scenes manipulation.·   The paper “Solving the Bible Code Puzzle” (MBBK)
·   MBBK Study of Variations (Section A)
·   Permutation tests (Section F)
·   Appellations wiggle room (pg 30)
·   Date forms wiggle room (pg 21)
The entropy of the Torah skip texts do not indicate that they carry any more information than random texts. Therefore, there cannot be any encoding.·   Professor Haralick

It is apparent from the tone and wording of the rebuttals that WRR et al. were frustrated with the collaborative misleading narrative they were forced to endlessly combat.  To illustrate the point, below is an excerpt from a WRR rebuttal (Section A) to a highly visible misleading publication in 1999 by MBBK in Statistical Science.

  • We point out many serious logical and statistical flaws in MBBK’s work, each of which devalues their entire work.
  • We bring many examples of serious mathematical-statistical mistakes and deceptions.
  • We show how MBBK revealed only some of their results, and that the way they chose to present those results seriously skews the true picture which would be drawn from their own variations. We also explain the fallacy of MBBK’s a posteriori excuses for their partial presentation of their results.
  • We submit their thesis to control experiments. For example we check how their thesis performs on an admittedly “cooked” list­­­­ – the list they themselves “cooked” to succeed in “War and Peace”.
  • In conclusion: MBBK’s “Study of Variations” is proven to be not only flawed and invalidated, but also a product of deception and suppression of vital data.

The long list of rebuttals to WBBK criticisms in the table above provides insight into another one of satan’s tactics used to achieve objective #1, “confusion”.  Confusion can be readily achieved by building an insurmountable mountain of erroneous, conflicting, and irrelevant information on a topic such that any interested party is ferried into a realm of overwhelming cognitive dissonance such that the truth is so thoroughly obscured that the interested party is forced to either give up or pick the side that aligns with their preexisting internal biases. In essence, the inquisitive masses exit the topic with nothing more than they brought in.  Once his minions have built a chaos mountain his objective is accomplished.

After the 1999 MBBK paper was published, sufficient uncertainty, doubt, misinformation, and confusion had been cast into the public arena that people could choose to believe whatever they desired to believe.  This is almost identical to the “Unholy truth Machine” we previously discussed where people choose the truth that fits the truth-system they crave; as opposed to choosing the actual truth born-out by evidence.

As you can appreciate at this point, the ELS encoding is truly remarkable and unexplainable; it relies on the hand of God detailing every letter in the Bible.  It is worth mentioning that God didn’t stop with only ELSs.  Researchers have found that in many cases ELS codes relate to the subject matter of the readable plain text that they are encoded within

For example, Isaiah  53 in the Bible is a clear prophecy of the Messiah, his mission, death, and burial.  Remarkably, in the very Bible verse that shares the Messiah’s mission and suffering, Yacov Rambsel found that every 12th letter in Isaiah 53:5 in Hebrew spells “JESUS IS MY NAME“.  The relevant passage from the Bible is below.

“But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed.” (Isa 53:5)

All we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned, every one, to his own way; And the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” (Isa 53:6)

Equally as remarkable is that ELS encrypted names are found in Isaiah 53 that reveal the names of the major players during the Messiah’s time (e.g., names of His disciples, His accusers, the political leaders).  The only name that is noticeably not included is the disciple that betrayed him unto death (Judas Iscariot).  However, the disciple that replaced Judas Iscariot was included (Matthew).  They’ve found 40 relevant names in only 15 sentences on the subject addressed in the plain text. The following link has more information → Jesus Is My Name.

The books Cosmic Codes by Dr. Chuck Missler and The Signature of God by Grant Jeffrey do a good job discussing the ELS phenomenon.   The following sites have valuable content as well as numerous ELS findings:  RealBibleCodes, Professor Haralick, Torahcode.org, Art Levitt.  An excellent description of the ELS history is → Here .  For those interested in a deeper dive, a thorough primer that covers the topic and the controversy is here → Primer.  

As we wrap-up this topic, it is important to reiterate, despite the onslaught of attacks over the years, the original work by WSS, and the many subsequent published works remain technically valid to this day.  We’ll end our ELS discussion with a quote from Dr. David Kazhdan, chairman of the mathematics department at Harvard University:

 “The phenomenon is real.  What conclusion you reach from this is up to you.

Ivan Panin

With the Bible Codes covered adequately, let’s briefly touch-on the unending patterns of seven discovered by Ivan Panin that were highlighted in the video by Dr. Chuck Missler.  Ivan Panin was fluent in the Biblical languages of Hebrew and Greek, he was a Harvard graduate, a mathematician, and a well-known scholar that walked in the circles of the intellectual elite.   

Let’s consider the self-evident information that a mathematician like Ivan Panin would have had at his finger-tips at the time of his discovery.  In particular, information he could have leveraged to dismiss any patterns he stumbled across.  The most obvious numerical fact is that every random number I select has a 1/7th chance of being divisible by 7. 

The following integer sequence illustrates this intuitive fact, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21….  If I take these numbers, toss them in a black bag, reach my hand into the bag and randomly grab one number, then there is a 3 in 21 chance (or 1 in 7) that I’d pick a bold underlined number.  This means that if I found 21 unique patterns or ‘features’ in a text and then added up the number-equivalent value of each feature, 3 of them would be divisible by 7.  Examples of a ‘feature’ would be the number of words in a sentence, or the number of letters in a sentence, or the sum of the numerical equivalent of the letters in a Greek sentence.  It should not be deemed unusual or incredible to find numerical features in ordinary sentences that are divisible by 7, in fact, it’s expected (and necessary if math is true). 

However, even with this self-evident fact as a backdrop, Ivan Panin’s discovery of the patterns of seven in the Bible was so remarkable and unexplainable that it convinced him that only God could have written the Bible.  The unexplainable nature of the patterns led him to commit the rest of his life to revealing the endless intertwined mathematical patterns he found woven throughout the Bible.  He turned down lucrative prestigious job-offers to pursue his work on the Bible. 

His life-time effort culminated in ~40,000 pages documenting God’s mathematical signature throughout the Bible.  He ultimately challenged his intellectual-elite peers to defy his claim of divine authorship of the Bible by finding any natural explanation for the mathematical evidence he presented.  They were silent.  I’ve seen a few attempts, but none are compelling.  Not even close to be honest…in fact, one attempt uses the self-evident principle above, another imposes their view of where they think patterns should exist instead of attempting to reconcile the patterns God made. 

A skeptic could try to argue that Dr. Panin selected words or interpretations that fit his desired goal.  However, it would not be possible for him to create the impossible mathematical structure even if he was allowed to pick any word he wanted at any time, because changing one word impacts numerous independent layers of intertwined relationships.  For example, adding a “the” to a 6 word sentence so that it had 7 words is certainly possible, but that additional “the” would destroy countless other structures that require that the “the” not be there.

It is both the number of patterns and the NATURE of patterns discovered by Ivan Panin that are not explainable.  For example, the nature of the pattern in the video would be similar to me telling you that you need to provide me with a list of 10 numbers that add up to 777.  That sounds pretty easy until I tell you that you only get to pick 5 numbers and the other 5 numbers in your list will be randomly generated on your behalf in the future. 

I think a fun way to share Ivan Panin’s discovery is to show you a summary written directly from his hand via a public interaction in The Sun [New York] newspaper in 1899. 

In November 1899, an out-spoken anti-Christian voice (Mr. W. R. Laughlin) publically challenged any Christian “champion of orthodoxy” to “step into the arena of The Sun” to provide some sort of “facts” in defense of Christianity.  As luck would have it (i.e., God made it happen), Ivan Panin happened to stumble across the challenge in an abandoned newspaper laying on a seat next to him on a train.

Ivan Panin’s response to the anti-Christian rhetoric was published in The Sun [New York] the following week. 

Mr. Panin’s response is here → Rebuttal in The Sun [New York] Newspaper

God crafted the Bible in such a remarkable fashion that He confirmed His authorship by indelibly signing it with a “humanlyimpossiblemathematical tapestry that He wove throughout the BibleOnly by the direction of a single author with power beyond our comprehension is this possible.  Yes, the same power beyond our comprehension” that created the universe and all that is seen and unseen. 

I find it interesting that God decided to reveal His amazing mathematical handiwork at the same time in history that mankind was reaching a deep knowledge of math and science.  I think He knew mankind’s intellectual pride needed something unexplainably miraculous to confirm the validity of the Bible in the wake of countless “academic experts” parading through the media trying to discredit the Bible.  What our mathematician scholars have discovered highlights the awe-inspiring intellect of God and the impossibility that the Bible could be written by man.  Unfortunately, from my perspective, Satan has effectively swept these credibility building mathematical wonders under the rug.

It’s interesting, you don’t hear much about this kind of thing in the public dialogue, news, or in schools, i.e., the mathematical evidence, scientific evidence, archaeological evidence, and external evidence demonstrating the authorship and credibility of the Bible. 

Instead, the media is flooded with the celebration of an Olympic athlete deciding to change genders, the “unspeakable offense” of a Christian student praying in a public school, Good Morning America lavishing praise on an 11 year boy that dresses in drag (Desmond), and the celebration of a tooth that a panel of academic “experts” says is the missing link, etc.  As you can see at this point, this is NOT unintentional!!!   Satan’s minion army is well trained, highly motivated, integrated, and relentless. 

The argument endlessly trumpeted by his minions is “the Bible is not true and it has changed over the years due to embellishment and ever-increasing human-error driven modification”. 

It is apparent from our evidence based discussions that this claim has no merit and it is irrefutably wrong:

  • The Bible’s flawless and statistically impossible prophetic record (10157 chance of only 48 prophecies about Jesus happening…not to mention the other 1800+ prophesies)
  • The discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls in 1947 which were written between the 3rd century B.C. and the 1st century A.D. demonstrate the historical consistency of the Bible throughout the millennia as well as confirmation that the prophecies were written before the prophesied events took place.
  • The Bible’s humanly-impossible mathematical tapestry as well as its associated mathematically embedded predictive mysteries.
  • The massive archaeological record which miraculously ties flawlessly to the Bible’s highly detailed historical account. It also provides external 3rd party verification of many Biblical prophesies (some of which are confirmed by adversaries of Christianity).

A person would need to reject reason, mathematics, and all physical evidence in order to dis-believe the Bible.  In fact, it takes far more faith to believe that the Bible is not true than it does to accept that it is trueAs you will see shortly, a similar situation arises with regard to Evolution.

The fact that the Bible is the Truth is the reason why “the mere mention of the Bible or Jesus” to satan’s minions can evoke surprisingly visceral responses.  The folks residing in the “truth limbo” domain tend to be relatively indifferent to the Bible, or possibly interested.  However, satan’s minions truly hate it and respond accordingly.  In fact, it is so offensive that they try to get it removed from every venue they can (schools, government, public places, etc.).

The question becomes…what is satan’s strategy to “remove the Truth”?   We’ll talk about that next.

Satan has been using his earthly minions INSIDE the Christian Church (i.e., both the church and seminaries), and outside the Christian Church, to attack the Bible in many different ways.  Satan’s goal is to keep the Truth from people at all cost. 

He will try to:

1)  Hide it

For example, the Catholic religion used to put people to death for having a Bible.  They had all English versions of the Bible burned.  Then the Catholic leadership had it translated into a language nobody knew…Latin.  They arduously worked under the hand of satan to hide the Truth from people.  A great book reviewing the Catholic religion’s history and ongoing heresies is A Woman Rides the Beast: The Roman Catholic Church and the Last Days.

Note:  It should be noted that the Catholic religion is NOT Christianity.  If the parishioners of the Catholic church defied the directives of the church and read the Bible themselves they would be able to see the heresies first-hand.

2)  Twist it into a lie

Using the Truth as a basis, satan had (and has) his minions “self-proclaim” revisions or additions to the Bible.  For example, the Catholic religion leveraged the absence of the Bible in people’s hands so that they could create whatever rules they wanted under the name of “God” to control the masses for their evil purposes (power and wealth and the destruction of Christians).   To achieve this end, the Catholic religion created a heretical book called the Catechism that teaches doctrine that is in 100% opposition to the Bible. 

A few examples of the false doctrine the Catholic leadership created and established via the Catechism are:  a spiritual location called “Purgatory” which they say is a bad place people have to go before heaven; they created the concept of paying money to the church to get dead relatives out of Purgatory and into heaven; they created the idea of “indulgences” so that people could pay the church for license to indulge in various “sins”; they stipulated that the Catholic church leadership and the Pope are “intermediaries” to God; they said the Pope was the infallible voice of God (victor of Christ); they taught their membership to pray to dead people (former church leaders).  Because satan hates Christians and the Truth, he used the Popes to exercise their heretical “voice of god” authority to command that Christians be massacred, tortured, and burned at the stake for not converting to Catholicism.  The death count of Christians has reached the 100’s of thousands at this point in history.

None of these doctrines are in the Bible and they are satanically crafted heresies that have allowed the Catholic church to become very wealthy, very powerful, and distressingly effective at keeping people from reading the Bible. 

To provide some historical context for the discussion above → HERE is a brief list of the  anti-Biblical doctrine created by the Catholic church.  Most of the items in the list include the year it was invented, the Catholic council or the name of the pope that created it, and the associated Biblical scripture that it violates.

Unfortunately the vast majority of people that attend the Catholic church are unaware of the heresies they’ve been taught.  Since they pray to dead people they never get a chance to encounter God in their day-to-day lives.  I will put a small caveat on this, I know that there are “some” folks that attend the Catholic church that do not follow the Catholic doctrine, instead, they follow the Bible and have a personal interactive relationship with Jesus and are filled with the Holy Spirit.  They would certainly be Christians (however, I would argue that they are not actually Catholic and would likely be deemed anathema by the Catholic leadership if they knew). 

With that said, the Catholic church is not the only religion that uses some of the Bible as a “starting-point” for their false religion.  Remember satan marauds as an angel-of-light, so he heavily uses the truths that reside in the Bible as he builds false religions. 

A couple other recognizable false religions that created a “Bible modifier book” would be the Mormon religion (i.e., The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) and the Jehovah Witnesses.

3)  Discredit it and lead people to believe it is incorrect

If satan can convince mankind that the Bible is incorrect, then he has effectively eliminated it from their life-guiding truth-system.  He has been using this tactic continuously with great success.  For example, the heretical founder of the Mormon church (Joseph Smith) said that the Bible had become riddled with errors over the years and he alone was “chosen by god” to write a document to fix it.  Satan then re-wrote it through the hands of their leader Joseph Smith.  He re-wrote it in a fashion that “made sense” to mankind using human reasoning and offered its followers a great reward for believing it (e.g., he promised that they’d become gods and that they’d receive their own planet when they died).  He even tossed in polygamy to incentivize the men.

Note:  It should be obvious at this point that the Mormon religion is NOT Christianity.  Satan crafted the name “Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints” to try to identify the Mormon religion as a Christian church.  This allows satan to lure folks interested in Christianity into his domain and then turn them to his seducing lies. Here are a couple useful links on Mormonism (What they believe and Heresies). 

The Jehovah Witnesses religion has done the same thing as the Mormon religion.  This approach is common for many cults (e.g., Christian Science).

Satan does all of this so that he can try to convince people that the Bible is not the Word of God and not the Truth.  If satan can accomplish this it enables him to build the false “truth” needed for his minions to run his “Unholy Machine” of destruction. 

To sum it up, Satan’s pompous minions will endeavor to discredit the Bible by saying: 

  • It was written by man, and man makes mistakes. The Bible is riddled with errors and inconsistencies so it can’t be the Word of God.  [as we have seen this is not true… LIES]
  • It is a proven fact that stories change from person-to-person, so after 6000 years the Bible is nothing more than a bundle of fanciful stories [as we have already seen…LIES)
  • It is only a beautiful book of poetry with some nice moral themes [LIES]
  • The Bible is incomplete and incorrect and requires a modern revelation for it to be complete, e.g., Mormons, Muslim faith, The Occult, Modern spirituality, etc. [LIES]
  • It was relevant back then, but things are much different now. Except for a few principles, it is generally not useful in the modern day [LIES…the Truth transcends time, as do the physical and spiritual laws that govern everything we see and don’t see…time is irrelevant.  It is like saying Newton’s Law was only applicable in the past, as such we can jump off cliffs now and we’ll be just fine]
  • The Bible was written long after Jesus’ death and the author created the document for the purpose of political and social manipulation of the masses. [as we have already seen…LIES]
  • The Bible is full of hate, bigotry, and sexism so it can’t be from God [the Bible teaches to love everyone, that includes loving a person’s enemies…LIES]
  • There can’t be only one way to heaven…what about all the people that have never heard about the Bible? It can’t be true.  [Flawed Reasoning…we’ll briefly discuss this later]
  • A good and loving god would never send people to Hell, so the Bible can’t be true. [Flawed Reasoning…and flawed understanding of the Holiness of God and mankind’s free-will]
  • Science contradicts the Bible so it can’t be true. They say the educated and enlightened minds of today understand the need for such a book in the barbaric days of history.  But mankind has grown beyond the need to create “imaginary powers” of good and evil to control the simple minds of the masses as they did in the past. [Science does not contradict the Bible, in fact it supports the Bible…LIES]
  • Most of the book is right, with the exception that Jesus was the Son of God, however, He was a good man and a great prophet. They’ll say that Jesus was “deified” over the years by his admiring followers and they eventually wrote it in the Bible many centuries later. [as we’ve already seen…LIES]
  • etc

As would be expected from satan and his minions, these are all lies, or flawed reasoning, and intended to prevent people’s consumption and application of the Truth.  All of them have compelling responses that render them ineffectual.  Since the list above has been around for eons there are volumes written on them and many authors do a great job addressing these lies. 

A couple of excellent easy-to-read books addressing these topics are by Lee Strobel – Case for Christ and Case for Faith.  They are especially interesting because Lee Strobel was an atheist that had decided that he was going to use a critical and thorough systematic legal approach to disprove the Bible.  The book documents his path as he chased his arguments against the Bible with fervor.  At a certain point, the evidence was too strong in support of the Bible and he became a Christian.  The Case for Faith covers unsettling questions that arose in his mind after he became a Christian.  Questions like, “if God is good then why do people go to Hell”, “what about people that never hear about Jesus before they die”, etc. 

Another great book I really enjoyed was Letters From a Skeptic, a friend gave me this book when I was in graduate school.  The book is comprised of the actual letters sent back and forth between a very smart Atheist father and his Christian professor son addressing these topics (each trying to convince the other).  If  you want to understand a bit more about all the other religions and cults out there and how they compare to the Bible, a useful book is “Fast Facts on False Religions”.  This letter is already getting a bit long (way too long J), so I’m referring you to much better writers than me!  

As we discussed previously, satan’s Weapon of Mass Destruction is a LIE.  In a war, military strategists select a destructive payload that will be used in a weapon.  A missile could be loaded with Plutonium, heavy hydrogen isotopes, chemicals, biological agents, etc.  Since satan is in all-out war against God’s beloved children he loads his Weapon of Mass Destruction in a strategic fashion.

Satan has a couple key destructive pay-loads that he broadly uses against mankind.  While he uses countless lies, we’ll talk about a two that are his most effective and most destructive.

Arguably the most powerful modern-day destructive pay-load that satan loads into his Weapon of Mass Destruction is “Evolution”.  This lie is aimed at those that see themselves as intellectual in nature and they struggle to believe (or refuse to believe) in such things as “religion” and its associated domain that they can’t see.  Ironically, the science that they believe-in is based solely on visible evidence of a domain they can’t see (i.e., like we highlighted in the beginning of this letter…electromagnetic waves, gravity, electricity, atoms, electrons, magnetism, heat, etc). 

They believe-in invisible physical phenomenon solely because of the evidence they observe of the unseen domain; however, for some reason they can’t/won’t extend the same intellectual liberty to the tremendous evidence they observe of the unseen spiritual world.  Even if they are not sure what is “evil” and what is “good”, they can assuredly see the massive battle between the two sides and its associated collateral damage that breaks our hearts every day as we watch the news.

Satan cares deeply about progressing and embedding Evolution into society because it builds three of the most important components in his Unholy Machine with a single lie:

  • It convinces mankind that God doesn’t exist, as such,
      • It keeps people from seeking God
      • It keeps the Truth/Bible out of their minds and hands (which could destroy his most powerful weapon – lies)
  • It convinces mankind that satan and his demons don’t exist, as such:
      • It protects his precious and strategic “cloak of non-existence
  • Without God, it means there is no absolute moral truth/laws, as such:
      • It releases people to indulge in their sin with reckless abandon
      • It enables the construction of each person’s self-focused truth-system

Satan has spent a tremendous amount of time and effort embedding this lie in society, as such, we will address it with enough information to conclusively expose it.  There is far more information that I could share, but we will move-on to wrap-up our conversation after it becomes intellectually “untenable” to believe Evolution.

As a preface to our discussion, the Bible discloses the technical structure that God used to create everything.  It does not communicate the details.  Creationists are working to put all the pieces of evidence together to build a working model of the creation specifics. 

The pieces of evidence come from assorted scientific disciplines, e.g., archeology, biology, chemistry, math, physics, etc.   Since the Bible is true, the pieces of evidence naturally support the Biblical account.  As such, the task is much easier for Creationists to assemble a working model than the impossible task set before Evolutionists. 

A Creation model that does a pretty good job of harmonizing the Bible’s historical report with the evidence gathered from the various scientific disciplines is:

  • Very recent creation of the earth and life (5000-10000 years old)
  • Earth was surrounded by a water vapor/ice crystal canopy creating a greenhouse effect yielding tropical temperatures from pole to pole (very helpful summary Here)
      1. Meaning tropical vegetation could flourish from pole to pole, and
      2. The genetically damaging impact of the sun’s UV rays on life would be far less (thus enabling life to flourish/grow in ways not possible now)
  • Collapse of the protective greenhouse canopy resulting in:
      1. Temperature extremes suddenly appearing at the Earth’s poles (i.e., very rapidly appearance of cold)
      2. A concurrent massive global flood that fully covered the surface of the earth
  • Significant structural Earth changes coincident with the flood (Pangea breakup).

Some more work needs to be done to understand, and model, the greenhouse “canopy” that the Bible describes (e.g., cooling heat transfer from earth, canopy elevation, etc), but this model addresses much of the evidence that we see. 

This is a high-quality video with animations that shows how things likely took place with the flood → The Flood / Continents / Dinosaurs.  It couples the fossil record with geologic sequences, events, and global data integration.  Please take a moment to watch it so you have a picture in your mind as we continue our discussion. 

A KEY POINT to highlight is that the theory of Evolution NEEDs the earth to be billions of years old to enable its evolutionary model (as you’ll see, the facts do not support the theory).  A young earth COMPLETELY DESTROYS the theory of Evolution.  As a result, this topic breeds ferocious technical discussion. 

The theory of Evolution also NEEDs “evidence” that shows that there was a gradual and continuous transformation of life forms/species; starting at simple species, then moving to complex species, and then branching to separate unique species.  If Evolutionist’s model is true then there would be an observable transformation record in the fossil history tracking the change from one life form to another (e.g., fossils showing all the life forms as a whale evolved into a giraffe).  As you digest the information below, keep these 2 REQUIREMENTS for Evolution in mind.  The Evolutionary theory needs:

  • Old Earth – Billions of years old
  • Gradual transition between species

Here are some facts, i.e., “evidence” pieces in the puzzle that satan’s minions do their best to ignore, suppress, and keep from the eyes of the masses:

  • The fossil record solely supports the Biblical account of the history of the Earth. To illustrate this point we will share assessments directly from EVOLUTIONISTS  Below are a couple examples from countless quotes I could have shared (Evolutionist’s Assessment):
      • The Cambrian explosion – the majority of species all show up at the SAME TIME in the fossil record. Below is a quote from a renowned evolutionist on the topic of the Cambrian explosion. 

“It is as though they [fossils] were just planted there, without any evolutionary history. Needless to say this appearance of sudden planting has delighted creationists. …Both schools of thought (Punctuationists and Gradualists) despise so-called scientific creationists equally, and both agree that the major gaps are real, that they are true imperfections in the fossil record.  The only alternative explanation of the sudden appearance of so many complex animal types in the Cambrian era is divine creation and (we) both reject this alternative.” (Dawkins, Richard, The Blind Watchmaker, 1996, pp. 229-230.)

Even though the only reasonable explanation for the Cambrian explosion is Creation, they still choose to reject it (i.e., they refuse to acknowledge a God they’d be accountable to).

  • Lack of continuous transition – The unique/different life-forms that make-up the fossil record are not connected via transitional life-forms bridging the gap. Renowned EVOLUTIONIST’s quotes are below:
      • “All paleontologists know that the fossil record contains precious little in the way of intermediate forms; transitions between major groups are characteristically abrupt.” (Gould, Stephen J. The Panda’s Thumb, 1980, p. 189.)
      • “Given that evolution, according to Darwin, was in a continual state of motion …it followed logically that the fossil record should be rife with examples of transitional forms leading from the less to more evolved. …Instead of filling the gaps in the fossil record with so-called missing links, most paleontologists found themselves facing a situation in which there were only gaps in the fossil record, with no evidence of transformational evolutionary intermediates between documented fossil species.” (Schwartz, Jeffrey H., Sudden Origins, 1999, p. 89.)
  • Tropical trees/plants and sea creatures found in arctic regions and on mountains around the world. This is consistent with the earth being tropical from pole to pole when a greenhouse canopy was in-place per the creation model.
  • Massive amounts of sediment were dropped quickly which is consistent with the global flood, e.g., frozen TROPICAL trees and vegetation 1000 to 1500 ft underground in Alaska (frozen, not petrified) – found by Oil Industry drillers in Prudhoe Bay Alaska. (Section 3 of this article)
  • Animals flash-frozen when the earth’s greenhouse canopy was broken which resulted in the earth being directly exposed to the cold of deep-space when God brought about the global flood (Evidence and Data)
      • Flash-frozen Mammoths in arctic regions still had flowers in their mouths that they were eating.
      • Evidence that large areas were peppered with particles from space (i.e., Mammoth tusks had holes on only one side with millimeter sized iron and nickel particles in them). Note:  Meteors are typically iron & nickel based with high density.
  • Dinosaurs have been discovered with soft tissue/flesh remaining supposedly 75+ million years old (Fossils, Mosasaur, T-Rex and Other).
  • Mass burial bone graveyards from flood run-off with land creatures and sea creatures bones packed together by the millions
  • Carbon dating indicates that the Earth is young (5000-10000 yrs old) (Carbon 14 Dating)
      • Due to Carbon 14’s short ½ life (1000’s of years), it should not be found in rocks aged at millions of years. C14 it is found all over, which is consistent with the creation model.
  • Radiometric dating predicts an old earth, but it is fundamentally flawed due to failures in the foundational assumptions required to link radioactive decay measurements to age (Radiometric Dating Basics, Base Assumption Issues, Argon Issues, Helium Diffusion in Zircons Link 1 and Link 2), e.g.,
      • 50-year-old lava flows at Mt. Ngauruhoe (Na-rue-hoy), New Zealand, yield a rubidium-strontium “age” of 133 million years, a samarium-neodymium “age” of 197 million years, and a uranium-lead “age” of 908 billion years!
      • Lava in the Mt. St. Helens crater (that had been observed to form and cool in 1986) was analyzed in 1996, it contained so much argon-40 that it had a calculated “age” of 350,000 years!
      • In Australia, fossilized wood was found entombed in basalt. The fossilized wood yielded a Carbon 14 age of about 37,500 years old.  The entombing basalt yielded an averaged K-Ar radiometric age of 5 Million years old.  They should have obviously yielded similar ages. (reference)
      • Zircon crystals still retain significant Helium (He) levels that should have diffused-out long ago if rocks were millions/billions years old (Note: Helium is the by-product of the Uranium to Lead radiometric decay, it is a small atom that diffuses out of rock);  Based on He diffusion dating the Earth is ~6000 yrs old
  • The “Young Faint Sun Paradox” – if the sun is ~5 billion years old then the sun is 40% brighter now than it was then; Life couldn’t tolerate this change, as such assorted ideas are being concocted by Evolutionists to try to explain-away this problem.  If the Earth is young, there is no problem.
  • If you are a geologist or geophysicist this lecture is for youHERE. Kurt Wise gives a 2 hr lecture on catastrophic plate tectonics.  It explains voluminous unexplainable evidence by conventional theory (e.g., 35+ ft seismites, rapid magnetic pole shifts recorded in the geologic record (weeks), continent scale non-eroded unconformities, continent wide brecciation, mantle temperature variations from seismic tomography, etc).  The physical geologic evidence is overlaid on independent physics modeling of the mantle/core/plates.
  • Other independent measures of the earth’s age show a young earth (Young Earth Evidence)
      • Galaxies wind themselves up too fast → Evolutionists call this “the winding-up dilemma”
      • Too few supernova remnantsSupernova remnants remain visible ~million years.  Based on observations of other galaxies our size, there is 1 super nova per 25 yrs.  Our galaxy has had only 200, yielding an age of 7000 yrs.
      • Comets disintegrate too quicklyMaterial is removed from comets with each passage by the sun, they should be gone now if the earth is billions of years old.
      • Not enough mud on the sea floorGiven earth’s erosion rates, far too little mud exists on the seafloor (subduction only removes ~5%, we only have 400m instead of the dozens of kilometers needed for evolution timescales)
      • Not enough sodium in the seaSalt is delivered from land to sea and accumulates in the oceans. Based on the earth’s salt delivery rate, the ocean’s should be far saltier if the earth is as old as evolutionist say.
      • The earth’s magnetic field is decaying too fast The earth’s magnetic field is decreasing in strength with a ½ life of ~1500 years. A young earth model provides a simple explanation that matches paleomagnetic, historic, and present data.
      • Many strata are too tightly bentIn mountainous regions the earth’s strata are severely curved without cracks, this cannot happen if 1000 ft layers of rigid rock are bent over millions of years.  These layers must have been deposited wet/unsolidified and folding is recent.
      • Biological material decays too fastDNA decays rapidly due to physical mechanisms (radioactivity, mutation, etc). It can’t last more the ~10,000 years.  DNA is found in fossils presumed by scientists to be 100’s of millions years old (dinosaurs, insects preserved in amber).  This is an obvious conflict.  There is no issue if the earth is young.
      • Fossil radioactivity shortens geologic “ages” to a few yearsRadiohalos are rings of color formed around microscopic bits of radioactive minerals in rock crystals. “Squashed” Polonium-210 radiohalos indicate that Jurassic, Triassic, and Eocene formations in the Colorado plateau were deposited within months of one another, not hundreds of millions of years apart as required by evolutionists. “Orphan” Polonium-218 radiohalos, having no evidence of their mother elements, imply accelerated nuclear decay and very rapid formation of associated minerals.

This is a spectacular synopsis from a globally recognized Synthetic Organic Chemistry professor that definitively puts a nail in the intellectual coffin of anyone that claims that life originated on its own over billions of years → HERE. (I STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you watch this short video – you can thank me later)

Evolutionists generally try to ignore the fact that it is statistically impossible to create life by atoms randomly self-assembling into the structures needed for life, e.g., a simple DNA strand.  Abiogenesis studies are trying to construct theories to address this mathematical impossibility – without success.  [Note:  The nice thing about science and math is that they don’t care what people think the answer should be, they simply provide the facts – which makes it impossible to substantiate an impossible theory].

  • Chemist Dr. Grebe:

“That organic evolution could account for the complex forms of life in the past and the present has long since been abandoned by men who grasp the importance of the DNA genetic code.”

  •  Researcher and mathematician I.L. Cohen:

“At that moment, when the DNA/RNA system became understood, the debate between Evolutionists and Creationists should have come to a screeching halt. …the implications of the DNA/RNA were obvious and clear.  Mathematically speaking, based on probability concepts, there is no possibility that Evolution was the mechanism that created the approximately 6,000,000 species of plants and animals we recognize today.”

  •  Michael Denton (Evolutionist):

“The complexity of the simplest known type of cell is so great that it is impossible to accept that such an object could have been thrown together suddenly by some kind of freakish, vastly improbable, event.  Such an occurrence would be indistinguishable from a miracle.” 

  • MOST IMPORTANTLY: The 2nd law of thermodynamics stipulates that everything that exists moves from order” to “disorder”.  This is a significant problem for evolution…for BOTHOpen” and “Isolated” systems!!!  As such, with each tick of the clock, the entropy of the world/universe increases and the world becomes more and more physically disorganized (NOT MORE ORGANIZED).

This list is far from complete, there is much more.  However, even with this abbreviated list, it is evident that Evolution fails under the weight of evidence integrated from the different science and math disciplines.  The independent evidence pieces plus the integrated story say the same thing – Creation happened and Evolution didn’t. 

I’ll give an analogy to help exemplify the difference between Evolutionists and Creationists “Earth history reconstruction efforts”.  Let’s assume that a person that worked in a pottery factory in the distant past broke a red pottery vase into 30+ assorted pieces.  The pottery pieces are “evidence” of the former vase. 

Creationists take the assorted pieces that they manage to find and dovetail all the jagged edges together and say, “based on the evidence we’ve found, and based on this book we found that says we are standing in an old pottery factory that made red vases according to the enclosed rough sketch, we conclude that the “pieces” are from a red pottery vase.  Each fragment looks like a piece of red pottery and the pieces fit together into a partial vase that looks similar to the picture in the book.

On the flip side, Evolutionist say, “Nope!…we think that the 30 red clay pieces are an ancient lawn mower”.  Then they take one piece of curved red pottery and tirelessly work to dream-up an elaborate mechanism as to how it was originally a carburetor but it became a red piece of clay by being buried for millions of years, bombarded with protons and neutrons to change the atomic composition from metal to clay, dissolved to create porosity, imbibed with iron to give it is red color, and deformed and baked by a volcano to become a slightly curved piece of red clay with broken jagged edges.  Then they proceed to do this with every piece of the vase (the next pottery piece they’ll say was originally a piston, the next piece was a spark plug, the next piece was a plastic gas tank, etc). 

Since they are creating something inconsistent with the evidence, they run into serious issues with each piece as well as the presiding physical laws that govern our world (e.g., probability of complex atomic self-assembly, entropy, carbon dating, sun intensity change, etc).  To the casual unbiased observer, all the pieces are similar curved red clay, they fit together, and readily form a vase.  It is obvious by inspection.  There may be some pieces missing, but new pieces are found regularly and with each new piece they fit into the vase to reveal its true appearance in greater clarity and the overall structure is consistent with the rough sketch in the book.  If the Evolutionists joined the Creationists, their technical world would make sense, but instead Evolutionists tirelessly work to make nonsense from sense.

Satan is not interested in the Truth.  Nor are his minions.  They don’t want to acknowledge there is a God.  If they do, then they will be accountable to Him; meaning they can’t write their own truth-system and establish themselves as god of their lives.  As such, they rage-on maniacally fighting in the technical realm against the tidal wave of evidence supporting the Biblical account of history, i.e., trying to turn clay into carburetors.  With that said, satan richly rewards them for their efforts with praise, acclaim, notoriety, and celebrity if they adopt, advance, and perpetuate his Evolutionary cause.

For example, satan had the media praise and exalt the claims that a tooth (yes, a tooth!) was the long sought-after “the missing link” between man and monkeys (Nebraska Man).  It was determined later that it was actually the tooth on an extinct pig.  Yes, an extinct pig’s tooth was hailed by “leading scientific experts” as the definitive evidence of the missing link.  And just as satan planned, this tooth was used to ultimately usher-in the teaching of Evolution in public schools via the “Scopes trial”. 

Satan used money-hungry local business men and deceit to bring about the contrived Scopes Trial that he strategically used to drive Evolution into the public school system.  Once it was in the public school system satan was able to embed this foundational lie in the truth-system of the masses which enabled him to have endless fuel to power his “Unholy Machine.  The players in the Scopes Trial were all unknowing pawns in his sophisticated plan. 

Other academics desiring to bathe themselves in the financial rewards and the adoration of their peers, the media, and the general population have intentionally created false fossils (e.g., combining human bones and orangutan bones, filing-down teeth) so they could say they found the missing link – this was the multi-decade Piltdown Man hoax.  Satan knows how to incentivize his minions.

In fact, praise, adoration, and exaltation is lavished on anyone that says what satan wants; while insults and attacks are endlessly delivered to those that do not.  Here is a list of de-bunked “missing links”, Lucy or Australopithecus, Ramapithecus, Javaman or Homo Erectus, Piltdown Man, Neanderthal Man, Nebraska Man.  Since the “reality” that satan’s minions have crafted for themselves (Evolution) is all that matters to them; they deem the massive volume of contradictory facts unworthy of acknowledgement or rebuttal. 

Satan has populated most leadership positions in our educational institutions with his spokespeople.  As such, Evolution is promoted and conveyed as scientific fact to the masses of children and adults entering our educational system.  This is obviously similar to Sir William Ramsay and William Albright’s youthful educational experiences, but at a much larger scale.  And similar to their cases, unless folks have 20+ years to chase-down the strategic lies in all the topic-areas of all scientific disciplines then they will unknowingly build their life-directing “truth-system” with life-altering lies. 

It is for this reason that satan ensures that our educational systems carry debunked “missing links” and a plethora of biased/incorrect science in their schoolbooks.  These schoolbooks will also omit large volumes of data, analysis, and compelling integrated models that are inconsistent with their master’s will; instead they single-mindedly choose to embed Evolution in the minds of the masses as “the truth”.

It became painfully obvious when I was in graduate school that Evolution was impossible.   Unfortunately, not many people have the opportunity (or interest J) to attend graduate school in the foundational sciences of engineering and physics.  As a result, satan has the upper-hand with the general masses since they don’t have an internal technical policing agent.  He can easily obscure lies in technical jargon and broadcast baseless claims from so-called technical “experts”. 

We have skipped an important topic that we will touch on briefly via an illustration.  If I point to a large office building and ask somebody on the street how it got there, they would likely say people working for a construction firm built it.  We can only see the office building now, but its visible presence is the evidence the builder’s existence.  If I then point to a car and ask the same question, I would get a similar answer.  The highly complex design work, machining, electrical system, computer algorithms, systems integration, component fabrication, assembly, etc. highlights the existence of the builders as well as their great competence and understanding.  If I said to them that I think the office building and the car simply appeared from nothing, they would say, “I must be some sort or quack, only an idiot would deny the obvious existence of the builders.   They’d say, “Matter doesn’t appear from nothing and then self-design and then self-manufacture and then self-assemble into a large highly complex integrated functional object!

If I then direct their attention to the earth and all that is in it, and above it, and highlight that its complexity is so unfathomably great that millennia of focused study by mankind has only scratched the surface of understanding, and then ask them where it came from, many will say, I don’t know.”  Yes, the same folks that said I was an idiot for not acknowledging the “builders” of the office building and car will say in the same breath that other visible physical objects far more complex than our minds can comprehend suddenly appeared with no builder.  The existence of God is an axiom, i.e., a self-evident truth.  Looking in the mirror, or out the window, is all the evidence needed to comprehend the truth. 

  • For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” (Rom 1:20)

This is a sobering verse.  No person on the planet can claim to be ignorant of God because His existence as the Creator is self-evident (i.e., like the “builders” of the car and office building are self-evident).  Consequently, each person is directly accountable for what they do with this understanding in their life.  Evolution is a technically failed theory used by satan and his minions to deny this truth.  As you can see, denying this truth unlocks the “Unholy truth Machine” satan uses to separate people from God and embed the lie-based truth-system he requires to operate his integrated empire bent on chaos and destruction.  Whoever choses to believe the lie of Evolution, denies an axiom.

We’ll close our discussion on Evolution at this point so we can address another important piece in the puzzle.

Up to this point we have discussed a single group of folks that are under the sway of the wicked one.  Namely, satan’s All-Sin focused vocal minion armada.  As you’ll recall from the discussion and illustration near the end of THE UNHOLY BATTLE-CRY section, there are many folks that don’t necessarily follow the path of Super-Hero to Evil Warlord

We will touch-on the other groups to fill-out our understanding of why the world looks like it does.  At the highest level, satan “generally” has the people under his “sway” (1Jo 5:19) divided into 4 primary groups that are shown in the table below.  

The groups are general in nature, I won’t discuss every population that makes-up a Group, but you will be able to bucket them yourself once you know the principles that define the larger Group.  You’ll want to make a mental note of each Group since we’ll refer to them in the upcoming dialogue.

We’ve covered the first destructive pay-load that satan uses in his Weapon of Mass Destruction (i.e., Evolution), now we will discuss the second pay-load.

Have you ever noticed that you don’t see satan’s minion armada (Group 1) in the media or governmental leadership using their time to attack the doctrine of the Hindu religion, or Buddhism, or Daoism, etc.?  In fact, they support and endorse these religions under the umbrella of “diversity and inclusion”.  This is not a statistical anomaly.  Satan’s minions do not attack them because their master wrote these religions.

The segment of mankind that satan targets with these false religions are those sitting in the “Truth Limbo” domain of our illustration shown in “THE UNHOLY BATTLE-CRY” section.  The folks in this domain do not want to recklessly pursue evil because they believe there is “some god” out there that they may be accountable to one day for the good and bad they have done during their lives.

With the exception of one religion that we will talk about later, satan leverages their religious inclination by giving them what their personal “truth-system” seeks, i.e., a god that is “good”, a god that judges on some sort of good versus bad performance basis, and a god that makes sense to them.

Satan crafted these religions while marauding as an angel of light and basing them on “love / kindness / peace / etc.” to create a believable “good god” so he could lead people away from the Truth.  Instead of trying to corrupt them and turn them into evil warlords, he redirects them to imaginary gods to worship that can be 99% good’ish in appearance, but 1% toxic.  The 99% good’ish appearance helps the pill go down, the 1% toxin begins to kill them once ingested.

He designed the gods/religions so that they “make sense” to mankind by appealing to their sense of reason.  For example, people have learned over their lives that you need to “work” for something in order to acquire it.  As such, he crafted his religions in a fashion that people need to “do things” to acquire heaven, or to achieve a higher state, or to attain some other spiritual goal.  He made many of them focus on love, kindness, peace and other good things.  He fashions them such that good behavior is rewarded, and bad behavior is punished.

In general he made them so there is a cosmic scale that weighs the good things folks do on one side of the scale, and the bad things they do on the other side of the scale; and if the good outweighs the bad then they get to enter heaven or whatever nirvana satan promises (planets, bunches of virgins, god status, etc.).

Not only does the cosmic scale of good versus bad make sense to folks, it is attractive because it allows them to indulge in things they may know are not good (e.g., drunkenness, promiscuity, an occasional lie) because they can always compensate by doing some good things so the scale tips in their favor (e.g., go to church, give money to a charity, etc.).

When I ask folks if they think they are going to heaven I often hear, “SureI’m a good person…at least I haven’t killed anybody”.  Some of the less-religious folks in this group will embrace parts of the “All-Sin” truth-system that appeal to them while they also pursue some sort of “good-based” behaviors to try to tip their envisioned “good versus bad” scales in their favor.  These particular folks may not formally adopt an organized religion, however if they are asked about god they will have their answers.  They’ll say, ”I believe god is this” and “I believe god is that” as they convey the god that they’ve unknowingly crafted in their own image.

This all makes sense to mankind because it is the way mankind thinks, basically a god that reasons and thinks like them is believable and attractive.  As we will find-out the actual Truth in the Bible very different, and what satan OMITS and twists in his plethora of religions is what eventually brings destruction (i.e., his goal).

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD. (Isa 55:8)

The Bible gave us a key test to check if a teaching/doctrine is the Truth or not.  Not surprisingly, EVERY ONE of satan’s religions FAILS this test.  We’ll cover this topic in the last section.

Since satan’s religions are works-based he gives them a “to do” list and a “not to do” list in their religious writings.  They strive continually to reach their goal, thinking, “if I can just get it right”, it will finally fill the emptiness in my life.  So they meditate more, chant more, pray to their god more, deprive themselves more, seek more “secret knowledge”, do more good deeds, give more money, etc.

They are always thinking their fulfillment is just around the corner…believing that the lie they’ve been told will finally deliver what it promised if they can only “do” and “not do” everything right.  Unfortunately, it is the same “the next” syndrome that satan effectively uses on the carnal sin-chasers, i.e., fulfillment is just around the corner “keep pressing on”.

A person can discuss Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism, etc. without any resistance, but if you bring-up the Bible as the Truth, the opposition from satan’s minions comes screaming-out of the woodwork.

This should be a powerful sign to unbiased observers regarding which faith is the Truth.  The angry attackers will try to justify their seething unprovoked verbal assault by saying, “it is offensive that Christianity claims to be the only way to God”.  However, most all of satan’s religions also claim that the path to heaven is exclusive to their religion (e.g., Here).  But this fact doesn’t bother his minions nor does the hypocrisy of their words and actions.

Believe it or not, they are teaching children in Public school in America to learn and say Muslim prayers.  Including the prayer that commits them to the Muslim religion (i.e., the conversion prayer), examples – Maryland (Supreme Court), Supreme Court Ruling, Florida, Massachusetts.

These are the same public schools that have banned the Bible and Christian prayer using the “separation of Church and State” as their militant attack platform.   The hypocrisy eludes their deluded minds and they campaign for more education on Islam under the banner of “inclusion & diversity”.

If satan can’t bulldoze his religions into schools and society using his minions in leadership, then he re-packages them under a different name and ushers them into the minds, lifestyles, and beliefs of mankind without them knowing it.  We’ll walk through an example to illustrate the point.

Buddhism (and Hinduism):

Satan has been actively indoctrinating and growing his religion of Buddhism under the banner of Mindfulness (stealth Buddhism).  This started in the 1970’s by a college professor named Jon Kabat-Zinn who became a Buddhist as a student at MIT.  He is the founder of the Stress Reduction Clinic and the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

Professor Kabat-Zinn openly explained his objective was to make Buddhist Mindfulness more appealing to people who would likely reject it if they knew it was Buddhist (Handbook of Mindfulness, page 79).

Satan used Jon Kabat-Zin to re-cast his religion in a light that would be attractive in our modern-day culture that is focused on self-empowerment, self-fulfillment, and total mind & body health.  Satan introduced meditation and physical stretching exercises in the form of Yoga as an exotic ancient eastern solution to society’s craving.  To remove any overtones of religion that could dissuade folks, he cast its practices under the umbrella of science.  Now we have “physical exercise, mental health, and science” as the new cover-page selling his ancient satanically crafted Buddhist practices.

Folks may say that they are doing Yoga only for the physical exercise.  However, since Yoga is the physical and mental method to practice Buddhism it is inseparably spiritual.  It does not take long before folks are doing Yoga for “spiritual” reasons.

Below is a quote from a study in the Journal of Health Psychology (2016 June; 21(6):887-96) that shows that people may adopt Yoga for exercise and stress relief, however their motivation changes after they become involved.

  • Findings suggest that most initiate yoga practice for exercise and stress relief, but for many, spirituality becomes their primary reason for maintaining practice.

To exemplify and emphasize the spiritual nature of Yoga, below is a list of Yoga Sutras that underpin the practice of Yoga (Source):

The god of Yoga:

The god of Yoga called Ishvara, and represented by “Om

  • Sutra 1.25: The god Ishvara is the source of all knowledge
  • Sutra 1.27: This god Ishvara is represented by the symbol and sound of “Om”
  • Sutras 1.28-29: One is instructed to repeat (mantra practice) this name (Om) to deepen their practice

Yoga’s communicating with Spirits:

  • Sutras 3.16, 3.22: The practitioner can attain special abilities to tell the past and future through meditation.
  • Sutras 3.25, 3.32: Through meditation, one can also discover spirits and communicate with master spirits.
  • Sutras 3.17-3.38: Many other powers of sorcery can be attained through meditation practice.
  • Sutra 3.5: Mastering of meditation lays the groundwork for these powers and leads to what is called “absolute knowledge of all that can be perceived.”
  • Sutra 4.1: “Supernatural powers” can also be attained by drugs, mantras, and yoga.

Goal of the Yogic Path:

To yoke and become one with god, to attain all knowledge, wisdom, and freedom by perfecting the practices of the Yoga Sutras.

  • Yoga Sutras: 1.1-4.34

The practice of Yoga is fundamentally spiritual and satan has been using it for eons to entice people into using their free will to naively establish a connection with demons.  Yoga is couched by satan, and sold to society, as a healthy stress relieving physical activity.  The following link is to the testimony from a 10+ year yoga teacher and master level reiki practitioner (Jessica Smith).

Similar to most of satan’s lies, he draws people in with something attractive, inviting, and compelling.  As Jessica’s story highlights, Yoga can provide a sense of love, peace, and euphoria when folks begin to play with it.  This provides the draw and appeal for folks to continue.  However, as folks dig-in deeper and deeper they become entangled in its spiritual bondage.

You rarely hear about all the damage that occurs from engaging demons through Yoga.  Here is a quick summary of what satan can do once people naively call upon demonic spirits and surrender themselves to them via Yoga (→ Here).  The worst part is that they don’t know that they are blindly following satan’s recipe book to connect them to one or more of his demons.

Below are some testimonies from active Yoga proponents and practitioners trying to explain the horror that resulted as they engaged these “spiritual powers”….this is really scary stuff as you will see.  Some are permanently damaged.

In case you don’t have internet access, below is an excerpt from a personal testimony included in the first link above in which a Yoga practitioner engaged the demonic Kundalini spirit:

“There were dreadful disturbances in all the organs, each so alarming and painful that I wonder how I managed to retain my self-possession under the onslaught. The whole delicate organism was burning, withering away completely under the fiery blast racing through its interior.

I knew I was dying and that my heart could not stand the tremendous strain for long. My throat was scorched and every part of my body flaming and burning, but I could do nothing to alleviate the dreadful suffering. If a well or river had been near I would have jumped into its cold depths, preferring death to what I was undergoing . . . I racked my distracted brain for a way of escape, only to meet blank despair on every side. The effort exhausted me and I felt myself sinking, dully conscious of the scalding sea of pain in which I was drowning.”

Not only is satan the master of lies, he is also the master of confusion.  This is evident by the above authors convoluted concoction of contrived psycho-spiritual constructs and metaphysical jargon that they use to try explain the horrific mental and physical torment these poor folks experienced.  The last thing satan wants is for folks to know that they are playing with demons.  As such, he crafts all sorts of mumbo jumbo to cover his tracks.  Satan also “appeals” to folks spiritual pride, by suggesting that only those that know what they are doing can migrate this Serpent Power engagement; in essence, if they knew what they were doing and had attained sufficient spiritual prowess then the horror wouldn’t have happened.  Satan loves to use mankind’s pride as a means to destroy them.

Below is some useful information on Yoga’s demonic ravaging and the resulting physical and mental damage arising from it.

  • Studies and testimonies are listed → Here (this site includes grave warnings issued by Yoga masters)

In case you don’t have internet access I pulled an example from the website above:

A study by the German Government Youth Department (Ministry of Youth, Family and Health) (the study was verified by the nation’s Supreme Courts after careful review).

These statistics are based on a study of the Transcendental Meditation form of yoga.

  • 76% of cases experienced psychological disorders
  • 43% had to have psychiatric or medical treatments
  • Out of the psychological disorders observed
    • 63% experiences tiredness
    • 52% experiences states of anxiety
    • 45% experiences depression
    • 39% experiences nervousness
    • 39% experienced regression [a child like dependency]
    • 26% experienced a nervous breakdown, and
    • 20% expressed serious suicidal tendencies
  • Here are WARNINGs from Yoga, Hindu, and New-Age websites regarding Yoga’s dangers (→ Here).

NOTE:  These are warnings are from Yoga masters, teachers, and active proponents.

The site above provides a link to a HOT-LINE for “Spiritual Emergencies” including – Kundalini awakenings, possession, near death experiences, Shamanic journeys, etc.

You don’t hear about this in the news or schools – this is NOT a coincidence.

You may have noticed that the “Yoga path” is just like the seduction scheme satan used to build his minion army (Group 1).  He starts with something pleasant (e.g., feelings of peace, love, and happiness for Yoga) to draw-in people and build a vocal evangelistic body.  As time progresses folks naturally pursue the path of “peace, love, and happiness” deeper and deeper until it becomes an integral part of their truth-system and lives.

Once they are fully entangled, satan then pulls out his claws and begins to shred them.  Unfortunately their solution to the pain is the very same practice that destroys them.  This spiraling downward destructive cycle leads to the statistics we see above for those that become deeply involved (e.g., engaging the Kundalini spirit, Transcendental Meditation).

Once he begins to shred them, satan uses his Group 1 minion armada to ensure that their pained voices “calling out warnings” are suppressed along with any negative publicity that could hinder the constant flow of fresh meat into his “spiritual wandering” machine.

With that said, there wouldn’t be much of a demand if satan routed every person that entered his gates via his false religions.  As such he also needs to work to keep an overall positive vibe in the masses.  There will be practitioners that never sincerely engage such that satan’s claws aren’t set-in (or more likely, he chooses to not set them in).  These seemingly unscathed folks that have tasted his initial seducing “pleasantries” become his evangelistic vocal chorus singing the praises of their stealth Buddhism experience to the world around them.  With his victim’s voices suppressed, satan makes sure that the voices of his evangelists are heard loud-n-clear in the public dialogue so he can use them to craft the “popular contemporary living” spiritual narrative and to legitimize and embed his demonic doctrine in the minds of the masses.

Now that you know satan’s modus operandi, it shouldn’t be surprising that satan has packaged-up Buddhism and Hinduism for delivery to public school children using programs like “Inner Explorer” and “MindUp”, as well as other forms of Mindfulness curriculum.

In order to achieve their goal of “secularizing” Buddhist Mindfulness; program creators and teachers replace “religious” words with “secular” words (Handbook of Mindfulness, page 77).

Candy Gunther Brown, a professor at Indiana University who has researched Mindfulness for over a decade, writes that “the MindUp script replaces the terms Buddhism’ and ‘meditation’ with ‘neuroscience’ and ‘Core Practice.” (Handbook of Mindfulness, page 85).

I think I may have chatted too long on our example of satan’s stealth approach to silently weave his religions into the fabric of society.  To sum-up our WANDERING MASSES dialogue:

  • Satan has crafted a large number of “goodish” looking false religions for people to aimlessly chase throughout their lives.
  • His religions have list of “do” and “don’t do” rules that followers must strive to achieve in order to acquire some sort of reward (e.g., heaven, godhood, a planet, a gaggle of virgins, etc.).
  • There is some sort of cosmic all-knowing book-keeper that tracks everyone’s good and bad thoughts, words, and deeds such that it can assess if someone “makes the grade” to receive the “reward” after they die.
  • Satan works diligently to embed his religions in society via visible and/or stealth means.
  • He does all this to keep his people wandering through life striving for “something” that his lie promises so that he can keep people from the Truth and God’s saving, freeing, and healing power.

I think now is good time to highlight a few differences between Christianity and many of satan’s false gods/religions.  Christianity is an ongoing interactive close RELATIONSHIP with the living God who loves them and made them.  Satan’s religions are built on following a bunch of rules to achieve some sort of reward from an obscure all-knowing entity.  In essence, the means to acquire the desired reward is “works-based”.  Christianity is NOT works-based.  God did all the work to address the spiritual law that we each broke when we sinned.  There is nothing left for Christians to do.  We love, and live for/with our God because He loves us beyond comprehension, and in return we are compelled to love Him back.

Leveraging the last point, I decided to summarize a few broad-brush categories of differences between the Truth and the myriad of satan’s lies.  The table below is “general” in nature because it is hard to ring-fence all of satan’s lies in a “one-liner”.  Since satan tries to make his lies appeal to everyone’s interests there will be exceptions to the ring-fence description in the right column; but the “generality” shown covers the majority of his lies in that category.

Satan’s false religions are about what mankind must do for god to earn entrance into heaven.  Christianity is all about what God did for mankind to enable entrance into heaven.

You may have noticed that the Christian doctrine described in the Bible is almost the EXACT opposite of the concocted version fabricated by satan’s Group 1 minions and that is broadcast endlessly in the media (TV, internet, etc.).   At this point, you’ll understand that this is entirely by design…you’ll see the sole reason why in the last section.

We talked about the assorted religions that satan created to keep THE WANDERING MASSES (Group 2) endlessly distracted and directed away from the Truth.  However, we intentionally skipped one religion that satan specifically crafted to establish a military arm for himself.  His military arm is GROUP 3.  He designed this religion with a laser focus targeted on those wielding the Truth from God.  Namely, Christians and Jews.  The Truth is the bane of his existence, as well as those that know it.

Islam is one of satan’s most devastating lies.  As you will see, it is not only devastating in terms of loss of life, it is also devastating to the lives of those that are brought under its powerful evil bondage.  Particularly women.

Satan created Islam around 600-700 A.D.  At the highest level Islam is a religious construct that is inseparably infused with the laws and life of the 7th century.  It has essentially deified 7th century Arabian culture by codifying it into Islam’s holy books called the Quran and Hadith.  This has placed the entire Muslim population in a deity-mandated “time freeze” via the practice of the Quran and Hadith (i.e., Sharia Law).  What you see on the streets of countries that have instituted Sharia Law is the world that existed in the 7th century because the Quran and Hadith direct essentially every aspect of life in minute detail for practicing Muslims.

This includes what they wear, how they dress themselves, how they undress, how they wipe after using the bathroom, how they apply punishments (beheading, chopping off hands, chopping off feet, etc.), buying and selling slaves (slavery is legal in Islam and still active in Sharia Law countries), the husband-wife relationship, how to position a person’s body to pray, what to say in prayer, what direction to pray, how many times a day to pray, the way eat, how to brush teeth, how to wash when they take a bath, etc.  It rigidly crafts and “locks” its followers into a 7th century paradigm for all time (mentally, socially, culturally, and physically).

It should also be noted that Islam is a fully immersive self-contained world unto itself.  It is a religion, a political and governmental system, a constitution, a social system, and a highly complex legal system.  In Sharia Law countries children are immersed in the belief system from birth.  Everything in their world and all that they know revolves around and is rooted in Islam.

When a child learns Arabic it involves recitation from the Quran, when a child studies history it is within the context of the Quran, when they learn social studies it is within the context of the Quran, etc.  There is a reason that satan works to deeply engrain Islam’s belief-system from birth.  There are teachings in Islam that oppose the natural tendency that God gave children for love and for play (e.g., play with children regardless of color or race or religion).  As such he needs to overwrite children’s natural oppositional tendencies before the children are sentient.

Islam deviates markedly from satan’s typical love/peace/kindness “model” for an invented god/religion.  In this case, satan crafted Islam to draw-upon the carnal nature of MEN as the powerful motivational fuel to drive the military actions that he requires in his fight against God, the Truth, and mankind.  Islam offers its male followers satiation of a plethora deviant carnal desires under the umbrella of its holy mission and their associated “god given” holy liberties.  It is not surprising that satan said the “heavenly” reward for obedient Muslim men after they die is numerous virgins and an eternal erection (→ HERE).  Islam is really a repackaging the carnal-desire based truth-system we discussed in THE “TRANSITION” section but with a slight twist.

In this case, satan selected a number of his “best-selling” sins that appeal to various deviant behaviors and cravings in MEN and bundled them together in a “package deal” that he pre-approved as “good” in the holy documents he wrote through a demon-possessed minion.  The “package deal” includes:  power, exclusivity, copious sex with different women, pious hate, violence, lying, pride, and domination over others (particularly women).  In fact, “Islam” literally translated means “submission”.

Considering that satan was crafting his military via Islam it is not surprising that he made the objective of Islam world domination (one world “Ummah”).  The goal of Islam is Sharia Law applied to all people globally.

Before we discuss the beliefs of Islam we need to briefly look at the history of the religion.  Without an understanding of Islam’s history it’s NOT POSSIBLE to understand its doctrine because their “sacred” books have many internal conflicts and its history is the key to discerning which principles Muslims are supposed to practice.  This link gives a nice high-level summary of its history → Here.  If you don’t have internet access I’ll give a brief synopsis of Islam’s history below.

Muhammad was Islam’s creator and self-proclaimed holy prophet.  He was from Mecca and his family’s tribe worshipped a pagan moon god that was named “Allah”.  The god of Islam is the same pagan moon god that his tribe and family worshipped.  This is why mosques have the crescent moon above them.

Through meditation Muhammad began receiving revelations from his “angel” (i.e., satan or a demon) when he was about 40 years old.  These were certainly direct demonic encounters based on the content of the communication as well as the physical and mental torment Muhammad experienced while he received his “divine communications”.  Muhammad’s encounters are certainly reminiscent of the painful demonic experiences shared by the spirit-seeking Buddhist meditators from THE WANDERING MASSES section.  This is a useful link → Demonic Physical Evidence highlighting what his family, HIMSELF, and his followers testified and believed about his demonic possession (as you can see, these testimonies came from historic Muslim writings).  Islam was not crafted solely from the musings of an evil man; it also includes the inspired and narrated word of satan that satan used to construct his military over the generations.  This all started with his satanic seed that he planted in Muhammad in Mecca.

The seed germinated when Muhammad was able to gather a small band of believers in Mecca.  This small band of believers made their living by looting caravans that were traveling to Mecca to worship their particular pagan god.  At that time Mecca was a hub for the worship of many pagan gods, in fact, there were 300+ gods to which homage was being paid at Mecca.  Muhammad’s moon god was one of hundreds. [Note: in future years Muhammad decimated the other religions in Mecca after he learned the power of making “converts” to his moon-god religion using the sword].

Much of the internal conflict in Islam’s holy books (the Quran and the Hadith) is historical in nature and stems from Muhammad’s early attempts to be recognized by the Jews and Christians as a final or “Last Prophet”.  Muhammad’s claim to be the “Last Prophet” was rejected by the Jews in Mecca.  As a result of turmoil that Muhammad created in Mecca, he fled to Medina.  In Medina he tried again to be accepted as the “Last Prophet” by the Jews and Christians.  During this early timeframe in the Muslim religion Muhammad said favorable things about the Jews and Christians in an effort to win them over so they would follow him.  This period of Islam is recorded in the Meccan Quran.  In fact, at that time he even had his followers pray toward Jerusalem.

When the Jews and Christians rejected him at Medina as the “Last Prophet” satan directed Muhammad to take an entirely different strategy…kill and destroy.  Muhammad subjugated and/or brutally killed those around him that would not convert to Islam (with special focus on the Jews and Christians).  This became his modus operandi and “holy” expectation for his followers to emulate as recorded in their sacred Medinan Quran.  This is called “Jihad” or holy war.  Approximately 60% of the Quran is about Jihad.

There are many different kinds of Jihad.  Examples of the various Jihads are, Jihad of:  the sword, culture, finances, ethnic cleansing, slavery, deception, war, taxation, polygamy (i.e., to multiply rapidly and outnumber their enemies).  Jihad is very important to the Muslim faith.  In fact it is the 6th pillar of Islam and sits above their 5 core pillars.  Jihad is the second most important holy command from Muhammad to his followers and it is considered the “chief” meritorious act in Islam.

Because of the internal conflicts in Islam’s sacred writings between the early Quran (Mecca – which was tolerant and spoke favorably of Jews and Christians) and the later Quran (Medina – which pronounced Jihad on them), Islam specifies the use of Abrogation (← Link) to determine which conflicting text is valid and should be practiced.  Abrogation stipulates that whatever statement was said last (i.e., said most recently) in the Quran, abrogates or over-rides the conflicting earlier statement.

The Quran itself contains the requirement that later verses abrogate conflicting earlier verses (Surah 2:106 and 16:101).  As you can see, Muhammad’s trip to Medina is where he ultimately decided to kill and destroy the Christians and Jews and this was the last thing he did, and the last thing he told his followers to do.  As such, per the Quran’s requirement this abrogates everything contrary to this message previously recorded.  This link → Here is a brief summary showing the Quran’s early peaceful verses that were abrogated by later violent verses.

History books are replete with examples of how satan used the Catholic religion to kill hundreds of thousands of Christians and burn Bibles through-out history.  However, satan’s creation of Islam brought his military attack capability to a whole new gruesome level.  The historical and ongoing human carnage inflicted on any group Islam touches is heart-wrenching.  This carnage includes its own believers as they endlessly fight between themselves (e.g., Sunni versus Shia).

The death toll of satan’s most hated enemies (i.e., Jews and Christians) by the hands of his Muslim minions is staggering.  The following link provides a real-time list of Christians killed by Muslim attacks since Sept 11th HERE.  In case you are reading this offline I’ve pasted the top portion of a very long 1600+ line list of heart-wrenching atrocities that have resulted in the massacre of ~35,000+ Christians by Muslims in the name of Islam since Sept 11, 2001

(the short excerpt below was extracted in summer 2019 from the 1600+ line list)

There is a reason that the mainstream media doesn’t cover the gruesome atrocities listed in the link above.  We’ll briefly discuss the reason later.

It is estimated that approximate 270 million people have been slaughtered since ~700 A.D. in the name of Islam (Reference).  If you’ve ever wondered who satan hates, look at who he targets to kill as a theme throughout history using the hands of his assorted lie-fueled pawns (Nazis, Romans, Catholics, Muslims, etc.).

If you are still unsure whether Islam is peaceful or not, this is a really nice synopsis → Here that will undoubtedly solidify the point in your mind beyond any reasonable doubt.

I would like to highlight that the Muslim people are NOT the enemy, the enemy is satanSatan hates each Muslim as much as he hates everyone else.  He uses them as a whirlwind of destruction to destroy themselves and destroy others around them.  These folks are flesh-n-blood like all of us.  Unfortunately they have been immersed and thoroughly indoctrinated from birth into a powerful lie that controls their “truth-system”, their world-view, and their associated actions.  As we saw earlier…

  • For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” (Eph 6:12)

If we pause for a moment and ponder Islam’s history; the tactics satan was using in the real” battle are obvious.  Satan tried to destroy the Truth held by the Christians and Jews from inside the church by having Muhammad pose as the “Last Prophet”.  If he would have been accepted, this would have enabled satan to modify and/or overwrite the Bible through Muhammad’s satanically directed hands.

However when that failed, satan changed the “holy doctrine” of Islam and directed his followers to destroy them through the endless holy requirement of Jihad.  The creation of Jihad also enabled satan to nucleate and grow his ever increasing military arm (exponentially growing in numbers through polygamy, “holy” sex slaves, and forced conversions).

Islam’s gruesome 7th century murderous norms and pious hate was established as a holy obligation that is perpetually mandated to all Muslims per their holy books.

However, it’s not that simple.  If you ask many Muslims if they plan to kill or subjugate all Jews, Christians, and other infidels they will likely say no even though their holy books require it.  [Note:  by definition infidels are people that are not Muslim; however, in actual practice it really refers to Jews and Christians…”people of the Book” in Islam].  There are two reasons for their reply of “no”:

  • Jihad of Al-Taqiyya (pronounced Taq-hee-ya) for the Shia, or Muda’rat for the Sunni;


  • They are “non-Muslim Muslims

We’ll discuss reason #1 first (Al-Taqiyya):

I know that it will be difficult for a Western mind to comprehend this reality, but lying is NOT wrong to a practicing Muslim.  The Muslim doctrine that permits and endorses lying is called “Al Taqiyya” (also known as Jihad of Deception).  The Quran permits Muslims to lie in various circumstances.  One of these circumstances is interacting with infidels (non-Muslims).  Muslims can say whatever they need to say to bring a person into Islam (i.e., lying for the cause of Islam).  Muslims can quote parts of the Quran that they know are not valid due to Abrogation, and/or deliver an elaborate false diatribe on the writings in the Quran and Hadith in an effort to convince a person that they should join Islam.  To them, the end justifies the means.  The “means” of lying is just as acceptable as the ”means” of holding a sword to someone’s throat and saying “convert or die”.

Since Islam permits lying to infidels a practicing Muslim can look you straight in the eye (or straight into a camera) and lie and then enjoy the full approval of their god and their people.    Their public spokes-people leverage this “persuasive flexibility (aka lying)” all the time using the MEDIA and INTERNET as their communication platform.  As such, the internet and media are a COMPLETE wasteland of propaganda and lies about Islam.

This landscape of lies is enabled and exacerbated by an interesting common-bond that Islam shares with satan’s militant Group 1 vocal activists that occupy the leadership chairs across our mainstream media outlets.  We will briefly discuss the root of this peculiar 7th century to 21st century common-bond at the end of this section.

I’ll stress this as strong as I can…you CANNOT… CANNOT… CANNNOTCANNNNOT!!!!! use the internet or direct communication with a practicing Muslim as a source of information about Islam (→ HERE).  In fact, there have been American women that have walked down the aisle and married Muslim men only to find-out that their Muslim husband lied to them throughout their courtship so that he could bring them into Islam.

Reason #2 that they may reply “no” is that they are “Non-Muslim Muslims”:

The media talks about “radicalized” Muslims causing all the horrific acts around the world.  As you will soon see, these are not “radicalized” Muslims, they are the actual Muslims because they are following the Quran and Hadith.

However, there are plenty of so-calledMuslims that don’t do these things, but (by definition) they are not real Muslims because they are NOT following the Quran and Hadith.  I have good friends that are non-Muslim Muslims.  We get along great and I’ve been friends with some for decades.  This is the experience of many folks because they personally know non-Muslim Muslims.  Characterizing non-Muslim Muslims as true Muslims muddies the mental waters regarding the actual religion of Islam.  Satan loves the unbridled destruction he is able to do to mankind through Islam by broadcasting the faces and voices of the “non-Muslim Muslims” as a tool to paint his demonic religion in a peaceful light so that he can protect it and perpetuate it.

This is satan’s goal.  He wants to hide his insidious evil teachings behind a storefront that looks nice.  Whether they are aware of it or not, the peaceful non-Muslim Muslims are just as much a part of satan’s destructive plans as his active practicing Muslims.

Interestingly, there is an analogous issue in Christianity.  There are many people that claim to be Christians because they grew up in a Christian family and they go to church (or they go to church on Christmas and Easter).  However, they don’t personally know Jesus, the Holy Spirit does not reside in them, and they don’t know/follow the Bible, as such, they are “non-Christian Christians”.   These so-called “Christians” will stand-up and say heretical things like “all religions lead to heaven, and that there is no hell, and satan doesn’t exist, and Jesus didn’t need to die, etc.”.  They become false voices for the Christian faith and incorrectly represent its doctrine because they don’t want to believe what the Bible actually says, or they are ignorant of what it says.  In essence, they have created and profess their own concocted religion and call it Christianity.

This is the same phenomenon occurring with non-Muslim Muslims.  They present a pleasant face to the religion but don’t actually practice it as stipulated and required in their sacred books.  With that said, there is one fundamental difference between the non-Christian Christian and the non-Muslim Muslim.  That difference being, non-Christian Christians are hiding God’s Truth, whereas non-Muslim Muslims are hiding one of satan’s great lies.  Both groups are unknowing pawns being strategically used for satan’s purposes.

When you combine the non-Muslim Muslims “positive storefront” with the gushing praise that the mainstream media heaps upon Islam, you end up with a devastating religion that is deceptively cloaked with a resilient positive façade.

The question becomes…”what doctrine sits behind this positive façade”.  What does Islam teach its followers?  We’ve officially covered a high-level history of Islam and the way that Islam’s followers are required by the Quran to interpret their “holy” writings.  However, with exception of Jihad, we haven’t discussed what satan has actually written in the Quran and Hadith.  We will endeavor to surface Islam’s core teachings next.

As we have discussed, it is difficult to discern Islam’s actual doctrine due to the wasteland of false teachings and propaganda fostered by the Quran’s commands.  It is difficult for a non-Muslim to extract a proper understanding of Islam by reading the Quran/Hadith because the books are not in chronological order so applying Abrogation correctly is not feasible without consulting Muslim experts.  Consulting Muslim experts then opens the door for Taqiyya, meaning that a person wouldn’t know if they were told the truth or not.  Satan is the author of confusion; Islam is a great example of his handiwork.

With all that said, it is important to get to the bottom of Islam’s teachings because it defines how satan’s military thinks, what they are doing, and what their plans are in the future.  The world we see around us is a direct product of his military’s actions because the Muslim population has grown to be quite large (~25% of the global population is Muslim).

Keeping the “minefield of lies” in mind, there are a number of “approaches” to learn the truth about Islam’s core beliefs:

1) Listening to former practicing Muslims that have converted to Christianity.

True Christians are required by God to always speak the truth and they are taught to love everyone (even their enemies).  True Christians will communicate with honesty and are not driven by hate; so there is no reason for these former Muslims to embellish or demonize.  In fact, most have ministries to reach their former brethren and families.

      • Video interviews are great because you can hear from them directly
      • Some former Muslims also have websites that they use to share the Truth in greater detail

2) Engaging Muslims in a fashion that they don’t feel compelled to invoke “Taqiyya” in their responses.

3) Observing how the Muslim community and its leadership respond to murderous acts executed by its followers in the name of Islam.

4) Assessing the fruit/actions produced from those that follow the Quran and Hadith (not non-Muslim Muslims). In essence, are the actions of the followers consistent with Islam’s doctrine.

Let’s look at APPROACH 1) – Information from Ex-Muslims

It’s not bed of roses for these ex-Muslims that are now Christians because they need to keep ahead of the countless death threats and legitimate attempts on their lives from Muslim believers.  They are courageous folks…I’ve heard them say that they were willing to die for a fake god when they were Muslim, as such, they have no hesitation to die for the real God now.  Since they are willing to die to speak the truth, we should listen carefully.  God obviously has plans for these folks and He is protecting them.  Below are some short video segments sharing information about Islam from those that know it intimately and have lived-it in various countries.

Islam Doctrine

  • Nonie Darwish (Egyptian – former Muslim – father was a Martyr)
  • Brigitte Gabriel (born and raised in Lebanon, survivor of Islamic terror)
  • Kamal Saleem (Sunni Muslim PLO Terrorist – Career Mercenary)
      • His testimony is truly remarkable and you will learn quite a bit. He came to America with the mandate of Cultural Jihad.  → HERE (PLEASE WATCH THIS SHORT CLIP)
  • Usama Dakdok (Born & educated in Egypt, University level study of Sharia Law)
      • Islam beliefs → Video Clip
      • He found that all English versions of the Koran were full of misrepresentations
      • He crafted the 1st true Arabic to English translation of the Koran Video Clip
  • Walid Shoebat (born & raised in Jordan – former Muslim – former PLO terrorist)

Note:  satan hates Walid for revealing his lies; so he uses CNN, the internet, and others to try to discredit him.  This is Walid’s detailed work refuting all the lies trying to discredit him.


  • Al Fadi (Former Sunni Muslim – Saudia Arabia) → Video Here

[He memorized ½ the Quran by age 12.  He is a part of the “Answering Islam” website]

  • Zak Gariba (former Muslim Imam – Nigeria) → Part 1, Part 2 [Relationship vs Religion]

You’ll notice that the Islam professed by those that have lived it is the opposite of the Islam that is trumpeted across the Mass Media outlets and proclaimed by government officials and public schools.  By now you undoubtedly see that this is NOT A COINCIDENCE…in the same way that it is NOT A COINCIDENCE that the Christianity proclaimed by the Mass Media is the opposite of what the Bible says.

APPROACH 2) – Information gathered from practicing Muslims that are not applying Taqiyya

The videos above are helpful because we know that we are getting the truth, but it would be even more helpful if thousands of Muslim voices around the world could speak what they truly believe.  We will endeavor to achieve that goal by using the results of numerous public polls taken from those that profess to be Muslim.

The reality exists that a practicing Muslim that responded to poll may have elected to lie via the application of Taqiyya.  However, there are likely others that responded honestly with the perspective that they were not engaging an infidel conversion target, as such there was no need to lie and they were free to answer with pride in their beliefs.  Others would be non-Muslims Muslims that responded with an “Islam-ish” belief-system/religion they’ve embraced.

Considering the 3 types of poll respondents we’d get:

  • Type 1 would not represent Islam’s beliefs due to the application of Taqiyya in their answers;
  • Type 2 would represent Islam’s beliefs as they respond with pride in what they believe; and
  • Type 3 would not represent Islam’s beliefs because they are non-Muslim Muslims.

As such we can view poll statistics as being conservative (i.e., biased toward creating a positive rendering of Islam’s doctrine).  For example, if 25% of Muslim respondents say they believe that killing a family member for leaving Islam is acceptable/honorable, the actual number may actually be 40%…but it is definitely not less than 25%.

For all the cases in the section below, the Quran and Hadith verses are included to provide the “holy writings” in Islam that act as the driver for the associated poll’s statistics.  In cases where poll statistics do not exist, the relevant Quran and/or Hadith reference are provided with expert commentary from ex-Muslim’s that are now Christian, Atheist, or Agnostic.

This site → HERE shares the results of ~200 polls from across the world from countless different polling agencies.  I have endeavored to bundle relevant polls into Islamic belief categories to illustrate the percentage of Muslims that chose to share that they hold the associate belief.  Note:  Due to the dynamic nature of the internet, links to some source polls may have become broken over time.

As you read through the various core beliefs in the Quran and Hadith listed below you will see that it is entirely evident that satan wrote them.  Below is what satan wrote and what Islam teaches:

REQUIRED ANTI-SEMITISM, i.e., hatred for Jews.  Also hatred of Christians.  Jews and Christians are referred to as “People of the Book” in Islam.

SHARIA LAW is deemed to be supreme over all else and they believe that it should be instituted globally, i.e., supreme over every country’s government, constitution, laws, legal system, culture. Sharia Law is the mandatory and physically enforced application the Quran and Hadith (which unfortunately includes…cutting off limbs, beheading, honor killing, stoning, slavery, rape, polygamy, etc.)


  • Pew Research (2007):
      • 26% of younger Muslims in America believe suicide bombings are justified
      • 35% of young Muslims in Britain believe suicide bombings are justified (24% overall)
      • 42% of young Muslims in France believe suicide bombings are justified (35% overall)
      • 22% of young Muslims in Germany believe suicide bombings are justified (13% overall)
      • 29% of young Muslims in Spain believe suicide bombings are justified (25% overall)
  • The Polling Company CSP Poll (2015):
      • 33% of Muslim-Americans say al-Qaeda beliefs are Islamic or correct
      • 38% of Muslim-Americans say Islamic State (ISIS) beliefs are Islamic or correct
  • Federal Ministry for Family Affairs (2018) (German) & Source 2
      • 6% of Muslim students in Lower Saxony agree that “it is the plight of Muslims to battle non-believers and to spread Islam all over the world.
      • 9% say they are prepared to fight and die for Islam
  • Pew Research (2017) & Source 2:
      • 20% of Muslims in America say violence to further the cause of Islam is justified (8% say “rarely”, 12% say “sometimes” or “often”)
  • Poll of Saudis in August 2014:
      • 92% agree that Islamic State (ISIS) “conforms to the values of Islam and Islamic law.
  • l-Jazeera Poll (2015):
      • 81% of respondents support the Islamic State (ISIS).
  • ICM (Mirror) Poll 2015:
      • 5 Million British Muslims support the Islamic State, about 50% the total population
  • Al-Arabiya:
      • 36% of Arabs polled said the 9/11 attacks were morally justified; 38% disagreed; 26% Unsure
  • Gallup:
      • 6% of Muslims believe 9/11 attacks were justified
  • University of Munster Study (2016):
      • 20% of Turks living in Germany say that “the threat which the West poses to Islam justifies violence.”
  • National Centre for Scientific Research (2017) & Source 2 & Source 3
      • 32% of young Muslims in France adhere to ‘fundamentalist views.’
      • 33% believe violence for ‘ideological’ goals is acceptable
      • 24% of young Muslims do not condemn the Charlie Hebdo massacre
      • 21% do not condemn the Bataclan massacre
  • Motivaction Survey (2014):
      • 80% of young Dutch Muslims see nothing wrong with Holy War against non-believers.
      • Most verbalized support for pro-Islamic State fighters.


MUTILATING YOUNG GIRLS GENITALIA (cutting-out the clitoris)

PEDOPHILA  Grown men marrying and having sex with young children (~ 6-8 years old).  In fact, their most holy leader “Muhammad” married a 6 year old and consummated the marriage when she was 9.

  • QURAN and HADITH HERE  (Muhammad’s example on sexual relations)

MULTIPLE WIVES (up to 4 permanent wives are allowed). Muhammad had 13 wives.

  • Policy Exchange:
      • Up to 52% of British Muslims believe a Muslim man is entitled to up to four wives
  • Pew Research (2013):
      • “At least half‘ of Muslims surveyed believed polygamy is morally acceptable.
  • ICM Poll (2016):
      • 31% of British Muslims believe polygamy is acceptable

TEMPORARY” MARRIAGES that could last a few hours or a day that permit a man to indulge in sex with whomever he decides to briefly marry (unlimited in number).


SLAVERY is permitted in Islam and it remains active in Middle Eastern countries.


WIFE BEATING – The husband has the right to beat his wives.

  • UN Women “Understanding Masculinities” (2017) (& Source 2):
      • 38% of men and 20% of Moroccan women say that there are times when a wife should be beaten.
      • Only 45% of Egyptian men and 70% of women believe there should be laws criminalizing domestic violence.
      • 62% of men in Morocco say that a wife should tolerate violence to keep the family together
  • Civitas:
      • 1 in 3 Muslims in the UK strongly agree that a wife should be forced to obey her husband’s bidding

VIOLENCE is mandated in Islam

  • BBC Radio (2015):
      • 45% of British Muslims agree that clerics preaching violence against the West represent “mainstream Islam“.
  • Palestinian Center for Political Research (2015):
      • 74% of Palestinians support Hamas terror attacks.
  • The Polling Company CSP Poll (2015):
      • 25% of Muslim-Americans say that violence against Americans in the United States is justified as part of the “global Jihad” (64% disagree).
  • hlh:
      • 16% of young Muslims in Belgium state terrorism is “acceptable“.
  • World Public Opinion (2009):
      • 30% of Palestinians support attacks on American civilians working in Muslim countries.
      • 24% support the murder of Americans on U.S. soil.
      • Only 74% of Turks & 55% of Pakistanis disapprove of terror attacks against civilians on U.S. soil.
  • Pew Research (2010):
      • 55% of Jordanians have a positive view of Hezbollah
      • 30% of Egyptians have a positive view of Hezbollah
      • 45% of Nigerian Muslims have a positive view of Hezbollah (26% negative)
      • 43% of Indonesians have a positive view of Hezbollah (30% negative)
  • Pew Research (2010):
      • 60% of Jordanians have a positive view of Hamas (34% negative).
      • 49% of Egyptians have a positive view of Hamas (48% negative)
      • 49% of Nigerian Muslims have a positive view of Hamas (25% negative)
      • 39% of Indonesians have a positive view of Hamas (33% negative)
  • Populus Survey:
      • 18% of British Muslims would be proud or indifferent if a family member joined al-Qaeda.
  • ICM Poll:
      • 13% of Muslim in Britain support al-Qaeda attacks on America.
  • Federation of Student Islamic Societies:
      • About 1 in 5 Muslim students in Britain (18%) would not report a fellow Muslim planning a terror attack.
  • Daniel Pipes:
      • 27% of British Muslims do not support the deportation of Islamic extremists preaching violence and hate.
  • ICM (2016) (& Source 2):
      • 2 in 3 Muslims in Britain would not report terror plot to police.
  • East West University (Bangladesh) (2016) – Link is now gone:
      • 1 in 10 Bangladeshi university students support terrorism.  Of these, more than half (52%) are from well-off families.
  • Policy Exchange (2016):
      • 48% of British Muslims would not report a person “linked to terror.”
  • (German) Federal Ministry for Family Affairs (2018) (& Source 2)
      • 8% of Muslim students support the creation of an Islamic State via terrorism.
  • World Public Opinion:
      • Attitude toward Osama bin Laden:
      • Egypt: 44% positive, 17% negative, and 25% mixed feelings
      • Indonesia: 14% positive, 26% negative, 21% mixed feelings (39% did not answer)
      • Pakistan: 25% positive, 15% negative, 26% mixed feelings (34% did not answer)
      • Morocco: 27% positive, 21% negative, 26% mixed feelings
      • Jordanians, Palestinians, Turks and Azerbaijanis. Jordanians combined for: 27% positive, 20 percent negative, and 27 percent mixed feelings.  (Palestinians 56% positive, 20% negative, 22 percent mixed feelings).
  • Pew Research (2010):
      • 49% of Nigerian Muslims have favorable view of al-Qaeda (34% unfavorable)
      • 23% of Indonesians have favorable view of al-Qaeda (56% unfavorable)
      • 34% of Jordanians have favorable view of al-Qaeda
      • 25% of Indonesians have “confidence” in Osama bin Laden (59% had confidence in 2003)
      • 1 in 5 Egyptians have “confidence” in Osama bin Laden
  • Pew Research (2011):
      • 1 in 10 native-born Muslim-Americans have a favorable view of al-Qaeda.
  • al-Jazeera (2006):
      • 50% of Muslims polled support Osama bin Laden
  • Terrorism Research Institute Study:
      • 51% of mosques in the U.S. have texts on site rated as severely advocating violence
      • 30% have texts rated as moderately advocating violence
  • ICM Poll:
      • 11% of British Muslims find violence for religious or political ends acceptable.
  • Center for Social Cohesion:
      • One Third of British Muslim students support killing for Islam (Wikileaks cable)
  • Pew Global (Pew Global Attitudes Project September, 2009):
      • 68% of Palestinian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified
      • 43% of Nigerian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified
      • 38% of Lebanese Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified
      • 15% of Egyptian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified
      • 13% of Indonesian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified
      • 12% of Jordanian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified
      • 7% of Muslim Israelis say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified

DEATH PENALTY for leaving Islam


  • Policy Exchange:
      • 1/3rd of British Muslims believe anyone who leaves Islam should be killed
  • Pew Research (2010):
      • 84% of Egyptian Muslims support the death penalty for leaving Islam
      • 86% of Jordanian Muslims support the death penalty for leaving Islam
      • 30% of Indonesian Muslims support the death penalty for leaving Islam
      • 76% of Pakistanis support death the penalty for leaving Islam
      • 51% of Nigerian Muslims support the death penalty for leaving Islam
  • BBC (2007):
      • 36% of younger Muslims in the UK believe a Muslim should be killed for converting to another religion (19% of those over 55 agree).
  • Pew Research (2013):
      • 76% of South Asian Muslims and 56% of Muslims in the ‘Middle East – North Africa Region’ advocate killing anyone who leaves the Islamic religion.  (It is 86% in Egypt).
  • Die Presse (2013):
      • 1 in 5 Muslims in Austria believe that anyone wanting to leave Islam should be killed.

DEATH PENALTY or prosecution for INSULTING ISLAM (this is considered blasphemy)


  • NOP Research:
      • 68% of British Muslims support the arrest and prosecution of anyone who insults Islam
  • ICM Poll:
      • 58% of British Muslims believe insulting Islam should result in criminal prosecution
  • Wenzel Strategies (2012) (& Source 2)
      • 58% of Muslim-Americans believe criticism of Islam or Muhammad is not protected free speech under the First Amendment.
      • 45% believe mockers of Islam should face criminal charges (38% said they should not).
      • 12% of Muslim-Americans believe blaspheming Islam should be punishable by death.
      • 43% of Muslim-Americans believe people of other faiths have no right to evangelize Muslims.
  • The Polling Company CSP Poll (2015):
      • 24% of Muslim-Americans say that violence is justified against those who “offend Islam” (60% disagree).
  • The Polling Company CSP Poll (2015):
      • 29% of Muslim-Americans agree that violence against those who insult Muhammad or the Quran is acceptable (61% disagree).
  • Pew Research (2015):
      • 40% of Palestinians,
      • 39% in Afghanistan,
      • 29% in Egypt and
      • 26% of Muslims in Bangladesh agree that violence against civilians in defense of Islam is sometimes justified.

RAPE. Muslims can rape and take sex slaves in war;  “Jihad” is an ongoing global holy war against infidels.

  • Female Islam Scholar shares rape perspective (note: war is ongoing via Jihad)
  • Denmark’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs( 2019) (& Source 2):
      • 17% migrants to Denmark say that rape victims have only themselves to blame if they dress ‘provocatively’.
  • UN Women “Understanding Masculinities” (2017) (& Source 2):
      • 60% of men in Morocco say that if a woman is raped, she should marry her rapist
  • Rape rates in Sweden
      • Sweden brought-in large numbers of immigrants from MENA (the Middle East and North Africa) starting in 1975 and grew their population by ~20% comprised solely of immigrants. While representing only 20% of the population, a study back in 2002 showed that 85% of those sentenced to at least two years in prison for rape in Svea Hovrätt were foreign born or 2nd generation immigrants.


  • QURAN and HADITH HERE  (Incentive for becoming a martyr…72 virgins, and an eternal erection)

LYING AND DECEPTION is permissible and even elevated to a holy status


BARBARIC PENALTIES for breaking Islam’s Sharia Laws (e.g., cutting off hands, cutting off feet, stoning to death, beheading, etc.)

  • QURAN and HADITH → Torture → HERE
  • QURAN and HADITH → Stoning → HERE
  • Pew Research (2010):
      • 77% of Egyptian Muslims favor floggings and amputation
      • 58% of Jordanian Muslims favor floggings and amputation
      • 36% of Indonesian Muslims favor floggings and amputation
      • 82% of Pakistanis favor floggings and amputation
      • 65% of Nigerian Muslims favor floggings and amputation
  • Pew Research (2013):
      • 81% of South Asian Muslims support amputating limbs for theft
      • 57% of Egyptians support amputating limbs for theft
  • World Public Opinion:
      • 64% of Egyptians said it was “very important for the government” to “apply traditional punishments for crimes such as stoning adulterers.”
  • Islam, Human Rights and Public Opinion (Durie refers to 2006 poll):
      • 58% of Indonesians believe adulterers should be stoned to death.
  • Real Courage:
      • 83% of Pakistanis support stoning adulterers
      • 78% of Pakistanis support killing apostates
  • Pew Research (2013): Large majorities of Muslims favor Sharia, among those who do, stoning women for adultery is favored by:
      • 89% in Pakistanis
      • 85% in Afghanistan
      • 81% in Egypt
      • 67% in Jordan
      • ~50% in ‘moderate’ Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand
      • 58% in Iraq
      • 44% in Tunisia
      • 29% in Turkey
      • 26% in Russia
  • Pew Research (2010):
      • 82% of Egyptian Muslims favor stoning adulterers
      • 70% of Jordanian Muslims favor stoning adulterers
      • 42% of Indonesian Muslims favor stoning adulterers
      • 82% of Pakistanis favor stoning adulterers
      • 56% of Nigerian Muslims favor stoning adulterers

The Group 1’s Mass Media sector leads people to believe that “radicalized Muslims” are a small Quran-defying fringe element of an otherwise peaceful religion.  As you can see the from the percentages above that this is not true.  To augment these percentages, here are some global population numbers → Here to support the materiality of the poll percentages above.

That fact that a “radicalized Muslim” is simply a person that chooses to follow Islam as recorded in the Quran and Hadith is very dangerous because at any time a Non-Muslim Muslim can decide to start following the Quran, and then another “terrorist” is born out of thin air wherever they happen to be living.  According to this poll, this is a well-traveled path by “terrorists(Blair Institute for Global Change (2017) & Source 2):

  • 77% of British terrorists belonged to non-violent Islamic groups PRIOR to joining a terror group

APPROACH 3) – Islamic leadership’s response to horrific acts executed in the name of Islam

There is a category of Islam’s followers that we haven’t discussed.  These folks brazenly stand in front of cameras and the media and proudly say exactly what Islam says and they act in obedience to Islam’s teachings.  The Mass Media generally hides/suppresses these folks and labels them as radicals / terrorists / extremist that don’t represent Islam.  However, we can learn about Islam indirectly from these folks.  The key insight that we are looking for comes from the Islamic community’s RESPONSE to the actions of these folks (i.e., when the leadership are not being interviewed by the Media).

  • Are the perpetrators of horrible acts of violence performed in the name of Islam shunned by Islam’s leaders as blasphemers that profess lies about Islam. Are they ex-communicated from Islam?


  • Are they exalted and praised by Islam’s global leadership for their words and for their works?

If it is the latter, then we know the heart of the religion at the highest levels.

TheReligionofPeace has useful high-profile test-case for the assessment, Ahlam Tamimi.  In case you don’t have an internet connection here are the facts.


  • Ahlam planted a bomb in a grocery store and also selected Sbarro’s pizza for a bombing. Both acts were aimed at killing civilians (men, women, children). Her words:

“This is the path. I dedicated myself to Jihad for the sake of Allah, and Allah granted me success. You know how many casualties there were. This was made possible by Allah.”

  • When she took the bus home after the attack. Her words:

“Afterwards, when I took the bus, the Palestinians were all smiling. You could sense that everybody was happy. When I got on the bus, nobody knew that it was me who had led [the suicide bomber to the target]… inside the bus, they were all congratulating one another. They didn’t even know one another, yet they were exchanging greetings… As the number of dead kept increasing, the passengers were APPLAUDING.

  • Her sentiment after ~10 years in an Israeli prison, she said:

“I admit that I was a bit disappointed, because I had hoped for a larger toll. Yet when they said “three dead,” I said: ‘Allah be praised’…Two minutes later, they said on the radio that the number had increased to five. I wanted to hide my smile, but I just couldn’t. Allah be praised, it was great.”

  • During an interview ~10 years later, Ms. Tamimi expressed JOY when hearing for the first time that EIGHT CHILDREN had been killed – one more than what she had previously thought. She could not stop smiling at the news.
  • Ahlam Tamimi was part of a group of terrorists released in an October 2011 swap for an Israeli prisoner of Hamas.

This woman’s actions and source of pleasure would surely send shivers up the spine of the average personWhat happened to her after she was released?

Global Muslim leadership’s response:

  • Was there outrage in the Muslim community for the release of a unrepentant professing Muslim that intentionally slaughtered innocent people in the name of Islam? – NO
  • Was she globally recognized and rewarded by Islam’s senior leaders? – YES

[Note:  The pilgrimage to Mecca is very exclusive in Islam, e.g., the waiting-list in Indonesia is 39 years after spending ~1 month’s salary to be in the lottery]

  • Islam’s senior leadership personally invited her and the other released “terrorists” to visit Mecca
  • They were invited as guests of the Saudi King
  • They were flown there on the Saudi King’s private jet

The response from Islam’s leadership demonstrates their “approval” of the murderous actions executed in the name of Islam.

APPROACH 4) – Assess if the actions of Islam’s followers are consistent with Islam’s doctrine?

The Islamic doctrine discussed so far has highlighted there exists a perpetual “holy” requirement to kill infidels.  This understanding was established by ex-Muslim testimonies, Muslim poll results, Quran and Hadith writings, and the responses of Islam’s leadership to killing in the name of Islam.  The discussion at the beginning of this section ties this understanding together with the historic and modern-day actions of Muslims revealing that they are consistent with Islam’s teaching.  As we discussed, approximately 270 million Jews and Christians have been slaughtered to-date; with ~35,000 killed since Sept 11, 2001 (via 1600+ attacks).  There is a historic and modern-day harmony between Islam’s teachings and its followers actions.

At this point it should be overwhelmingly clear that satan hand-crafted Islam to wreak death and destruction on mankind.  He uses it to bring about tremendous carnage and abuse within Islam while at the same time he uses it to destroy and wreak havoc on everyone outside of Islam.  He has effectively crafted a powerful weapon in the real war that we see the evidence of every day.  Now that we know the doctrine and motivations of his military, the question arises…how does he preserves/grow his army?

To maintain his military force he must keep fresh meat flowing into his army from outside Islam so that he can offset his continuous loss of soldiers due to:

  • Internal slaughter (e.g., Sunni vs Shia)
  • Casualties in his “Jihad” against the world
  • Natural mortality
  • Willing exits

As we’ve seen, satan has put rules into the Quran and Hadith to ensure that his soldiers don’t willingly exit by imposing a “holy” death-sentence on anyone that leaves Islam.

In the past satan was able to add soldiers to his army by attacking new lands and people-groups and then forcing his captives to convert to Islam via the sword.  However, that avenue has diminished in our highly integrated and weaponized modern age.  As such, his modern-day remedy for daily casualties is made primarily through elevated reproduction rates (→ Here) and aggressive indoctrination.  A Pew research study estimated that only 0.3% of growth in Islam is from conversion, the other 99.7% is from reproduction.

As a result, satan focuses on indoctrinating children as young as possible to build soldiers for his army.  These videos show a snapshot of what the satan’s Group 1 global media pawns refuse to share (these are hidden videos from the classrooms showing what they’re actually teaching behind closed doors…you’ll hear it for yourself) → Kindergarten Graduation and UK School and Innocent Children and 3 yr Old Child (notice how they say she is a real Muslim…they know about Non-Muslim Muslims).  As we discussed earlier, satan needs to deeply embed his lie-based Islamic reality before, during, and after children become sentient.  This ensures that their world-view, reality, and “truth-system” are built solely upon his lies.  As the videos above demonstrate, he is relentless.

Before we wrap-up this section, let’s briefly touch-on the peculiar common-bond between the 21st century mainstream media and the brutal 7th century religion of Islam.

Due to Islam’s destructive power Satan pushes Islam heavily within his global network of minions.  As a result, his obedient and highly motivated Group 1 vocal armada embrace it, trumpet it, defend it, and work tirelessly to perpetuate it.  The Group 1 armada use their media outlets, educational systems, and legal/governmental systems to achieve their master’s goal.  This is done even in the face of mind-numbing hypocrisy and the mass destruction of human life.  The reason for this peculiar harmonious bond has to do with a common root that presents a material risk to the lie-paradigm that underpins the “reality” of both groups.

Satan crafted Islam’s “holy” doctrine to codify the destruction of those that carry the Truth (Bible).  Satan’s Muslim military has a holy “pious obligation” to carry-out these destructive actions.  The root for Islam is hate for the Truth and those that carry it. 

As we saw earlier, the Group 1 minion armada is committed teach the world to embrace and adopt their All-Sin “truth-system”.  They believe that this is their “pious moral obligation” to humanity.  The root for Group 1 is also a hate for the Truth and those that carry it because it stands in direct opposition to the implementation of their All-Sin “truth-system”.

As you can see the root and unifying common bond between Islam and satan’s Group 1 minions is a mutual hate for the Truth and those that carry it (i.e., Jews and Christians and the Bible).  This “common enemy” bond is so strong that each group continues to leverage each other despite significant conflicts in the core-beliefs of each group (e.g., homosexuality, women’s rights, slavery, individual freedom, etc.).

In essence, the love, tolerance, protection, and praise for Islam by the mainstream media and the liberal public exists because they are all of one spirit with their master satan and he HATES the Truth because it can decimate his lie-based global empire and his destructive plans for mankind.  This symbiotic Islam-to-Group 1 relationship is relatively easy to see in practice.

For example, satan’s Group 1 POLITICAL minions work within their domain to disperse satan’s Muslim warriors into countries all over the world through various governmental policies, initiatives, and support agencies.  In turn, satan’s “military” unit begins to multiply rapidly in the country they are placed (using the Jihad of Polygamy) while they persecute/kill/rape/harass/etc. the country’s resident Jews/Christians/infidels as soon as they hit the ground (using the other forms of Jihad).

Group 1 MEDIA leaders work to hide/suppression the 1000’s of gruesome acts flowing from the hands of those that practice Islam while at the same time their Group 1 EDUCATION-SYSTEM counterparts introduce education on Islam across all feasible outlets under the umbrella of anti-hate, “inclusion”, and “diversity”.  Here is an interview with two former Muslim Jihadists where they point-out the Media’s endless silence on Islam’s gruesome acts → News Interview.

As you can see, if any one of the Group 1 minion parties (Government, Media, Education) didn’t do its job, then the advancement of Islam and its attack on the Truth would be halted/hindered.  But satan has invisibly orchestrated these highly disparate groups in such a fashion that they work together seamlessly as a single body.

To be honest, this is remarkable.  In the corporate world it is very difficult to orchestrate and unify geographically, functionally, and culturally disparate groups into a seamless single operational unit.  This difficulty exists even though there is a unifying strategy penned, processes constructed, and dedicated leaders in all groups trying to make it work together.  For the case of the Islam-Group 1 destruction machine there is no unifying strategy penned, no processes, and no formal leadership network.  The only leader is satan; his scattered minions blindly, and unknowningly, follow his direction.

Satan ensures that people who decide to vocally praise Islam are praised by the media and his global network.  If anyone dares to raise a critical word about Islam, then they are publically ostracized and attacked as hateful Islam-a-phobic bigoted racists.  In conflict with all rational thought, satan’s Group 1 children blindly follow their master’s command even though it would ultimately mean their own death, or subjugation, if Islam’s one world “Ummah” was realized and they didn’t convert to Islam.

I think this pretty much covers satan’s military, their marching orders, their future plans, his head-count maintenance/growth strategy, and his global deployment strategy.  As you study the world around us you can see that it reflects the reality we’ve discussed (unfortunately).

The reason the world looks like a battlefield between good and evil is because it is a battlefield.  The battle is in the realm of the invisible, while the resulting carnage lies in the realm of the physical.  When surveying our world through the lens of the Truth our reality makes complete sense.  It is heart-breaking, but it makes sense.

At this point in our discussion it is evident that satan is running a lie-fueled highly integrated and sophisticated global empire bent on crafting and controlling the “reality” that mankind experiences (religions, media, schools, etc) so that he can control what mankind believes. When he controls what they believe, he marches the masses along one or more of the four his well-designed conversion paths that leads them to their own destruction and mankind’s destruction.

Yes, this does include all mankind, the whole world.  Satan’s appetite for destruction is insatiable and his plan is the merciless physical and spiritual decimation of every one of God’s beloved children…all mankind.

“… and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.”(1Jo 5:19)

We’ve done quite a bit of “testing” of the Bible already (archaeology, predicting the future, probabilities, science, number of transcripts, external sources, dead sea scrolls, etc.).  Let’s look at what the deviation from the Truth looks like.

In the same way that Truth proves itself to be true, lies also prove themselves to be liesEVENTUALLY.  Similar to our observations in THE WANDERING MASSES section, satan usually works-it so that by the time someone finds-out that they’ve been chasing a lie, the person is too deeply embedded in their sin to escape its bondage and their life is train-wrecked (spiritually train-wrecked at a minimum). 

  • His own iniquities entrap the wicked man, and he is caught in the cords of his sin.”(Pro 5:22)

For example, satan will advertise drunkenness as harmless, playful, exciting, and fun; with promises of a fulfilled life with friends, family, and good times.

Satan starts his deception by endeavoring to convince his prey that his lie is the truth.  For the case of drunkenness, he starts the process by encouraging someone to participate in their first drunken fun-filled party with “friends” and he convinces them that it is a normal “core element” of popular life.  He’ll tell them brain damage from alcohol consumption is a wives tale.

They have a great time, just like he said they would; so his lie seems believable and true.  They are warmly welcomed into the party community and a cohesive revelry-based bond is established with their comrades.  This first step is critical because he needs to provide something sufficiently tantalizing and compelling to draw the Truth-Rebel away from their existing life (and existing circle of friends) and into satan’s new “fun and exciting” drinking lifestyle.  With time, drunkenness becomes a fundamentally embedded core element of their life.  Their discretionary time soon becomes consumed with, and focused upon, “hanging-out” and partying with their friends.  As time progresses most all their friends are now drinkers.  With each passing day satan’s sin-hooks sink-in deeper and deeper into his “unknowing” prey.

After sufficient time, when his hooks are set deep enough, satan begins to wield his increasingly powerful wand of destruction that can take many forms…car accidents / promiscuity / rape / divorce / suicide / wife-abuse / child abuse / bankruptcy / vehicular homicide / loneliness / DUIs / illegitimate children / God rejection / hopelessness / homosexuality / hard drugs / etc.  The alcoholic generated at the end of satan’s process is a complete disaster.  Satan’s lie was not revealed right away, it was revealed as the Truth-Rebel became increasingly entangled while chasing down satan’s path to his promise of laughs, camaraderie, happiness, and fulfillment. 

You don’t see many billboards or commercials showing the lives of those that have chased drunkenness for 30 years.  I’m sure the end-result images and life-stories are not as easy to “sell” to next generation of Truth-rebels as a bunch of young beautiful people dancing and laughing together on a white sand beach with their colorful, ice-cold, tropical drinks in-hand and held high.  As I said, you can put pearls on a pig, but in the end, a pig is a pig!

This is what the Bible says about drunkenness:

  • Let us walk properly, as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust…” (Rom 13:13)
  • And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit,” (Eph 5:18)
  • Do not gaze at wine when it is red, when it sparkles in the cup, when it goes down smoothly! In the end it bites like a snake and poisons like a viper” (Pro 23:29-35)

Drunkenness was just an example, satan does the same thing for all of the assorted lies that he brings his targets to believe and perpetuate.  All his lies will separate them from God and from the Truth, and will bring destruction to them in one way, shape, form, or another (by design).

The march down the path of destruction for all his lies starts the exact same way.  It starts with the 1st single step of compromise away from the Truth.  Compromise seems so unthreatening and innocuous (a sip, a puff, a small adulteress kiss, a sniff).  But it is like a spark in a hay stack.  Initially small and unthreatening, but it leaves nothing but devastation in its wake.  Satan is fully aware that his destructive plans are COMPLETELY RELIANT on compromise from the Truth

Since compromise is critical to his success he goes to great efforts to make the 1st step look fun, exciting, tantalizing, cool, normal, and inclusive, while at the same time he makes not taking the 1st step lonely, boring, embarrassing, uncool, nerdy, and full of rejection.  He uses his minions and all the other “agents-of-change” at his disposal (sitcoms, media, TV, schools, peers, etc.) to apply pressure to persuade his prey.

He uses cliché phrases like “gotta try everything once”, “live a little”, “don’t be so boring”, etc.  Once the 1st step is taken, all subsequent steps are much easier because a new life precedent has been established and there is no longer a flawless clean record to protect in that particular area of life.  A loss of virginity is not reversible.

The unwanted pregnancy started with the 1st time having sex outside of marriage, the alcoholic started with the 1st drunken party, the homosexual started with viewing pornography or the 1st gay experiment, the junkie started with the 1st joint or 1st  line of coke, the deadly venereal disease started with the 1st sexual encounter outside of marriage, etc.  Let’s face it, a person can’t be tempted with the sensation from cocaine if they have never tried it (satan is very aware of this). 

Satan’s freeway of destruction is paved with the bodies of folks that took the 1st fateful step of compromise away from the protective shield contained in the Truth.  God wrote what He wrote for a reason, to protect His beloved kids.  He is not a kill-joy, on the contrary, He is actually the joy provider (the only provider).

Nowadays it can be a challenge discerning satan’s lies from the Truth.  One thing to be keenly aware of, is that we are in a time in history where false teachers / pastors are everywhere.  They are teaching from satan’s play-book by preaching what Man’s sin-filled heart wants to hear (in fact, I’m convinced we are in the Last Days due to recent prophecy fulfillment).  The Bible says that the lies would become so pervasive, and persuasive, that they would almost deceive the elect.

  • For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” (Mat 24:24)
  • Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” (1Jo 4:1)
  • “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.” (2Ti 4:3-4)
  • Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;” (1Ti 4:1)

The degree of apostasy in the Christian church is astounding at this point in time (2Th 2:3, note, the Greek for “Falling Away” in this scripture means Apostasy). 

However, regardless of the uncountable number of lie purveying apostate leaders in our churches and seminaries, Jesus has given us a way to be taught the Truth.  He certainly didn’t leave the teaching of His precious Truth solely in the hands of sin-filled Man.   He knows Man is inherently sinful at his core and that lies and disaster would ensue.  We are watching it now in the apostate church.

As you can see, God tells us that mankind’s heart is fundamentally evil (NOT good).  This is a Truth you need to mentally embed:

  • ”…I will never again curse the ground for man’s sake, although the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth;…” (Gen 8:21)
  • The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” (Jer 17:9)

Even our best works are no good:

  • “…But we are all like an unclean thing, And all our righteousnesses are like filthy rags; We all fade as a leaf, And our iniquities, like the wind, Have taken us away.” (Isa 64:6)

Jesus could have remained on earth and taught us Himself.  We certainly would have gotten the Truth that way.  However, Jesus said that it is better that He ascend to heaven so that He could send the Holy Spirit to Man.

  • Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you. (Jhn 16:7).
  • But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth” (Jhn 16:13)
  • But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.” (Jhn 14:26)

That’s pretty amazing, and exemplifies the importance of the Holy Spirit in the life of a Christian.  We need to seek and listen to the Holy Spirit.  This is especially important in this time where apostate teachers are everywhere. 

We need to read the Word of God and let HIM teach us through the Holy Spirit.  The relationship, understanding, and knowledge that the Holy Spirit provides enables us to readily discern the true teachers walking with God, from the apostate teachers following satan.  The Holy Spirit’s personalized instruction enables unhindered direct access to the Truth so that everyone can freely receive, embed, and apply the Truth in their lives.  The Church was built through the Holy Spirit teaching the body of Christ across the world and throughout time.

We discussed that there are physical laws (e.g., 1st and 2nd law of thermodynamics, etc.) and spiritual laws that govern all that we see and don’t see.  These laws exist, we didn’t make them, and we have no idea where they came from.  But we do know that we can never break them.  If we try, we pay the penalty, e.g., disagreeing with gravity and trying to prove it wrong by jumping off a cliff will deliver a swift and permanent correction to our judgment.   

So far, I haven’t mentioned the key spiritual law that satan uses against everyone so that he can bring about their destruction.  It is the Law of sin and death.

  • For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.(Rom 8:2)

The Bible tells us that the judgment for sin is deathOne sin gives the same penalty as 20 sins because they all get the same judgment (death).  The number of sins is irrelevant to the judgment, as well as the nature of the sin.  The Law doesn’t say “really bad” sin gets a different judgment than “less extreme” sin.  They are all sin, thus they all have the same judgment (death).  This is actually good, because if God made a solution for us for the death we owe, then it applies equally well to:  1) folks that have sinned an uncountable number of times with what we’d call horrible sins (e.g., murder); and 2) to folks that have not.  It will cover everyone because everyone has the exact same penalty to pay (death).

You may have heard people say, Jesus died to save us from our sin.  For a long time, even after I became a Christian, I could never understand why God made such a crazy rule.  Why didn’t He make something else like…”if you sin, you must squash a pumpkin on your floor, give money to a poor person, and do 10 good things…then your sins will be forgiven”.  I could never understand why He needed to leave Heaven, put on flesh, be tortured, and then slaughtered to pay for my sin.  I just couldn’t understand why He’d make such a strange rule…at least if I smashed a pumpkin, gave money to the poor, and did 10 good things, then it would be “me” paying for my own wrong actions…that made more sense to me.  However, I also knew God knows more than me, so I accepted that there was a good reason, and that He’d tell me about it when I got to Heaven.

I got my answer many years later in the form of a story.  I will share it with you in case you have a similar question (I don’t know who 1st told it, but I’m sure the originator was the Holy Spirit).

A women was speeding in her car and was pulled over by a policeman.  He gave her a ticket.  Since she was going pretty fast she had to go to court. 

The judge that presided over her case was a good judge, honest, very well respected, and always ruled consistent with the law. 

She stood before the judge and he asked her, “were you speeding?”   She said, “yes.”  He slammed down his gavel and said you are fined $50.

He then got up from the bench, took off his judge’s robe, walked over to the county clerk, pulled out his wallet, and paid the $50 dollars.

The question is, WHY DID HE DO THAT?

The answer is, because it was his daughter. 

The same thing happens when we sin.  The law of sin and death stipulates that we owe one death

When we stand before God, He will look at us with eyes burning with love for His beloved child, and ask us, “did you sin?”  We must say “yes” because everyone has sinned (Rom 3:23).  Then He must bang-down His gavel and say, the judgment is death.  He must pronounce this judgment because it is the law and He is perfect, holy, and just.  Then He took-off his heavenly form, put on flesh in the form of Jesus and came to the earth He created, lived a sinless life and paid the “death” for us on the cross.  With this ultimate act of love completed, He ascended back to Heaven and offers the free gift of one “death-penalty credit” to anyone that wants to receive it so that they can choose to go to Heaven instead of going to Hell.  Jesus’ final words on the cross were “it is finished” (Jhn 19:30), i.e., the job He came to do was complete (“death paid”).

It is important to understand that we have the same option as the woman who was caught speeding.  She could have said, “NO, I’ll pay the $50 myself, I don’t want or need your help Dad.”  Likewise, people can chose to accept the free “death-penalty credit” offered through Jesus, or in their arrogant self-righteous pride, reject it and continue to chase after their personally hand-crafted god that they’ve created in their own image or the imaginary god satan made that makes them feel like they can work their way into heaven.  If they choose the latter, their god is powerless and will not be able to pay their death-penalty and save them.  They will pay it with their own lives and join satan for eternity in Hell (this has been satan’s ultimate goal all along).  God has given us “free will” to choose whatever direction we want to go.  God doesn’t send people to Hell, they choose to go there by intentionally erecting and worshipping their own god.  A god that can’t save them.

God went through these spectacularly drastic measures to offer His children a permanent heavenly escape from the incredibly unthinkable consequences of their own actions.  The Law of Sin and Death is just as real and unbreakable as the physical laws that govern the world we can see and can’t see (radio waves, etc.).  God went through these extraordinary measures because of His immeasurable love for us.  This is a video testimony (Segment 1, Segment 2) from a college professor that endeavors to explain the overwhelming love of God that he experienced when he died and returned to life (Note: he was an atheist before he died and visited the gates of hell and the gates of heaven before God sent him back to earth…he came back to life in the hospital as a Christian…much to the surprise and chagrin of his atheist wife).

Just think about it from His perspective…He left the perfection of Heaven, came to the earth He created in Jesus, humbly submitted Himself to the people He created, lived a perfect sinless life, sacrificed His life, and was resurrected by His own power enabling payment for each person’s death-penalty.  Keep in mind, He did this all the while His children were cursing His name, worshiping satan, sacrificing their children to satan’s god named Baal by burning them to death, rejecting Him over and over again, doing the opposite of what He commanded them to do, etc

This helps exemplify the incomprehensible level of love that He has for all His beloved children (no matter what they’ve done, or are doing…somehow He still loves us enough to die for us…mind-boggling love).  The Bible says that when a single person uses their free-will to choose the Truth and is saved, the heavenly hosts rejoice (Luk 15:10).

I mentioned earlier that God gives us a key test to discern if a teaching is the Truth, or lies.  This test relies on the ONE thing that satan would never include in his plethora of invented religions…

  • By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God.” (1Jo 4:2-3)

Some religions will say Jesus was good man, others will say He was a prophet, but none will ever say that Jesus is the Christ.  This is the absolute last thing satan wants people to know.  As you can see from all our previous discussions satan goes to incredible measures to keep this soul-saving Truth from people.

It is evident now why the Bible says that no one goes to Heaven except through Jesus (for obvious reasons).  It is not possible.  If it were possible, I’m pretty certain God would have worked the other avenues and avoided having to leave Heaven, put on flesh, be tortured, rejected, and mercilessly slaughtered in what doctors say is the possibly the most painful death (i.e., because it took a very long time to die on the cross, and the nails were driven into the main nerve channels in both the hands/wrists and feet, so the pain was excruciating as the weight of their bodies hung from their nerves).

  • Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. (Jhn 14:6)

The non-Christian Christians will say that there are many paths to Heaven.  They must think God is a masochistic idiot for coming to earth, putting on flesh, and being gruesomely slaughtered on the cross…for no apparent reason.  As we discussed, non-Christian Christians are unfortunately owned by satan; thus they are blind to reason and they believe and say what satan directs them to believe and say.

If you are not a Christian, and you are not sure what to do, ask yourself, “What is worst that could happen by believing the Bible is the literal Word of God?”.  Math & science verify it, and the testing of its Truth confirms it, the evidence in the world endlessly supports it.  There is nothing to lose by choosing to believe it (other than satan’s life-destroying shackles); and everything to gain (a day-by-day relationship with the God who made you and loves you regardless of your sins, and most importantly provides salvation from your death-penalty).

As discussed at the beginning of this letter, the truth-system you decide to believe and employ in your life solely determines your destiny.  And as we know, everyone has a truth-system because everyone chooses to believe something.  The question is whether it is actually true.  Making a mistake on this one has eternal irreversible consequences.   

If you’ve never said the Sinner’s Prayer to God then you NEED to start with this.  You may be just learning about all that God has done, and how it all works.  As such, this letter may be acting as the driver for a scheduled divine interaction between you and God for the first time (my heart jumps for joy just thinking about it).  God wants everyone to be saved; I’m sure you have been in His cross-hairs for a while, and I believe now is the time for you.

  • For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (1Ti 2:3-4)

If you’ve never said the Sinner’s Prayer because you’ve always attended a Christian church and/or you were raised in a Christian family for much of your life, and have assumed that that must make you a Christian and saved you from your death-penalty, IT DOES NOT.  There are plenty of people in Church that are not Christians.  As we discussed at the beginning of this letter, just because I stand in a garage, it does not make me a car.  Just because a person stands in church, it does not make them a Christian.  These non-Christian Christians think they are doing their “good deeds” by going to church, and giving money to the church, so they can gain entrance into heaven.  The Bible tells us that this self-righteous pride will get them nothing.  Contrary to the doctrine taught in the assorted religions satan created, we can’t work our way into Heaven, it is NOT “good-works” based.  If the debt that is owed by a person is the death-sentence, it can’t be paid by mowing the lawn.  It must be paid with a death.

  • Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ (Mat 7:22Mat 7:23)

If you haven’t said the Sinner’s Prayer, then you need to say it. 

What is the Sinners prayer?  The Sinner’s Prayer is a formal LEGAL ORAL CONTRACT between YOU and GOD.  Since God doesn’t lie, cheat, or steal, it is a contract that He will never break; meaning you are assured of salvation – permanently.  This contract is not limited to only your past sins; it covers all of your past, present, and future sins.  When it is instituted, it is a done-deal, complete, finished, fully executed unchangeable contract.  There is no “working” to attain salvation.  In fact you couldn’t.  Hell is the legal sentence for evil done in a person’s life.  The opposite is NOT trueHeaven is NOT attained by good things we do

  • For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith — and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of Godnot by works, so that no one can boast.” (Eph 2:8-9)

We all owe one “death” and it must be paid.  The Sinner’s Prayer is also a contract that God deeply desires His children to enter into.  He cares so deeply that He wrote it with His blood. 

  • “…He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross.” (Col 2:13-14)
  • And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.” (Col 2:15)
  • For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (Jhn 3:16)
  • that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Rom 10:9)

In a personal 1-to-1 dialogue with the God of the Bible you can (must):

  • Confess that you believe that Jesus died and rose from the dead;
  • Acknowledge that you are a sinner and need a savior; and then
  • Ask for Him to pay the death-penalty that you owe using Jesus’ death as payment on your behalf.

Say the Sinner’s Prayer out loud (don’t be ashamed), and talk to God the same way you’d talk to people.  He is not looking for you to speak in old-english with “thees” and “thous” and “hithers”.  He wants to hear from YOU!  He already knows you inside and out…every hair on your head and every thought in your mind.  He loves you more than you will ever be able to understand.

  • …neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Rom 8:38-39)

If you haven’t said this prayer, it is eternally consequential and the most important contract you will ever enter into.  After this, ask Him to fill you with the Holy Spirit, fill you with wisdom (Jas 1:5), then dig-in to His word, and start praying and talking with Him all the time about everything.  Yes everything!  He wants to hear from YOU, He loves to hear your voice!

  • Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1Th 5:17-19)
  • Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” (Phl 4:6-7)

I only ask this – Each night, pray to Jesus Christ and ask Him to be with you and guide you by the Holy Spirit, and tell Him that you will apply what you read.  And then start reading the New Testament (i.e., it starts with Matthew…then Mark, Luke, John, etc).  The New Testament starts about 3/4ths of the way through the Bible.  The Old Testament is before the New Testament and it covers the history and prophecies leading up to the fulfillment of God’s promised salvation that is recorded in the New Testament (i.e., the life and death of Jesus).  We need the Word of God to spiritually grow in much the same way that we need physical food (bread) to keep our bodies running. 

  • But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.‘ ” (Mat 4:4)

The Bible is the Word of God.  As such, we need a daily consumption of the Word to keep us spiritually healthy and to protect us from lies.  You’ll see that the depth of knowledge that the Holy Spirit reveals is endless.  People spend their whole lives reading the Bible, and the longer they spend with it, the more they learn.  The same Scripture they read 5 years previously reveals a new learning when they read it again in their new life circumstances.  God created a miraculous communication to us to save us, guide us, bless us, and protect us.  If we neglect it, it is to our own peril. 

Satan continuously tries to lie to Christians to make them stumble and/or dissuade others.  The Word of God and the Holy Spirit’s whispering in our ears gives us what we need to identify his lies and crush them with the Truth.  I regularly ask God to reveal the lies I have believed that are hurting me. 

For example, in the past I had believed one of satan’s lies.  He convinced me that God’s favor and love for me was dependent on my performance.  In essence, I erroneously thought that when I sinned, God was mad at me and God was going to have bad things happen to me to teach me a lesson.  Then the Holy Spirit brought me to the truth in the Bible to crush this lie that was stealing my joy and giving me the wrong understanding God’s nature.  In essence, that lie re-cast the nature of God in my mind to a cold judge looking for an opportunity to punish me; instead of the truth which is that He is a loving father who is my advocate, my protector, and doing everything good for me (blessing me, growing my faith through life circumstances, etc.).

  • There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus” (Rom 8:1)
  • For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.” (Heb 8:12)
  • For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jer 29:11)

Satan hates Christians.  He is always trying to make us sin and trying to introduce lies into our lives to harm us (as well as using his minions to attack us).  He can’t do anything to steal our salvation because that is a sealed contract – we are going to Heaven – period!  However he does try to make us believe that we’ve somehow lost our salvation, or make us believe that God is mad at us, by trying to sell us performance-based lies similar to what he did to me. 

His goal is to steal the joy and peace that God gives us by trying make us “self-condemn” though his accusations.  It should be understood that God may convict us if we’ve done something wrong so that He can keep us from hurting ourselves or others, but he doesn’t condemn us.  God wants us free from sin and guilt.  Satan wants us to be over-run with guilt.  Satan leverages the guilt he instills to crush us into useless self-focused, self-pitying, defeated pathetic amorphous blobs of whiny flesh that pose no threat to him, his army, or his agenda. 

What satan doesn’t want us to know is that:  he has no power over us (ZERO); God resides in us; we are free in Jesus; we are completely and irrevocably saved from our sin and going to heaven; we are fully protected by God; we are fully empowered by God; and we are positioned to bring about massive damage to his empire in his war against God and mankind, while we walk in full confidence with our all-powerful God that loves us far more than we can ever imagine. 

God is endlessly on our side.  As I mentioned, the Bible tells us that God is in us when we become Christians:

  • Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” (1Co 3:16)
  • One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.” (Eph 4:6)
  • At that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you.” (Jhn 14:20)

There are some religions that say that access to God comes through some intermediary.  For example:  the “church”, a priest, a pope, praying to dead apostles, praying to Mary, a spiritual leader that has gained unique access to God because of their holiness.  This concept is an anti-Biblical heretical lie crafted by satan to keep people from having a close relationship directly with God as He designed it to be, and as He desires it to be.  In fact, the Bible tells us that when we pray we should refer to God as “Abba Father”.  Abba is a very affectionate term, it is similar to a child calling his father “daddy” (Gal 4:6).  We are protected because He loves us.  He has all power and He is looking-out for us and He is in us.  This was very comforting when I became a Christian and realized I was on satan’s hit-list. 

The Bible tells us that the Word (the Bible) is the sword of the Spirit.  It is used to crush the lies of the enemy.   If you are a new Christian, today perhaps, DO NOT neglect the Word (i.e., commit to yourself to read the Bible daily).  It is your compass to daily navigate the world you can’t see so that you can have a safe, productive, and joy filled life-path to your final destination (Heaven).  It steers you away from damaging your ship on a shallow reef you can’t see, and keeps you away from hidden pirate vessels bent on hurting you.

When you read the Bible, don’t speed-read.  Read it slowly, deliberately, and thoughtfully and let Him put thoughts and understanding in your mind.  Remember, He created the mind and He created thought.  Pause after reading a paragraph or so, think about it, and let Him reveal insights and understanding to you.  As you ponder, ask yourself these three questions, “1) what does this say about God, 2) what does this say about mankind, 3) what does this say about me and my life”, and let the Holy Spirit teach you.  He will speak to you through the Word, change you from the inside out, breathe new life into you, free you from the lies that you have believed, saturate you with the Truth, imbed discernment in you, fill you with wisdom, and give you a direction and purpose for your life that will bring joy and peace. 

Through this, you’ll also find that the state of the world makes total sense when viewed through the lens of the Bible.  This remarkable lens was crafted by the master and maker of the all that is seen and unseen.  It is analogous to reading a book from cover-to-cover, and then watching the associated movie…you know exactly what is going-on, why, and what is to come.  Instead of watching a physical movie screen, the world around us is the movie screen.

The Bible tells us that the gate to destruction is wide and many choose to travel it; while the gate to life is narrow and few choose to travel it (Mat 7:13-14).  Despite God’s beckoning and calling for His children to use their free-will to choose Him, the inherent proud and rebellious nature of mankind seeks to establish themselves as the god of their life and they willfully travel the path that leaves them helpless when they ultimately face the law of sin and death.  As you can see at this point in our discussion, the chaotic world we see every day is a direct product of evil running rampant through the hands of those that are storming along the wide path of destruction.  They storm forward under the direct or indirect unction of satan and his lie paradigms that each person seeks to embrace as their truth-system; and this ultimately anchors and directs their every action, word, and thought.

Although it may seem like God is losing the battle, this is definitely NOT the case (in fact satan and his demons flee at the mention of Jesus’ name).  Everyone that will choose Him will be saved.  God is far too powerful to let anyone slip between His finger-tips.  We will not hear God say in Heaven, “Oh crap, if I’d have only engaged Bob in this way then he would have been with Me now…nuts…I’m all-knowing, but I obviously messed-up that one”. 

How God engages His children and how He works to draw them to Himself is something we don’t know; it is between God and each person.  In places where Christianity is illegal it is pretty amazing to see how God works (Iran).  As in the case of Kamal Saleem God engaged him via a theophany (i.e., direct appearance).  For other Muslim clerics/leaders that reside inside seemingly impervious walls of lies, it has been through dreams that He has spoken to them and prompted their miraculous conversions.  In China, the Holy Spirit came upon the children in an orphanage (Visions Beyond the Veil) or a young boy in rural China (The Heavenly Man).  In places where the Bible is legal, He may engage someone through something as simple as a letter with the Holy Spirit beckoning them in their heart to come to their loving Creator.  God will do what He knows is best to engage each person according to what He knows about their thoughts, beliefs, history, and innermost being.  They are His children that He loves beyond words; and as we mentioned earlier, He says that He desires that all should be saved:

  • who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (1Ti 2:4)

The only thing He has asks you and me to do is to respond to His call and walk with Him; the rest is His business.  I haven’t mentioned it so far, but His plan to save His beloved children from their actions also includes the folks that lived before Jesus, see Rom 3:25.  If you have been given this letter, or inadvertently come across it, then I believe that God is reaching-out to you (or reaching-out to someone you know).

I’m genuinely hoping that the work writing this letter has not been only for me, and that it will help pave the way for you (or someone you know) to connect with Jesus.  There is no “walking on the line” with Jesus, we have to deliberately pick His side (the Truth) and reject the other.  This is a black or white topic, there is no gray. “He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad.” (Mat 12:30).  We know a tree by its fruits (Luk 6:44).  We all need to ask ourselves, are my fruits (beliefs, actions, and lifestyle) from a tree that is rooted-in Jesus?  Is my truth-system true

Only you and Jesus can answer these questions. 

God did not make robots when He made us.  He made us in His image.  As such He has given us “free will” to choose.  Choose well…more than you can ever understand depends on it!!!

Sincerely,  Your brother in Christ


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This site is solely for those who wonder “WHY” as they ponder the chaos of our world